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NukeCops: Help Requests

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Need Help!: Dazzle CMS Looking for Beta Testers / Developers
Help Requests

Dazzle CMS is an Object Orientated CMS written groundup in PHP5 built apon our Dazzle Framework.

which includes our user classes, session classes, module management, groups, files & folders (ftp, sftp, ssh2 etc) file system

and is compatible with almost all phpnuke modules (note: Dazzle CMS is not compatible with phpnuke blocks / themes due to our template engine uses smarty)

most of phpnuke modules were back ported and now uses our framework for example phpnuke adverting modules etc

Dazzle CMS is still work in progress and is almost ready for public testing for those that wish to join our private testing join our mailing list @

if your looking at helping with Dazzle CMS ie, with ideas / features / scripting / beta testing visit

Posted by perfect-games on Wednesday, February 17 @ 21:40:26 CET (23442 reads)
(comments? | Need Help! | Score: 3.16)
phpBB3 To Nuke - Beta Testing Volunteers Wanted
Help RequestsXyberian writes "The Home of Enterprise PHP-NUKE, Nuke Korea Developer's Network is about to launch bb3ToNuke, the embedded version of phpBB3 into PHP-NUKE. bb3ToNuke Group wants volunteers to participate on the final release candidate project as beta adopters.

The brand-new phpBB3ToNuke 3.0.4 is characterized by 1) bidirectional compatibility (works with phpnuke and stand-alone phpBB3); 2) highly integrated with phpnuke admin; 3) phpBB2 and bbtonuke conversion support; and 4) plug-in style MODs

To apply, go to The Home of Enterprise PHP-NUKE - Ported phpBB3 Forums by NukeKorea Dev. Network and apply.

To look at how it works, stop by phpBB3 To Nuke Workbench"
Posted by VinDSL on Tuesday, April 21 @ 23:13:27 CEST (7276 reads)
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Gnaunited Inc. needs your help!
Help Requestsgnaunited writes "Gnaunited Inc. is proud to announce the immediate release of the addon User Uploads version 1.0.0 P-R, the much anticipated rewrite of the ever-popular My Uploads module. We need as many people as we can to iron out the bugs so that the final version can follow in the footsteps of its predecessor. This beta test is open to the public, however it it not quite ready for production websites. This version is not backwards-compatible with previous versions of My Uploads - for the time being this is a new installation only addon.

Demo 1.0.0 P-R
Download 1.0.0 P-R
Support Forums "
Posted by VinDSL on Monday, December 15 @ 19:22:04 CET (8886 reads)
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RavenNuke v2.30.00 Release Candidate Testers Needed!
Help Requestsnuke_helper writes "RavenNuke Call For RavenNuke v2.30.00 Release Candidate Testers!!

The ravenphpscripts-team [.com] works on the RavenNuke v2.30.00: it is a major upgrade release

head over and meet the experts "
Posted by VinDSL on Monday, August 04 @ 20:33:55 CEST (7223 reads)
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Assistance is needed in great project: see
Help Requestsnuke_helper writes "since BobMarion from offers many many scripts and modules - he wants to offer support and service... See the new opened forums...:

BobMarion from writes

Since I have opened the new NukeScripts(tm) Forums I need you, the users, to go there and test your accounts. There is a forum titled "Testing Forum" with no off-topic limitation so you can get to know each other in it :)

Thanks for your help!

head over to"
Posted by VinDSL on Saturday, May 10 @ 19:42:22 CEST (8701 reads)
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Translations Required
Help Requestslippylion writes "We still require some translations for the modules listed below. Anyone who can free some time to translate English files to any other languages, please post in the forums. The modules concerned are as follows:- Nukequiz NukeBackup NukeSupport Quote Of The Day All credits for translations will be added to the credits for each or any module upon receipt of a translated file. All our modules are and will be free, we only expect donations from those who require additional support or services. For more information please visit us @ Kissoftware Keeping It Simple"
Posted by VinDSL on Tuesday, April 08 @ 19:55:09 CEST (7487 reads)
(Read More... | 7 comments | Score: 5)
looking for staff
Help Requestsdarren1234 writes "hi all
PC Freaks & Geeks PC hardware review site have just opened there forums and are looking for forum moderators/admins.

If you feel this is a position you could fullfill, use the contact us button on our website and we will provide you with more details of what's involved in such a role. - PC Freaks & Geeks "
Posted by VinDSL on Saturday, June 09 @ 16:11:03 CEST (9778 reads)
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Need Help!: seeking beta testers and php developers.
Help Requests
seeking beta testers and php developers.  

hi everyone as some of you may know end of this year or early jan / feb we are releasing cms revolution 2.0. 
& php revolution  php revolution is a complely built groundup around php5 
but has some compality support for php4 using our php5 to php4 emulation scripts.  
so what is php revolution? php revolution is an advanced php framework for portals and can be used to start a php project 
with. featuring advanced template engine, intelligent encrytion engine. and backend by revolutiontpl engine, 
which is not just a template engine but also a scripting lanuage of its own.  
allows the php developer to support new features they require.  there are many great features and security enhancements in the framework, 
and most will only be told to the developers and beta testers as this is still work in progress.  
the project is about 60% complete now and we will start the first phase of beta testing and we would like people to try out portal framework   
cms revolution 2.0  and our game control panel as well both built of the same core code. 
and shows everyone whats possible with the framework, with little or no coding just by using our templates.  the system will work out of the box as a website, 
but can be something more with little coding.  
to become part of team of researchers, developers or beta testers or you feel you have something that will help the project please feel free to email me at or check out our developers site or use our forums to signup as beta tester or developer.  

many thanks  Steve (Owner/ Developer / Webmaster )    - Staff
Posted by perfect-games on Saturday, August 19 @ 17:39:54 CEST (9976 reads)
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News module hack
Help Requestsmeetzah writes "Hello,

I have an ideea.. but I really need some help to comete it. Do you know if it is possible for the news module to have subcategories, just linke the web_links module has? If you have an ideea on how to do this please help me and give me an e-mail at meetzah @ gmail . com or a pm on this site.

Hope to hear from a great nucker soon!
Thank you guys."
Posted by VinDSL on Sunday, April 30 @ 17:50:15 CEST (9024 reads)
(Read More... | 8 comments | Score: 0) is in need of a graphic designer!!! URGENTLY!!!
Help Requestszerokool writes "Hi I am the owner of and I am urgently needing a graphic designer to design a new theme costumized for my website.

We will pay the graphic designer for the services. The theme will have flash too.

Contact me as soon as possible at :"
Posted by VinDSL on Wednesday, April 19 @ 05:24:10 CEST (9374 reads)
(Read More... | 16 comments | Score: 5)
Last 20 Forum Messages

[ NukeCops ]
Should phpNuke continue to support other databases besides MySQL?

Does anyone care?


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