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New PHP-Nuke logo and 7.0 status
PHP-Nukenukelite writes: "Hello Nukers! As many of you have noticed there is a new logo and new images schema on the site. This is the result of an image change for PHP-Nuke to bring it to next level with the upcoming version 7.0 and beyond. There will be more changes on the site in the next few days to a more professional look and feel design. Hope you like it. On the other hand I'm preparing the next version of PHP-Nuke 7.0 (maybe to be nominated as the first Beta) which will include many fixes and a new Amazon associates full featured module. This version should be released in the next few days. There are also plans to code a bookmark system among other nice stuff. Thanks for your attention and have a nice day! "

Posted on Monday, October 20 @ 11:16:56 CEST by Zhen-Xjell
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PHP-Nuke new development direction (part 2)

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Re: New PHP-Nuke logo and 7.0 status (Score: 1)
by kjcdude on Monday, October 20 @ 12:22:30 CEST
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I personaly thing think that the logo is good and im glad that he is heading in a direction of profesionilism, but i also think that the logo is to big.
A smaller version of that logo would be better.

Re: New PHP-Nuke logo and 7.0 status (Score: 1)
by FunFlip on Monday, October 20 @ 14:10:37 CEST
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Nice.... Very modern!

Re: New PHP-Nuke logo and 7.0 status (Score: 1)
by Brujo on Monday, October 20 @ 14:57:08 CEST
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Hmmm.. new Logo - ok, but new Amazon Modul and so on, look like Featuritis, i think this should be 3 party Products and FB will be better do some Core Fixes, what about the News Modul, WYSIWYG Editor, Sessions instead of Cookies, more powerfull Usermodul, what about Security, here are inough potencial to make a redesign in the Core and so on....

just my 2 cent

with best regards

Re: New PHP-Nuke logo and 7.0 status (Score: 1)
by Rus-PHP-Nuke on Tuesday, October 21 @ 12:41:55 CEST
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Except for logo in system all is excellent?!
FB it should be a shame!!!
Poorly that NukeCops have not begun to make FreeNuke, it is very bad.
At the given moment, with each new version system all becomes worse and worse...
Excuse for bad English

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