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NukeCops: triggering the development and supporting the Nuke-discourse
Nuke Copsnukeevangelist writes "towards the measure of benchmark in innovation processes [-cycles] in the [NUKE-GRID]

NukeCops helps in innovation development and distribution. thanks to this great site [and some others] we speed up the rate innovation - and keep the [module-]development in an permanent process. the nuke-network development is a largely self-organized and managed process. it is working witout a break. Here three factors help. "Innovation development, production can function entirely when....

(1) at least some users have sufficient incentive to innovate,
(2) at least some users have an incentive to voluntarily reveal their innovations, and
(3) diffusion of innovations by users is low cost" [cf e. van hippel 2003]

...and here NukeCops comes into play - it triggers the development process and helps to keep the development in an ever evolving, not ending process. While other sites are file-respositories, NukeCops supports the discourse, diffusion of innovations by users and for users.

Assumption: We can consider open source projects as interactive systems where [software and] knowlege creation, shaping, and maintaining happens in, through and with commuication. Every site that supports communication supports also the innovation.

Nukecops is somewhat a discourse of Universe for the nuke development - or a universe of discourse for the nukeworld.

From time to time we ask what helps Innovation development to keep the production, process in a permanent state of flux.

[Q] What enables the Nuke-Movement to remain viable and thrive in the future. what are the driving forces in innovation of open source production; what are its constraints, and the factors likely to promote the continuous growth of the open-source. how to identify some opportunities for improvement within the phpnuke-development.

We limit the question to the augmentaion on the module-development-process.with special augment to the module -deveopment process we see
how our modules development processes match up to the needs of the users.

Well Nukecops helps to keep the development viable and thrive."
Posted on Sunday, October 23 @ 00:28:24 CEST by VinDSL
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