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NukeCops: PHP-Nuke

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[ Go to Home | Select a New Topic ] releases nukeSPAM(tm) to block spammer registration
PHP-Nukekbgus writes "nukeSPAM(tm) enables sites using the RavenNuke(tm) content management system (CMS) and other PHP-Nuke distributions to prevent user registration by known spammers. It features:
  • Configurable blocking via 3 spam databases and 14 DNS blacklists
  • Advanced logging, reporting and false positive resolution
  • Advanced whitelist maintenance
  • Administrator function to check if username, email and / or IP address are blocked
Although nukeSPAM(tm) administration automatically creates the necessary database tables, integration with user registration requires code changes (instructions are included for RavenNuke(tm) Your Account).

nukeSPAM(tm) can be downloaded here. Download requires 7-zip. Free membership is required to download."
Posted by VinDSL on Friday, February 17 @ 19:36:26 CET (23817 reads)
(comments? | Score: 3.02)
PHP-Nukedicestudio writes "Hi fellow nukers.

Dice is Back at and guess what? I am celebrating 6yrs making custom work for php-nuke.

I invite you all to come take a look around no matter what your needs are we at can assist you.

And dont forget I specialize in custom work as well so feel free to ask for a quote.

We cover all php-nuke packages: php-nuke 5.6-7.9, php-nuke Platnum, php-nuke evo.

I am Back in full effect

My New web site URL is

My MSN is

Hope to hear from you soon!"
Posted by VinDSL on Tuesday, September 21 @ 09:01:17 CEST (22742 reads)
(comments? | Score: 2.76)
Nuke Legacy Services
PHP-NukeHitman writes "Are you looking for someone to install PHP-Nuke for your website for a cheap price? Maybe your looking for someone to install mods for a small price? Head on over to Nuke Legacy and order our services.

Nuke Legacy are always looking to make a few extra bucks, we don't charge outrages prices for work. We have had plenty of happy customers. So why not give Nuke Legacy a shot?

You can head on over to our official page here:

Once there, you can see all of our cheap affordable prices. Hope to hear from some of you!

Nuke Legacy"
Posted by VinDSL on Wednesday, February 17 @ 16:59:21 CET (24421 reads)
(comments? | Score: 1)
Professional Nuke Installation/Repair/Custom Services
PHP-NukeXtreme21 writes "For 3 1/2 years Nuke Install has become the top Nuke Professional Installation Service Company on the net. With over 200 installations, conversions, and upgrades provided to date, we have developed services useful to both newcomers and the experienced users of the various Nuke systems. Customers can have piece of mind knowing that we have a 100% customer satisfaction rate. We work closely with each and every customer to ensure they get exactly what they would like in their web site. Many of our customers have become repeat customers or have hired us on a long term basis for ongoing work.

If you are new to the various Nuke systems or would like to have some custom work done, then I encourage you to stop over at Nuke Install and see if we can be assistance. We offer a large array of services including but not limited to the following:

* Nuke Installations
* Nuke Conversions
* Nuke Upgrades
* Module/Block/Theme Installs
* Forum Mod Installs
* Nuke Security checks and Installs
* Repairs and Troubleshooting
* Custom Work on Request

If our professional services sound like something that interest you, but you are still not convinced. Feel free to checkout what our customers have to say in our forums.

Nuke Install "
Posted by VinDSL on Wednesday, December 23 @ 06:49:30 CET (9492 reads)
(comments? | Score: 0)
Twitter Button Module
PHP-Nukedementeddogz writes "You can view this module in action here [ Demo Twitter Button Module for phpnuke ]

You can download it here [ Download Twitter Button Module for phpnuke ]

Allows you to add a listing of twitter buttons with copy and paste functions for your users. See demo for more information.
Tested on Php-Nuke 7.6 Should work fine on other versions.

