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Site: Staff Change: ArtificialIntel
Nuke CopsNuke Cops would like to thank ArtificialIntel for his overwhelming contributions to Nuke Cops and the PHP-Nuke community in general. As of today, the prevailing intellectual commitment Nuke Cops has made to the global community will continue as it always has with a bigger and brighter future that will detailed this week.

During the interim, we wish AI luck in his future as his interests and motives have recently taken a route different from Nuke Cops.

We at Nuke Cops will continue to make magnificient strides in the areas of customer support, module development, security enhancements, and just to simply continue offering a relaxing place to hang out as friends.

Thank you for your time and understanding.
Posted on Wednesday, June 04 @ 14:22:49 CEST by Zhen-Xjell
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Re: Staff Change: ArtificialIntel (Score: 1)
by steve on Wednesday, June 04 @ 15:13:24 CEST
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AI will definitely be missed. I am a new nuker, but to me he seems to be passionate about NukeCops and everything it stands for.

Goodluck AI!

Re: Staff Change: ArtificialIntel (Score: 1)
by jbsarma on Wednesday, June 04 @ 15:19:10 CEST
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I am sad that AI is leaving. He has been helpful although a bit erratic at times. But his commitement to PHPNuke was not at question. It would be helpful if we are keep posted with some insight as to what is happening in terms of future projects, behind the scene activities etc. and also if any agreement with FB has been arrived at.

Re: Staff Change: ArtificialIntel (Score: 1)
by chatserv on Wednesday, June 04 @ 16:00:48 CEST
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Best of wishes to AI in whatever ventures he decides to work on from now on and thanks for all the help.

Re: Staff Change: ArtificialIntel (Score: 1)
by Cergorach on Wednesday, June 04 @ 16:03:20 CEST
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Ok, I haven't been registered that long, but i have been reading AI's comments and advice (which was very useful btw.), especially the 'recent' discussion.

Now i have to wonder at the reasons of this 'sudden' development, especially now with the comming changes. I'm the curious type and as the curious type it's my sole reason of existence to ask questions. Here's my question: How exactly are AI's interests and motives different from Nuke Cops?

I know, some will consider this poking my nose where it doesn't belong, but that isn't my intention. I just want to know where Nuke Cops stands in relation to the rest of us.

Re: Staff Change: ArtificialIntel (Score: 1)
by Master-V on Wednesday, June 04 @ 16:26:15 CEST
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What did I miss? Why is AI leaving?

All the strange things that have been happening at Nukecops have really made me question this site. I still find it strange that AI came out of nowhere with the apology and now that he is suddenly leaving (with no explanation) I question if he was asked to leave. Furthermore, was he asked to apologize? Why all these strange things so recently?

AI, if you are out there, and you are still able to post on this site, let us know what happened?

Re: Staff Change: ArtificialIntel (Score: 1)
by mikem on Wednesday, June 04 @ 21:34:48 CEST
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Is this place falling apart? Just kidding.

Good luck AI wherever your path may lead you in life.

Zhen, Over at nukemods, we hope you guys continue on, otherwise we would have no reason to keep on developing themes with the Nuke community slowly crumbling around us...the future is bright though :-)


Re: Staff Change: ArtificialIntel (Score: 1)
by allevon on Thursday, June 05 @ 00:13:43 CEST
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Hey AI,

Though we clashed sometimes, your gonna be missed. Especially for keeping me in line. :)

Thanks for the help and support through the rough times. Good luck on your ventures, and.......Dont do anything I WOULDN'T do! :)

Auf Wiedersehen, Tsai Zhen, Sayonara, Hasta La Vista, well eitherway, Best of Luck

Re: Staff Change: ArtificialIntel (Score: 1)
by Wizard9 on Friday, June 06 @ 01:45:43 CEST
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AI was and is a reference for the PHP-Nuke community. Instead of wishing good luck to him, I think we should wish good luck to ourselves. We are going to need it.

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