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Nuke Security 2008

Remote PM Delete XSRF Vulnerability fix is included with BBToNuke 2.0.23. See below.

Also if you didn't see the more urgent SQL injection in the Search module...
PHP-Nuke modules/Search/index.php SQL fix is here releases nukeSPAM(tm) to block spammer registration
PHP-Nukekbgus writes "nukeSPAM(tm) enables sites using the RavenNuke(tm) content management system (CMS) and other PHP-Nuke distributions to prevent user registration by known spammers. It features:
  • Configurable blocking via 3 spam databases and 14 DNS blacklists
  • Advanced logging, reporting and false positive resolution
  • Advanced whitelist maintenance
  • Administrator function to check if username, email and / or IP address are blocked
Although nukeSPAM(tm) administration automatically creates the necessary database tables, integration with user registration requires code changes (instructions are included for RavenNuke(tm) Your Account).

nukeSPAM(tm) can be downloaded here. Download requires 7-zip. Free membership is required to download."
Posted by VinDSL on Friday, February 17 @ 19:36:26 CET (23817 reads)
(comments? | Score: 3.02)
Dazzle Software - Script & Resource Website
General NewsAnonymous writes "We are Now opening up our doors back too PHP Nuke for those wishing too find PHP Nuke support. for custom module development, theme development and many free resources created by our team at dazzle software for more information visit us at"
Posted by perfect-games on Saturday, November 12 @ 04:47:18 CET (25655 reads)
(comments? | Score: 2.89)
Devils Modz is Back
General NewsWhite_Devil writes "Devil Modz for Nuke is comming back all. We are up at Login and start getting me back on my toes.

Please have fun and peace out all!

Posted by VinDSL on Sunday, July 17 @ 22:41:50 CEST (21725 reads)
(comments? | Score: 2.95)
Competition Coming Soon
Off-Topicdarren123 writes "Hi guys,
Just a quick update on the forthcoming competition(s) and after loads of requests for a sneaky peek - here's what's up for grabs at the present time:Ive also got a few custom t-shirt companies interested in giving us some t-shirts for the prize bundle. In addition to this over the next couple of weeks i'll be using my powers of persuasion and emailing a few companies to see if they'd like to add any other items to the prize bundle.

As of yet we have yet to decide on a competition format - so as soon as we've sorted the prizes we'll decide upon what you will have to do to get your hands on these great prizes.

Only thing left to do is get signed up to make sure you are in with a chance "
Posted by VinDSL on Tuesday, May 17 @ 12:14:25 CEST (22180 reads)
(comments? | Score: 2.88)
PHP-Nukedicestudio writes "Hi fellow nukers.

Dice is Back at and guess what? I am celebrating 6yrs making custom work for php-nuke.

I invite you all to come take a look around no matter what your needs are we at can assist you.

And dont forget I specialize in custom work as well so feel free to ask for a quote.

We cover all php-nuke packages: php-nuke 5.6-7.9, php-nuke Platnum, php-nuke evo.

I am Back in full effect

My New web site URL is

My MSN is

Hope to hear from you soon!"
Posted by VinDSL on Tuesday, September 21 @ 09:01:17 CEST (22742 reads)
(comments? | Score: 2.76)
PHP Nuke Halloween theme Released!

We just released our PHP Nuke Halloween theme This is a highly detailed Halloween phpnuke theme. The template is very easy to install and includes matching colors.

There is also a custom forum template included in the package.

This theme is compatible with phpnuke versions 7 and above.

for download please visit

Posted by perfect-games on Sunday, September 12 @ 02:41:17 CEST (29780 reads)
(comments? | Score: 1)
Secondlife comes to PHP Nuke
General Newssecondlife writes "The Second Life Marketplace Script is the website to buy an amazing assortment of virtual items sold by fellow Residents. In preparation, get started with what you need to know to about our Secondlife Marketplace Script.

Our Secondlife Marketplace Script is an clone of sites similar to  or and many others, what this script does is deliver inventory the the residents of Secondlife.

What our scripts contains is a combination of Secondlife LSL scripts, which is used for the in-world Terminal to activate users accounts onto the website and deposit Lindens for use to buy Secondlife inventory on your website.
and your terminal is also used to check account balance.

Your Secondlife magicbox is used to store your secondlife Inventory, which is used to deliver your Merchandise to your Residents.

And your bank server is used by your avatar to store linden currency which is deposited and can be withdrawal from your residents account.

Our script also includes an complete modular portal system written in PHP and MYSQL database backend which stores your Inventory to be delivered to your Residents, And so your Residents can locate an in-world Terminal
and so your Residents can communicate via portals forum and submit news for your sites front page.

for more information please visit"
Posted by perfect-games on Tuesday, August 10 @ 23:51:36 CEST (25090 reads)
(comments? | Score: 1)
Need Help!: Dazzle CMS Looking for Beta Testers / Developers
Help Requests

Dazzle CMS is an Object Orientated CMS written groundup in PHP5 built apon our Dazzle Framework.

which includes our user classes, session classes, module management, groups, files & folders (ftp, sftp, ssh2 etc) file system

and is compatible with almost all phpnuke modules (note: Dazzle CMS is not compatible with phpnuke blocks / themes due to our template engine uses smarty)

most of phpnuke modules were back ported and now uses our framework for example phpnuke adverting modules etc

Dazzle CMS is still work in progress and is almost ready for public testing for those that wish to join our private testing join our mailing list @

if your looking at helping with Dazzle CMS ie, with ideas / features / scripting / beta testing visit

Posted by perfect-games on Wednesday, February 17 @ 21:40:26 CET (23442 reads)
(comments? | Need Help! | Score: 3.16)
Nuke Legacy Services
PHP-NukeHitman writes "Are you looking for someone to install PHP-Nuke for your website for a cheap price? Maybe your looking for someone to install mods for a small price? Head on over to Nuke Legacy and order our services.

Nuke Legacy are always looking to make a few extra bucks, we don't charge outrages prices for work. We have had plenty of happy customers. So why not give Nuke Legacy a shot?

You can head on over to our official page here:

Once there, you can see all of our cheap affordable prices. Hope to hear from some of you!

Nuke Legacy"
Posted by VinDSL on Wednesday, February 17 @ 16:59:21 CET (24422 reads)
(comments? | Score: 1)
osc2nuke V3 Pre-Release
Moduleswhitehat writes "I'm proud to announce osc2nuke can release its newest integration of oscommerce to RavenNuke(tm)!

The newest oscommerce 3.05 ALPHA by oscommerce team will go become the best shopping cart experience in the e-commerce world.

Keep in mind this is only a alpha release and not a RC (release candidate) , so it isn't production ready (yeah right).

Have a lot of development fun and visit our site and forum frequently for new updates and questions/answers to this great module.

Posted by VinDSL on Wednesday, February 17 @ 16:59:01 CET (25426 reads)
(comments? | Score: 2.12)
Last 20 Forum Messages

[ NukeCops ]
Should phpNuke continue to support other databases besides MySQL?

Does anyone care?


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