Registration Required"
Posted by VinDSL on Tuesday, October 06 @ 20:26:58 CEST (7120 reads)
(comments? | Score: 0)
Professional Nuke Installation/Repair/Custom Services
PHP-NukeXtreme21 writes "For 3 years Nuke Install has become the top Nuke Professional Installation Service Company on the net. With over 200 installations, conversions, and upgrades provided to date, we have developed services useful to both newcomers and the experienced users of the various Nuke systems. Customers can have piece of mind knowing that we have a 100% customer satisfaction rate. We work closely with each and every customer to ensure they get exactly what they would like in their web site. Many of our customers have become repeat customers or have hired us on a long term basis for ongoing work.

If you are new to the various Nuke systems or would like to have some custom work done, then I encourage you to stop over at Nuke Install and see if we can be assistance. We offer a large array of services including but not limited to the following:

* Nuke Installations
* Nuke Conversions
* Nuke Upgrades
* Module/Block/Theme Installs
* Forum Mod Installs
* Nuke Security checks and Installs
* Custom Work on Request

If our professional services sound like something that interest you, but you are still not convinced. Feel free to checkout what our customers have to say in our forums.

Nuke Install "
Posted by VinDSL on Saturday, September 26 @ 06:43:31 CEST (7948 reads)
(comments? | Score: 0)
Social Bookmarking Mod for Php-Nuke
PHP-Nukedementeddogz writes "Social Bookmarking Mod for Php-Nuke now available for download. This mod will allow your forum users to add forum topics to social bookmarking websites like digg and stumbleupon, greatly increasing the potential traffic of your forum.

You may download it here [ Here ]

You may view it in action here [ Here ]

Tested on Php-Nuke 7.6 Should work fine on other versions.

Registration Required"
Posted by VinDSL on Saturday, September 19 @ 07:46:17 CEST (5894 reads)
(comments? | Score: 5) releases RavenNuke(tm) 2.4.0 RC 1
PHP-Nukekbgus writes "RavenNuke™ version 2.4.0 includes a mix of enhancements (new functionality), a new theme, additional security and a new utility, as well as improvements and updates to existing utilities, not to mention hundreds of fixes. Major enhancements include:
  • ContentPlus (previously an addon)
  • NukeProject (previously an addon)
  • nukeSEO(tm) DH - ability to dynamically generate and override HEAD tags (title, DESCRIPTION, KEYWORDS)
  • New SimplyBlue theme
  • CSRF Protection to the Core and all Modules
  • SQL profiling logic
Major updates and improvements include:
  • Update for IP2C and new IP2C tables
  • Update nukeWYSIWYG(tm) to FCKEditor version
  • Update File Compare Utility
  • Update Table Compare Utility
Download RavenNuke™ version 2.4.0 release candidate 1 at"
Posted by VinDSL on Thursday, September 17 @ 10:20:24 CEST (7423 reads)
(comments? | Score: 5)
Advanced News Block
PHP-Nukedementeddogz writes "A stylish compact center news block with all the features you could need to replace your default news.

You can view it on our index under latest News HERE

You can download it HERE

You must register to download"
Posted by VinDSL on Monday, September 07 @ 07:19:04 CEST (6009 reads)
(comments? | Score: 5)
Submit Your Php nuke modules, themes, news, Tips and blocks free of cost
PHP-Nukeashish54 writes "Outshine Solutions launches a phpnuke modules portal for php nuke users. This site will serve as one stop destination for php nuke users who want to download free php nuke modules, php nuke themes, php nuke blocks, php nuke tutorials and php nuke news. Users can download anything absolutely free of cost . Php nuke module developers and designers can upload their modules, blocks and themes and news and any tips free of cost and gain free publicity among nuke community. This site will serve as one stop destination for php nuke users who want to download free php nuke modules, php nuke themes, php nuke blocks and php nuke news and php nuke tutorials. For details visit

You can submit the content to website using the following urls:
Visit the website and download free php nuke modules and themes and enjoy the stay."
Posted by VinDSL on Saturday, August 29 @ 07:53:06 CEST (10124 reads)
(comments? | Score: 0)
Last 20 Forum Messages

[ NukeCops ]
Should phpNuke continue to support other databases besides MySQL?

Does anyone care?


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