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''After-Patched'' For PHP-Nuke Reaches 99% Completion Milestone
Bug Fixes64bitguy writes "Hi Everyone!

In case you haven't heard, I've been working for over a month (full-time) on a new PHP-Nuke Solution called, "After-Patched".

I should mention that this is NOT a new PHP-Nuke fork, but rather it takes over where the excellent series of updates known as "Patched" by Nuke Resources leaves off.

The main goal of "After-Patched" is to create for the first time ever, a truly cross-browser compliant platform that at the same time is 100% W3C HTML 4.01 Transitional and CSS Standards Compliant. Note: HTML 4.01 Strict Compliance is in development.

While the author of PHP-Nuke has always publicly displayed Compliance Icons and made statements that PHP-Nuke is W3C CSS and HTML 4.01 Transitional Compliant, that is simply a false claim as the baseline Nuke code is not even close to compliant. In fact over 20,000 bugs and compliance errors have been fixed in developing "After-Patched".

"After-Patched" does not only recode public user screens, but actually goes "the whole 9 yards" by recoding ALL Administration screens for 100% W3C Compliance as well.

If you have wondered how many PHP-Nuke solutions have recently become W3C Compliant, you should wonder no longer. I have recoded those solutions specifically to work with "After-Patched". To date, I have recoded 7 custom Nuke solutions including NukeSentinel™, CNB Your Account Version 5, Nuke Universal and others.

What's more, "After-Patched" actually contains a brand new Port of phpBB that is also 100% W3C Standards Compliant. Something that phpBB hasn't even achieved themselves yet.

To top that, this new port also supports Gecko browsers with Fully Functional BBCode that will allow you to use those BBCode and Smilie features just as you would use them with Internet Explorer. Again, a feature that phpBB does not yet employ. (If you've ever tried to highlight and BBencode anything in a forum post, or have even tried to insert a smilie using any Gecko Browser like Mozilla or Firefox, you know what I mean. )

On top of all of this, "After-Patched" takes full advantage of CSS styles and applies those to everything from Radio Buttons (that in default nuke look different, depending on what browser you use) to blocks and modules code. Wherever possible, CSS styles and imaging functions are leveraged to dramatically improve page loading times and overall domain performance while at the same time ensuring that all images and functions look exactly the same, regardless of what browser you are using to visit the domain.

Finally, this biggest feature will be the evolution of "Annotated" change-logs for maintaining your domain. Instead of having to worry about wiping out customizations, Annotation will allow you to choose between modifying files with future updates by hand, or simply using the pre-modified files. This means, once you update your forums with custom mods, the annotated changes for "After-Patched" will permit you to update to later revisions without wiping out all of your hard work.

If you haven't seen any of this yet and want to checkout the exciting aspects of having a 100% bug free installation of PHP-Nuke as well as phpBB forums, I invite you to visit my exclusive test domains that demonstrate these great features. I could go on and on about the many new features, but there simply isn't enough space to demonstrate all of the changes and fixes. You'll have to explore for yourself and look for all of the things that have always bugged you about Nuke. If you find ANY bugs, issues or have any comments, please feel free to post a question or comment in our dedicated forums.

At this time PHP-Nuke Version 7.8 is at the 99% completion mark. There remains only 1 screen to recode (the first page of the statistics module which uses illegal percentage calls for generating the measurement bars). Once that is completed and everything has been bug checked for a week or two (to identify anything I might have missed), "After-Patched" will become available for the PHP-Nuke 7.8 platform.

I am presently also working on revisions of "After-Patched" for PHP-Nuke 7.6 as well as Nuke Platinum which should be coming within the next few weeks.

Feel free to explore anonymously or to register (no registration restrictions on this test domain) and play with the PHP-Nuke 7.8 test domain at

For more information about "After-Patched" please feel free to visit my primary domain at:

I hope you enjoy "After-Patched". I encourage everyone to vote in our polls and again, please feel free to post any questions and/or comments you may have.

Steph Benoit, (64bitguy) "After-Patched" Developer"
Posted on Monday, September 12 @ 18:14:40 CEST by VinDSL
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Re: ''After-Patched'' For PHP-Nuke Reaches 99% Completion Milestone (Score: 1)
by NukeEvangelist on Monday, September 12 @ 18:28:28 CEST
(User Info | Send a Message)
Hi Steph Benoit, (64bitguy)

many thanks for the great achievements. your workd was very hard. Great to see your contribution;

sure many many Nukers from all over the planet will appreciate your work

keep it up.


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