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Nuke Cops: Help defray costs, Support Us
Nuke CopsFolks, I made a bad decision to host with even though many people warned me in advance. But I have a hopeful heart and was taken advantage of.

I signed a year contract and they will not let me out of it. Staff here onsite suggested I come to the NC membership. The idea is if many members make a $5 US donation, I'll be able to recover from the remaining $600 dollars I owe to CIHost. If 120 members donate $5 each, that'll help cover the costs. If 180 members donate, that'll cover CIHost and startup/1st month fee at JagPC.

All donations would go back into the site. We're growing, and I've got plans to be here a long time. Today I'm working on creating a CVS website repository for PHP-Nuke, specifically for the betaNC bundle.

Lessons learned from this? Don't sign yearly contracts with your host. Thank goodness for And thanks to Raven for whispering in my ear to ask you for help.

References: CCSP, BBR. I should have listened.
Posted on Saturday, July 12 @ 22:03:59 CEST by Zhen-Xjell
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Re: Nuke Cops: Help defray costs, Support Us (Score: 1)
by Mickp on Sunday, July 13 @ 03:09:04 CEST
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Yes, I know what its like, I have been caught before. I will add my little to help soon.
Tis a shame too, because I now have 2 (dedicated) servers (1400gig/m band) at my disposal, but have to employ someone to maintain for me, I'm sure we could have helped eachother by barter and both won in the long run.
Donation is on the way (sorry, only small, 2 servers cost a little $$)

Re: Nuke Cops: Help defray costs, Support Us (Score: 1)
by intel352 on Sunday, July 13 @ 04:33:31 CEST
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i tried to msg you before about the servers, i believe

go with 800hosting if you want someone reliable... it's not the biggest company, but they have excellent support...

i recently made a mistake, and switched from to Dialtone/ there were higher machine specs, more bandwidth, and a nice server app, but support is non-existent, and trying to get an over-billing issue resolved is getting nowhere

800hosting told me that if i wanted to come back at any time, they would waive any setup fees, and set me up on *better* specs than what Interland offers, for the same monthly price that i paid before... that's how dedicated they are to keeping business

btw, when i was with 800hosting, almost all of my support requests were answered within a few hours, 24/7... so, i'm waiting for them to make the appropriate upgrades, and i'll soon be switching back *from* Interland

i've been with interland a few weeks, the server performance is nice, but when i can't get in touch with anyone there without it costing me extra money to elevate the urgency, then that's screwed...

anyways, check them out, they're supposed to be upgrading all of their plans soon, so maybe you'll catch onto something good ;)

Re: Nuke Cops: Help defray costs, Support Us (Score: 1)
by paris on Sunday, July 13 @ 04:41:44 CEST
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I too have been through the ringer with cihost we used to have about 10 sites there under their silver resellers plan and could not even connect via ftp to upload as there where over 300 sites on each server there service is terriable. I can however highly recommend they are the best host we have ever used and have fantastic support. NUKE COPS is the best php nuke site around and I will be sure to donate thanks again nukecops!!!!!!!!!

Re: Nuke Cops: Help defray costs, Support Us (Score: 1)
by intel352 on Sunday, July 13 @ 05:52:19 CEST
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btw, you could also ask FB for help, since you guys are contributing the majority of fixes to PHP-Nuke now...

just a suggestion, cus i think you guys should get reparations for your hard work

Re: Nuke Cops: Help defray costs, Support Us (Score: 1)
by foxyfemfem on Sunday, July 13 @ 12:21:38 CEST
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Hey ZX, You have my support after all I've gotten more than $5 worth of help from the site. I'm not familiar with paypal therefore, I'll assume all I do is click the paypal image on the mainpage and take it from there?

Re: Nuke Cops: Help defray costs, Support Us (Score: 1)
by secureoffice on Sunday, July 13 @ 13:19:54 CEST
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Well its too bad that you were warned and chose to ignore it. It's the real world and people screw you for money any time...MAybe the best thing to do is to make sure that it never happens again and that your nukecop members don't fall into the same trap.

Start a on going survey AND/OR forum article to allow people to give their experiences and votes on different hosting companies.

It all too easy for one sales person of a hosting company to stick a recommendation on forums page and then everyone follows like sheep thinkin they are getting afair advice.

