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Team Work: Zhen-Xjell Ponders... Could PHP-Nuke Use Trackback?
PHP-NukeMany of you know that I'm involved with PHP-Nuke very heavily (Computer Cops, Nuke Cops, Analyzer, Google Tap, nukephpbb, among others). From all the different CMS types on the planet, nothing beats it. PHP-Nuke is number one and Francisco does a great job leading.

Placing on the thinking cap, I'd like to discuss a new idea I've had since installing a new website of mine: Its based on a Perl package called MovableType version 2.6 (patched properly of course).

The news articles have what is called a "trackback" link. I figure such an option in PHP-Nuke would only serve to make the Nuke community even more global and interactive.

Ok, what is trackback?

The project development is found here. The definition, and I quote:

this standalone script can be used to power a distributed content repository

In a nutshell, say we take this specific news article that you are reading right now and enable it for trackback. Now you would go to and find that another similar article exists that tracksback to this one here that you are reading. If you click the trackback link of this article that you are reading right now, you'd see all the user comments at, and any other sites that "trackback" to this one here at Nuke Cops.

Ok, a nutshell in a nutshell... now what you've done is create a global distributed comment scheme. You will no longer see just the comments to an article on one site, but comments to an article on every site that links back to this one.

Such a tool exists called standalone trackback and the requirements are here: click me. It seems that most hosts should already have them fulfilled. But is that the way to go for PHP-Nuke? Perhaps there is another strictly PHP workaround?

So what are your thoughts in turning news articles comments into a global distributed medium? I think it would be a great a new concept for PHP-Nuke.
Posted on Tuesday, February 18 @ 21:24:43 CET by Zhen-Xjell
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Re: Zhen-Xjell Ponders... Could PHP-Nuke Use Trackback? (Score: 1)
by spapoops on Tuesday, February 18 @ 21:41:23 CET
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Sounds like what xml has "promised" is intended to do.

Only issue I have is that on a commercial site, you want all links to point to your site and not provide a way out.

Of course if you had several sites that complemented each other or where part of the same family (newspaper chain for instance) this would be ideal.

Thanks for the discussion!


Re: Zhen-Xjell Ponders... Could PHP-Nuke Use Trackback? (Score: 1)
by gsicard on Wednesday, February 19 @ 06:46:31 CET
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I think that is a wonderful idea and would use it. My site is about Molosser Dogs [] and I am trying to get other owners to use PHPnuke. So the "trackback" feature would fit in nicely. Go for it... I'll be one of the first to install it.


Re: Zhen-Xjell Ponders... Could PHP-Nuke Use Trackback? (Score: 1)
by bushtit on Monday, June 30 @ 21:39:26 CEST
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I've recently moved from Movable Type to Nuke, and one of the only things I miss about it is Trackback.

Not only would I find it extremely useful if someone would build a trackback mod for nuke, but I think the numbers in the nuke community would grow exponentially if there were good reasons to lure people using traditional blogging software to more full featured CMS packages.

Has anyone done anything more with this since this post was written?

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