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Nuke Cops: Professional Developer and Support Services
Nuke CopsWith the coming of this weekend Nuke Cops will begin to offer a special system of pay-for development and support services. Similar to Google Answers but not quite, folks will be able to use a new module we'll release to submit pay-for services at Nuke Cops. A various selection of fee structures will be announced that the customer can choose from. In the meantime, leave feedback via this site, and read on...

Any registered member will be able to participate as a customer, and as the developer/support person. Nuke Cops will be the "third party".

However, preference for resolving customer requests will always go to Elite Nukers. If no elite nuker takes the job, then the customer request will be open to the entire Nuke Cops registered membership.

The payout will be as follows: Customer sends payment to a Nuke Cops designated PayPal account. From there, 25% stays with Nuke Cops to continue fueling more projects and services. The other 75% will be payed to the member who completes the project.

The requirements to be involved in this Nuke Cops Professional Services are:
  1. Nuke Cops Membership
  2. Your own PayPal account
  3. Successful completion of project
Nuke Cops, after receiving the full 100% payment will disperse the 75% directly. If the member completing the project does not have a PayPal account, this member may be credited that amount and use it at Nuke Cops for premium membership, donation, or apply it for banner advertising. This credit may also be transferred to another Nuke Cops member.

The intial project request and all financial communication must be passed through Zhen-Xjell.

Submitting requests requires:
  1. As much detail as possible concerning the project,
  2. If project is accepted and before work begins, customer must submit 20% payment up front for good faith,
  3. Once project is completed per your request satisfactorily, the remaining 80% must be submitted.
Our AUP will be updated in the meantime to reflect Nuke Cops stance. A customer may decline to have a job accepted before it begins. The customer will know who the "contractor" is before assignment begins. Customer will have the right to request a specific "contractor".

Once a project begins it must finish in a reasonable amount of time. There will also be an adequate disclaimer for Nuke Cops. Depending on the size of the project and the money involved. Nuke Cops reserves the right to charge for the full 100% and hold it in escrow until the project completes satisfactorily.

The idea behind this whole endeavor is to not only bring another source of server income, but to also give our registered members (Elite Nukers Preference) to be paid for their time online doing what we always do. Most folks won't take this path, and that's ok. Some folks will, and to those of you who shall, we thank you in advance.

In this challenging economic time, this new service will help those who don't even have a job right now. They'll be able to help out and get paid for it. Stay tuned for more.
Posted on Friday, July 25 @ 22:35:50 CEST by Zhen-Xjell
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Re: Nuke Cops: Professional Developer and Support Services (Score: 1)
by cmsinfo on Saturday, July 26 @ 10:52:56 CEST
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Yeah.. Great IdeA..
But i have some quiestings...
If I don't have PayPal and I can't get it, can we pay throught E-Gold (
And How will you make all this job??? Mean will you make some module or what???
If you make a module then will it be free for download?

Re: Nuke Cops: Professional Developer and Support Services (Score: 2, Informative)
by MikeMiles on Saturday, July 26 @ 14:55:18 CEST
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If you make a module then will it be free for download?

That's something the payee and the programmer decide. They are under no obligation to release the code to others for free. If the code is GPL (which in many cases it may end up being) and IF one of them gives it to someone else that person can redistribute it for free or a fee.

As for this idea, I think the entire amount regardless of the price should be placed in escrow before any work is started. This protects the programmer from being stiffed. To protect the buyer, the programmer should not be given any advance money until his work is accepted.

I don't know the legal requirements for acting as an escrow, but the escrow agent is usually a neutral third party. Nukecops cannot be neutral as it intends to give preference of one group (closely associated with its own site) over another. A binding arbitration system is also needed to act as referee when the programmer has not delivered by an agreed upon date, the work is not acceptable to the buyer, or when someone else's copyright material ends up in the project without his permission (unless it's licensed to be used for free). The arbitrator must be a disinterested person who will look at all sides equally and be able to not favor friends if they are in the wrong.

Just because someone has a fancy title does not mean he is necessarily a good programmer or is even capable of completing a certain job. As such, I think all programmers interested in work should have a resume on file with samples of items they have coded. The buyer can then see the programmer's experience level (ie is he a 15-year old who has never programmed anything, has a couple years programming under his belt, has previously released a couple PHPNuke addons, etc). Lastly, I think there ought to be a rating system with comments of buyer to programmer and programmer to buyer. That way each side can take a look at someone's track record if there is one.

Re: Nuke Cops: Professional Developer and Support Services (Score: 1)
by activinet on Saturday, July 26 @ 16:32:38 CEST
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Z-X, Good plan. Do you already have a subscription plan for preferred nuke support? I don't mean Premium Membership. I'm looking for occasional assistance like that in the forums Install Help and Post-Install Help. Since that is entirely volunteer, and so many ask for help, my particular issue hasn't progressed. I think I'd be willing to pay perhaps $10-25/yr if I could get timely answers to my support issues in a private forum.

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