Let the majority give their votes and then follow that. It's the best of abad situation.

Re: Nuke Cops: Help defray costs, Support Us (Score: 1)
by acizmendi on Sunday, July 13 @ 16:51:42 CEST
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I dont trust neither FB nor you. You both want to make money out of this nuke busines!!

Re: Nuke Cops: Help defray costs, Support Us (Score: 1)
by afc on Sunday, July 13 @ 19:28:24 CEST
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My offer still stands i can host you for free on my dedicated server. I have 700 gig a month and my gaming site and fourms only uses 400 gig a month. The rest is just being wasted, it yours for a asking.

Re: Nuke Cops: Help defray costs, Support Us (Score: 1)
by sharlein on Sunday, July 13 @ 21:59:20 CEST
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If you don't trust ZP, then don't donate. I, for one, can tell you that you are making a judgement without getting to know this site, or it's admin. I can tell you more than one of these people would up and run if there was any other motivation, other than helping people, but if you don't trust NukeCops, why would you trust me?

Re: Nuke Cops: Help defray costs, Support Us (Score: 1)
by kevin5 on Monday, July 14 @ 18:11:46 CEST
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What comes to my mind is this:
1) Despite all the facts in front of you, you still went with a known HORRIBLE host and also signed on for a year that any real company would certainly let you out of within 30 days.

2) You work for FB under the illusion that you're doing some great favor for the open source community. The fact that there's still not a single Nuke TEAM speaks volumes. This alliance is silly. Either there's a team or there's a splinter that's constantly crippled by the main projects delays and bugs.

You're a nice guy, but that doesn't mean you need to be a doormat. There's a difference. Being a doormat means you owe the CI crooks hundreds of dollars AND you slave labor for FB's benefit.

Here's your answer -
1) Rip CI for not providing service in good faith and threaten a user boycott on their service that they will cost them 1000's. If they let you out, you'll take all negative references to CI off this site. Have somebody else talk to them for you. I think they'll walk all over you and your trusting good intentions. It's OK to be a good person, but realize you're going to meet the opposite every single day until your Karma changes.

2) Hook back up with AI and NSN and build a free nuke coded CORRECTLY. You guys are smoking La La if you think Nuke can hold it's own (in it's current form) against Drupal or Tiki or a few other solid free products out there. If it wasn't for the migration headache, I'd have switched to Drupal already. If FB can accept that in order to win, he has to be a member of a team, then he can party too. Otherwise, cut him (Sorry FB but you've got to get real at some point, if you're scared to even have a forum/comments on your main site because of the revolution it would cause, then maybe there's something wrong, not something to fight).

3) It's been said before, but FB made an OK CMS that is only popular because of the add-ons and mods done by OTHER people (and the fact it was his FT job for a while). I have nothing against FB, but he's not Nuke and Nuke is not him. If he can realize that he needs to take some business and communication courses, and really work on getting along with others, then he has earned the chance to be the 'leader'. Otherwise, you guys need to realize that the 'board of directors' fires the 'CEO' when he is no longer helping the effort. AI may have made some mistakes, but honestly, I think he's on the correct long term course although I doubt he'll be able to pull it off without your team's help.

4) This is one great site and you all know who the people are in the Nuke community that really make things tick. Do yourself a favor and keep the stuff free, get market mass and then provide services or write books. Hold EVERYONE to the same high standard...AI had issues, so he's out. OK I can see that although I hope for a reconciliation. BUT THE SAME SHOULD APPLY TO FB. Anybody that hurts the project gets warned and then bounced, just like the real world.

5) If you guys do want to make a living at this. Stop looking for the best techies, start looking for a smart biz/marketing person to help shape this thing into a product. Treat it like a real commercial product, yet give it away for free. You'll make a mint as market share increases. Maybe ditch the Open Source and license - it's only good for idealists and offers no real IP protection. IBM's making a mint off Linux and they didn't do squat to make it. How many techs slaved "for fun" on the product to now be out of work and selling the house, wishing they had gotten something for all the effort they put in? Gotta love the MySql and JBoss guys - smart business.

I'm bashing a bit, but it's only because you guys should have a fighting chance. I could send you 5 bucks, but you don't need a handout you need to learn "how to fish". It's been questionable project management and business decisions around the Nuke community for some time, to the point I wonder how many Nuke leader

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