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Nuke-network at the dawn of a new way of working together |
nukeevangelist writes "NukeCops.com has seen phenomenal growth in recent years. In many ways, it has been a great success story. we are are at the dawn of a new way of working together, thanks in large part to technological advances that allow a radically superior mode of innovation than ever before.
Sharing: Its what drew the developers, users, hackers and everyone else together...
To share the challenge and the possibilities of new innovations - that belief is shared by the large Nuke group. At the global nuke-group we believe sharing is the way to create better ideas - ideas that can move the community, the code, and the world [all together] forward.
UMPCFoucus-the global group of Nukers welcomes the 40,000 user on NukeCops.com |
nuke_reporter writes "The global group of Nukers welcomes the 40,000th user on NukeCops.com
UMPCFoucus - you are welcome! NukeCops.com is happy to see your arrival here! 40,000th users that share ideas, code and knowledge.
BTW: Now we have more than 40 countries with support sites. Soon we will have a very tight support-network with a pervasively networked global community: good conditions to bring one of the best weblogs ahead!
Sharing: It's what drew the developers, users, hackers and everyone else together...
To share the challenge and the possibilities of new innovations - that belief is shared by the large Nuke group. At the global nuke-group we believe sharing is the way to create better ideas - ideas that can move the community, the code, and the world [all together] forward.
Again - UMPCFoucus - welcome!"
Celebrate crossing the threshold of 40,000 users: towards the very bright future |
nuke_reporter writes "The next days will be a ongoing celebration: seeing NukeCops.com crossing the threshold of 40,000 users is true fun and a valid celebration.
We can see, the Nuke-future is very bright!
There have been many milestones that NukeCops.com has toppled since its opening, but none have been of such great stature as this one. NukeCops.com soon crosses the threshold of 40k users and such an achievement accomplished in several years - 40,000 users that share ideas, code and knowledge.
Sharing: Its what drew the developers, users, hackers and everyone else together... To share the challenge and the possibilities of new innovations - that belief is shared by the large Nuke group. At the global nuke-group we believe sharing is the way to create better ideas - ideas that can move the community, the code, and the world [all toghether]forward.
The ideas are the inspiration - share your thoughts - share your ideas - here on this site. Within a culture of idea-sharing and generalized social exchange, knowledge as the main resource of the community is multiplied by giving it away freely to others and thus, fosters contribution behavior.
Friendship, peer reputation and external feed-back provided by the global Nuke community combined with individual gain of knowledge, constitutes the self-sustaining system of exchange in the global nuke group." "
A big celebration ahead: NukeCops.com soon hits the 40,000 user level |
nuke_reporter writes "Hello all - good day dear friends on NukeCops.com
Very, very soon NukeCops hits the 40,000 user-level. Let us celebrate the good thing and our very strong community.
PHP-Nuke has a long success story - and is generally known as one of the CMS with the most pervasive networked developer & supporter-group.
We have hundreds of developers PHP-Nuke can rely on. From Alaska to NukeKorea the world is full of PHP-Nukers that the 200,000 Nukers can rely on. Celebrate the great news. Many enthusiasts join the group. In this year we grow and grow. The future is very, very bright! - and Nukecops.com is a great part of this future."
38 000 Nukers share ideas, code move the community & the world forward |
nukeevangelist writes "We believe that information matters :: here at NukeCops we share it, use it and multiply it. Nukecops.com a great place for idea sharing and generalized social exchange:
soon 38000 users share the ideas, multiply the knowledge n´ move the community forward.
Thanks to every user - thanks to every user of the 38000!
BTW: To share ideas that’s the philosophy that guides the PHPNuke-group since the beginning; Its what drew the developers and users the hackers and all together. At the global nuke-group we believe sharing is the way to create better ideas - ideas that can move the community, the code, and the world forward. "
Sorry again: but with good news! |
Sorry again guys for the trouble with this hacker. But some good news: I finally got access from TogetherTeam to help run this site. This means I can patch things up.
