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thethemes writes "The big problem for google is phpbb2 forum in phpnuke, this is only a small problem to fix.
This fix has only been used on phpnuke 8.0
Get the fix at GnomTech Forums!
We also have a fix for modules to be better seen on google."
Posted by VinDSL on Friday, September 12 @ 19:41:26 CEST (11099 reads)
(comments? | Score: 0) |
Member Application v2.1.0 released by DrivenbyFaith.org |
nukeevangelist writes "great news drivenbyfaith.org :: Member Application v2.1.0 released DBF_Tim
did a release on Monday, January 15 2007 :: Read the feature list to see all the functionality we've added to Member Application. The most out standing are:
Multiple Forms with unlimited number of questions.
regex input verification check box lists
Admin can allow anonymous forms
User can be notified by email if the form is approved.
The list is long, so read more for the list and the web site :: Available at www.drivenbyfaith.org :: read more about the great news drivenbyfaith.org"
Journal Modules in PHP-Nuke Special Edition |
AFaisal writes "I found bugs of Journal Modules before I was release PHP-Nuke Special Edition (latest update) on November 03, 2006. Then I have an idea by rewriting Journal Modules with modification of original modules. Please check out changes log of PHP-Nuke Special Edition in our Official Site at http://www.phpnuke-indonesia.info"
forgotz writes "Just installed is a new Bug Reports Forums for all DaDaNuke Modules. This is different from the Support Forums, where you request general support for the different programs. When you post to the Bug Reports Forums, please be sure to include which version of PHP-Nuke you are using, a copy of the debug error you received, and what you were doing when you got the error (i.e. going into Administration, trying to edit a page, etc). This will make it much easier to assist you, and help us correct the issue (if necessary) or answer your question. Check it out!"
Truden writes "Yesterday I installed the beta version of Internet Explorer 7, and first thing to check was my RSS feed of www.truden.com
Of course the old RSS 0.91 does not work in the new IE. Then I made a search in Google and I found in Brennan’s Weblog beautiful idea, which unfortunately does not work with the new editor in phpNuke.
Fortunately in the same topic I found link to a php function which served me best to fix that problem. Now I have RSS feed which is valid according to http://feedvalidator.org with one warning about my windows-1251 encoding.
Validate my backend.php Get it here.
Love to All
perfect-games writes "phpBB Group announces the release of phpBB 2.0.19, the "we wish you all a happy new year" release. This release addresses several bugfixes and some security issues only affecting Internet Explorer. Additionally we introduced a new feature to limit the number of logins. The admin is able to configure this feature on two ways, defining the number of maximum allowed logins and setting a time period after the user is allowed to login again. With this feature we hope to address the recent dictionary attacks happening on some forums to crack user passwords.
visit phpbb.com for updates or phpbbhacks.com for
changes "
''After-Patched'' For PHP-Nuke Reaches 99% Completion Milestone |
64bitguy writes "Hi Everyone!
In case you haven't heard, I've been working for over a month (full-time) on a new PHP-Nuke Solution called, "After-Patched".
I should mention that this is NOT a new PHP-Nuke fork, but rather it takes over where the excellent series of updates known as "Patched" by Nuke Resources leaves off. "
SDDesign Announces MAJOR Theme Updates & BUGS Fixes. |
Slashdot writes "Helo everybody.
We at SDDesign.Biz have made some **Significant** updates in our Downloads
We have had Signifcant amount of BUGS fixed in the themes & all the SDDesign themes are now also available at PHP Nuke regular (7.*) compatible versions, along side with PHP-Nuke Platinum compatible versions.
We STRONGLY recommend that all themes be UPDATED to the new versions immediately.
The Downloads section have been redone to make it easier for the users to navigate.
We have added a large number of hacks/fixes, how-to's in our Knowledgebase.
Thank you
SDDesign Adminstration"
customization the menu - powerful & versatil features for you |
nukeevangelist writes "the Customize Menu (Sommaire Paramétrable) v2.x.x: great mod for PHPNuke osc2nuke :: great news announced on marcoledingue.free.fr - please travel over to the developersite and provide rich feedback to support the sustainable developemt
The developer in a past article
Download at nukecops or here at marcoledingue.free.fr
More Infos on marcoledingue.free.fr (support website for Sommaire Paramétrable)
- now all forums related pages will be displayed without errors/warnings (this problem occured with 1 hosting company (free.fr) - maybe more are affected)
- when editing a link ('more options'), if the category has no image it won't display the warning error
- now possible to use multilang menu + dynamic without problem (text displayed correctly and category containing the link remains open)
- group detection (points system) now works in every case
- the detection of NEW content in Journal module is working now
- if a theme defines a "main module", it overrides the normal "main module", which is shown in the menu (the new main module is not shown)
- now an external link pointing to the homepage module will be shown..."
NukeMatch v2.0.0pl4 Critical Update |
WD-40 writes "Upon release of NukeMatch Version 2.0.0, it was reported that upon enterance of Forums ACP users where obtaining a blank white page. Other errors included improper translation of & into & within mailer functions.
These above issues have been corrected within NukeMatch Version 2.0.0pl4 which you may obtain from the NukeMatch Homepage at: http://nukematch.com or subscribers of NukeScripts Network may retain this from NSNs Homesite."
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