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Make Money, Adsense Loves Nuke Site!
PHP-NukeRiva writes "Yes, the fact is that Google Adsense loves Nuke sites!

As a free-open CMS, Nuke is the most respectd CMS on the wholeworld. But the uses of this CMS is just like all other sites that runs on the net: it needs funding to operate as long as possible!

One of the best revenue source available now for free is the Google Adsense. This kind of target marketing can cover most of the operational cost of a Nuke site. But, there is a restriction policy that the Adsense is not dynamic content friendly, which is Nuke is one of those type of CMS. The content targeted type of Adsense requires that the optimum relevancy of the ads to the content of a page can be achieved on those flat-html kind of webpages.

The Nuke communities are once step ahead on that problem. The solution is the mod rewrite. We can point on this to Google Tap or Googlifier. Once this hack is implemented, it could turns all your Nuke pages into flat-html documents. So the first rule is: HTML-zed your Nuke site.

Unfortunately, this implementation does not solve all the problems. One of that is the layout or theme of a Nuke site that presenting the blocks and links again and again on every page of your site, so all this stuff tends to confusing the Adsense. So we know now that the adsense is more accurate and has high relevancy to the content in a printer friendly page (that has no blocks or too many links).

The other problem is about Google it self. The modules Downloads, Sections or Forums in certain version of Nuke has the same page title for every links in the module it self, while implementing mod rewrite is virtually split those links into separate, stand alone, orphan html files. The GoogleBot (Media Partners) crawled for all those files, but when it found that the pages are have the same page title, it just stop to certain number of files. So, the Google index of the site is limited to that certain number of links.

Anyway, is everybody know that sign up for Google Adsense could absolutely benchmark your ranking on Google? Yes, it is, although the googleguys there seems to denied it.

With the mod rewrite, we can implement a classic style of search engine optimisation. They called it URL keywords, which means that we turns the Nuke pages into html documents and naming the file to some names containing keywords of the site.

We try to write a more complete article about this advantage of Mod Rewrite, Google Adsense and Search Engine Optimisation thing, but it still in progress. And we assure you that you'll have to read the article. In the meantime you can learn something from examples below or wandering around on our site, Indonesian Digest, and remember:

- Sign up for Google Adsense can rocketed your rank, flooded Google with links to your site (see Nukecops for this) and absolutely, you'll gain revenue to cover your webmastering costs;
- HTML-zed your Nuke site!


HTML-izing your site, with URL keywords html file names can make your page highly relevant to the Adsense:

sample-1, or sample-2, or sample-3, or sample-4

Dominating a page with sensitive keywords to the Adsense give highly relevant pages:

sample-5, or sample-6, or sample-7

Dominating a page with a content, that has less links or no blocks such your printer friendly page has the same high relevancy results:

sample-8, or sample-9, or sample-10, or sample-11, or sample-12, or sample-13, or sample-14, or sample-15, or sample-16

And, this interesting. You can even got a high relevancy page for your Amazon Bookstore:

sample-17, or sample-18, or sample-19, or sample-20, or sample-21, or sample-22, or sample-23

A ha.... you've got yourself double revenue!!

Some notice:
Adsense works good on an ENGLISH page. Our site, Indonesian Digest, focuses on three subjects: Indonesia, Nuke and Informations. You can see there that most of the Adsense has a high relevancy to Indonesia, Nuke including hosting, or the content it self...

Wait for the article."
Posted on Friday, September 12 @ 12:00:00 CEST by Zhen-Xjell
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Re: Make Money, Adsense Loves Nuke Site! (Score: 1)
by Imago on Saturday, September 13 @ 13:24:15 CEST
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You did excellent work with your site, Riva! You made so enthusiastic about the prospects that I am going to include the Amazon module rewrite rules in the Googlifier. :-))

// The GoogleBot (Media Partners) crawled for all those files, but when it found that the pages have the same page title, it just stop to certain number of files.

The cure for this is in the robots.txt. Reduce the traffic and be honest to Google, spare them a double, tripple or even quintiple indexing of one and the same page.

To avoid one and the same page looking identically, use for instance Random Quotes or any other random block that will diversify the textual content of the page. Then googlebot will have no formal reason to treat the many clones of our forum post page identical.

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