It may take weeks to properly fix things up to the latest phpNuke stable versions. But I will do my best. Right now, I have implemented some stop-gap measures to stop the hacker, removing the uploads and preparing to upgrade many of the broken scripts here.
Please be patient, I hope you will be ready for changes. I'm definitely here to support the Nuke community - just tell me if you have any ideas or suggestions
Evaders99 writes "Sorry guys, my account was hacked to promote this phpNuke 8.0 trash. It is NOT phpNuke 8.0.. it has not been released. I don't work with FB, nor do I ever release unpatched versions of phpNuke.
I'm hoping TogetherTeam will help me track down this hacker and get NukeCops properly patched and secured.
Again, I'm so sorry.. remember to keep a good virusscaner running and make sure to be careful what you down.
EDIT: And again, this dumb script kiddie strikes again. Note: I don't have any access here at NukeCops to fix any of this, TogetherTeam runs the site. I have asked them for access in order to fix things.
There are no good hackers, only stupid script kiddies."
At NukeCops 37400 share ideas, multiply the knowledge n move the commuty forward |
nukeevangelist writes "We believe that information matters :: here at NukeCops we share it, use it and multiply it.
Nukecops.com a great place for idea sharing and generalized social exchange: Now more than 37400 users share the ideas, multiply the knowledge n´ move the community forward. Thanks to every user - thanks to every user of the 37400!
BTW: To share ideas that’s the philosophy that guides the PHPNuke-group since the beginning; Its what drew the developers and users the hackers and all together. At the global nuke-group we believe sharing is the way to create better ideas - ideas that can move the community, the code, and the world forward. "
NukeCops: triggering the development and supporting the Nuke-discourse |
nukeevangelist writes "towards the measure of benchmark in innovation processes [-cycles] in the [NUKE-GRID]
NukeCops helps in innovation development and distribution. thanks to this great site [and some others] we speed up the rate innovation - and keep the [module-]development in an permanent process. the nuke-network development is a largely self-organized and managed process. it is working witout a break. Here three factors help. "Innovation development, production can function entirely when....
(1) at least some users have sufficient incentive to innovate,
(2) at least some users have an incentive to voluntarily reveal their innovations, and
(3) diffusion of innovations by users is low cost" [cf e. van hippel 2003]
...and here NukeCops comes into play - it triggers the development process and helps to keep the development in an ever evolving, not ending process. While other sites are file-respositories, NukeCops supports the discourse, diffusion of innovations by users and for users.
Assumption: We can consider open source projects as interactive systems where [software and] knowlege creation, shaping, and maintaining happens in, through and with commuication. Every site that supports communication supports also the innovation.
Nukecops is somewhat a discourse of Universe for the nuke development - or a universe of discourse for the nukeworld. "
NukeCops: a hotspot in the global Nuke-architecture of innovation |
nukeevangelist writes "NukeCops: a true hotspot in the global Nuke-architecture with leading [Grid-] capabilities
now more than 150 000 developers, users and friends participate in creating, testing and shaping code, knowledge and assets of the most diverse kinds. NukeCops.com is a great place for knowlege sharing and in someway a hotspot in the
global architecture and network of nuke-friendes; some of the leading capabilities:
- pervasive intercontected [ubiquity]
- shock resistence [ability to regenerate]
- redundance [each ressource has its copy] and lots of others more....
leading capablities - others were trying to compete - often without success we show that later. PHPNuke can rely on a very pervasive environment. Our worldwide network-architecture has a very high capability to regenerate itselve, because we allways can count on a broad variety of participating agents and exploit a large pool of circulating resources. All the developer and hacker are interacting in a loosely integrated ways. So the whole PHPNuke-project exploits the power of diversity to the purpose of the creation new innovations and new knowledge. "New knowledge hardly emerges in frozen environments but more easily springs out of diversity and surprise wich only can occur in loosely integrated systems where is room for controversies and multiple views."*"
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