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TrackBack Modification for PHP-Nuke
PHP-Nukemosizzle writes at Insinuendo: Several months ago—practically an eternity in Internet time—Zhen-Xjell pondered here and there about enabling TrackBack for PHP-Nuke. Although from the looks of it, there was not much response, I agree that it may be the next step in the evolution of PHP-Nuke (and possibly for TrackBack as well). But alas, in all those months, nobody appears to have done anything. Well, I've almost done it...

This past Tuesday, I got a bug up my ass, and decided to sit down and try to understand this whole TrackBack thing. In general, I knew what it was, but never had I dug into the technical details of it. I printed the technical specs available at the MovableType website. Boy, was I surprised when only six pages printed out.

A few sleepless nights of coding after work, and presto... my implementation of TrackBack for PHP-Nuke was well underway. Here's what I did so far:

  • Wrote TrackBack function library in PHP.
  • Modified some of the Story Submission forms in the Admin panel to enable the entry of a TrackBack URL for the related story.
  • Added requisite tables in MySQL database.
  • Created a processing queue to review and resolve failed TrackBack pings.
  • Modified index and articles pages to include the TrackBack link for each news article.

    Unfortunately, I've never used MovableType, so I don't know what the features are. However, being the PHP-Nuke fan that I am, I decided to take a content-management approach to the problems, so (for example) the Authors on the site can review and publish the TrackBack pings that are received for each article (configurable).

    I have a few more features to add, such as flood control, IP banning, Blog Banning, and some blocks to present some of the information in an interesting way. I also want to modify the user's Story Submission form (I'll work on that this weekend).

    If anyone has any interest in this project, please let me know. I will try to get everything packaged up into a distributable format one of these days (probably after development has progressed a bit further).

    Finally, I would like to comment further on Zhen-Xjell's commentary. I think I feel an addiction coming on... Although I am rather new to PHP-Nuke, I have nothing but respect for the community as a whole and the developers who have worked on or contributed to it. PHP-Nuke inspires me (it seems to do that to people), with its community spirit and the seeming endless possibilities for the software to evolve and stay fresh. It is truly amazing.


    Admin Note: I would love to help you with this! It actually slipped my mind.
  • Posted on Saturday, October 11 @ 21:21:42 CEST by Zhen-Xjell
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    Most read story about PHP-Nuke:
    PHP-Nuke new development direction (part 2)

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    Updated Status (Score: 1)
    by mosizzle (mosizzle (at) insinuendo (dot) org) on Sunday, October 12 @ 20:06:35 CEST
    (User Info | Send a Message)
    First, I was (pleasantly) surprised to see my article posted here on NukeCops. I guess that explains all the traffic coming to my new little website.

    As for the status of this project, all the big things (and even many little things) are completed, but there are some final touches required before I can put it out there.

    It will be soon...

    Cool. (Score: 1)
    by yrret on Saturday, October 11 @ 22:57:16 CEST
    (User Info | Send a Message)
    I think it will be great to have something like this. Moveable type is pretty dang cool, and if it wasn't for the Nuke Cops guys I would probably jumped but I'm hanging in there. I think Track Back would help to grow the casual user base as well.

    • Re: Cool. by kiint on Sunday, October 12 @ 16:09:47 CEST
      • Re: Cool. by mosizzle on Sunday, October 12 @ 19:48:34 CEST
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