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NukeCops Security Newsletter?
Nuke Copsgeorgiaguy writes "As an avid Gentoo ( user, I subscribe to their security announcement newsletter which emails all subscribers when fixes/patches/etc are available to ebuilds in the Gentoo distro.
Perhaps a similar newletter from NukeCops would be handy? Anytime a new SQL injection or other vulnerability is found, email subscribers with a description and location of the fix. I'd be willing to assist w/ the startup of such a beast. Thoughts/comments?

Admin Note: This would be great! I know the staff has discussed something like this before, I just haven't had time to sit down and get the perms going, et al. I need more time in a day, hour, minute, second... ;)"
Posted on Thursday, February 26 @ 08:56:13 CET by Zhen-Xjell
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Great idea (Score: 1)
by Andrzej on Thursday, February 26 @ 12:08:10 CET
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Great Idea!
But remember, please, that a lot of mature sites is using still 6.5 (mine too ;-)

Re: NukeCops Security Newsletter? (Score: 1)
by XEULAS ( on Thursday, February 26 @ 14:21:32 CET
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This is a great idea that has crossed my mind too.

[quote]Admin Note: This would be great! I know the staff has discussed something like this before, I just haven't had time to sit down and get the perms going, et al. I need more time in a day, hour, minute, second... ;)"[/quote]

I hear that George Bush will be sending Americans, along with their tax refund, an extra hour in their daily work day. Now we just have to wait for the amendment to the constitution (the '25 hour day amendment'). [tounge in cheek for those that dont appreciate sarcasm]

Re: NukeCops Security Newsletter? (Score: 1)
by georgiaguy on Thursday, February 26 @ 15:00:09 CET
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ZX: If you want help in getting something like this off the ground let me know...I'd be more than willing to assist, esp. since it's tough to dig around for various new articles, etc on bug fixes, security patches. this way, an archive of old newsletters could be searched, making said searches much less painful.

Re: NukeCops Security Newsletter? (Score: 1)
by Daniel-cmw on Friday, February 27 @ 03:27:45 CET
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As I mentioned months ago Zhen, If you setup the module I suggested or a similar module then im more than willing to do everything else.

Re: NukeCops Security Newsletter? (Score: 1)
by aenigma on Friday, February 27 @ 03:42:26 CET
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That's a grat idea, it would be also a nice work to have a repository where make available all version of php-nuke (al least from 6.0+) and the patch that came out in the past. So there would be a unique referring point for the nuke communities, and also the sites that work with older releases coud have their security patch without searching for them on the net.

Re: NukeCops Security Newsletter? (Score: 1)
by cabo on Friday, February 27 @ 09:27:14 CET
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i asked for this long time ago,

and it still is very very welcome.!

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