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Forum posting
Nuke CopsOK..time for a reminder.
Before anyone ever makes their first post in the Forums to ask for help, they need to
Failure to read that and understand it and follow it will get your post deleted. No more locking. Any posts that are not follwing the guidelines will simply get deleted. So make sure you title your post appropriately and also follow the Forum etiquette posting guidlines detailed in the above link I gave. No repeat posts and please post in the correct forum.

The reason for this is because of the tremendous amount of REPEAT posts in the forums and posts that are titled with POOR titles by users, etcetera.

It is a lot of work for the Mods and Support staff to follow up on all posts and the abundance of what I call "junk" posts has increased and is clogging up the forums. It's nearly ridiculous.
DO NOT post a question in the Forums unless you have extinguished all other resources first, like SEARCHING!

nukecops is a site that prides itself on Professionalism and proficiency. The users of Nukecops are also expected to behave in the same such manner when posting in the Forums.

Thanks, Nukecops Staff
Posted on Friday, October 24 @ 11:41:10 CEST by [RETIRED]mikem
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Re: Forum posting (Score: 1)
by wjcreek on Friday, October 24 @ 12:26:34 CEST
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The price of success is hard work...

When you provide a product on the public market, free or otherwise, you are creating expectations that what you are offering will do what is expected....doh!

When your product fails people's expectations, they get angry...doh, again!!

When people get angry and can't find a solution from the people responsible for the product, they react...

If you don't want to deal with people's negative reactions, then 1) close your forums, 2) close your site, 3) offer real solutions to their problems 4) withdraw the product.....doh, doh, doh!

It's really nice to have 50+ people register at your site daily, until they start expressing their disappointments... hey, get a life and become part of the real world....!

The price of success is hard work....!

Re: Forum posting (Score: 1)
by scottr on Friday, October 24 @ 13:15:23 CEST
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I think part of the problem is that searching the forums kinda sucks.
For instance, if i want to search for posts regarding Page Numbers, i can't find just those posts.
When i search for page numbers i get 187 posts.
When i search for page AND numbers i get 187 posts.
When i search for "page numbers" i get 187 posts.
They all show posts than contain either page or numbers.
That is not what i want.
I know there is only a handful of posts for Page Numbers.
So once the search capability works as expected i think
you'll find less repeat posts.
If you know how to search for that, please post here,
that will help alot.

Re: Forum posting (Score: 1)
by RedGerry on Friday, October 24 @ 14:06:46 CEST
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I work nights and often trawl the unanswered posts to see if I can lend a hand. It's something I've not done so much lately for the very reasons stated. Help!! Is a natural human expression but if your going to make progress you have to be more communicative.

It can be fiddly to search the forums but the number of repeat posts has drained my enthuisism for involvement. There are some basic rules and it might be an idea to post them now. If I read a post I want to know..

Problem - specific
Nuke Version
Hosting Arrangement
Clues/Additional Info

and if it's a running problem.. the URL

I was delighted to see the Godricks Hollow site get great publicity but I remember him on here 6 weeks ago desperate for help to get his site working. Well it work's now and even if only a little the community can feel it helped. I hope nukecops continue to spawn success but with 1000's of members there will definitely be those who expect to be carried. As far as the first comment goes.. yes the fruits of success..

Re: Forum posting (Score: 1)
by sting on Friday, October 24 @ 14:44:36 CEST
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Maybe some helpful hints with searching - I have found that if I select the button that says "Search for all terms" I get a much cleaner result group.

The only issue with the incessant questions without searching is that the posts go up and up and never seem to get answered. Searching would help cut down on the number of unanswered posts...

And one other thing - BE A PART OF THE COMMUNITY! We NEED you! If you find an answer to your problem, answer your own question in the forum!

I can't tell you how many posts I have answered only to get a response of "yeah, I found that a long time ago..."


Ok, back to work.


Re: Forum posting (Score: 1)
by VinDSL on Friday, October 24 @ 19:05:09 CEST
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There are a couple of things I would like to add here. These are simple suggestions, but they might help YOU out in the future.

1) While the support ppl on this site try to answer questions in a timely manner, this is NOT the PHP-Nuke Hotline, i.e. like dialing 911. Maybe that's the way it will be someday, but for now EVERYONE needs to be patient, and work inside the system that exists - be it as it may.

2) Most ppl are fully aware that the search function in PHP-Nuke sucks. No news here. So, what's a person to do? Use Google. That's what I do, and I suggest you do the same.

If you don't already have 'Google Toolbar' installed on your computer, here's the URL: []

Instead of using the search feature in PHP-Nuke, use the Google Toolbar. 99% of the time, it will direct you right back here anyway. What you will be doing is bypassing the weakest search engine known to man with the '600-pound gorilla' of search engines - Google. This way, you get the best of all possible worlds...

Hope this helps!

Re: Forum posting (Score: 1)
by poppafrog ( on Saturday, October 25 @ 03:35:02 CEST
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I am in total agreement with both sides of each comment posted and wish to offer yet one more negative, unfortunately.

The READ THIS page contains links to problems, yet is a problem in itself.

On the issue of User Status: Offline, links are offered with a "fix" stating the problem no longer exists.

That is nice, but the links are dead.

Results in:

Download Profile: This download id is invalid.

If we can't find answers on nukecops, why should we click on links only to have to search yet again on someone else's site when it has been stated quite arrogantly that the problem has been resolved.

Each time the statement has been made that the problem has been resolved the fix is never posted anywhere.

It's like being called to dinner, only to find an empty plate.

Re: Forum posting (Score: 1)
by dennis36nc on Saturday, October 25 @ 10:18:45 CEST
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When I realized that I was going to be using Nukecops as a resource I immediately became a premium member. Its been a great resource. At $25 it's a bargain. A descent php book will set you back at least $50.

I would be willing to pay more.

Re: Forum posting (Score: 1)
by migueis on Saturday, October 25 @ 19:53:22 CEST
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Thre are a bug on the read this post:

Search for the following block of text:Code:
// Debug Level
//define('DEBUG', 1); // Debugging on
define('DEBUG', 1); // Debugging off

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