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Should be called SOSTUPID
Internetallevon writes "Yes people, the internet is now destroyed! WHY?
Because hackers have nothing else to do. Why should anyone use it anymore? To be all screwed up by an idiot who cant find a girlfriend? So since they cant get a life outside their moms house, they turn to creating viruses like SOSTUPID.
Read on for more details

MessageLabs Inc., a company that filters e-mail for corporations, had blocked more than 100,000 copies of Sobig.F by midday Tuesday, making it by far the most active virus of the day. WTF??????? DAY???

"It's definitely spreading very quickly, just an incredible ramp-up so far this morning," said Brian Czarny, marketing director at MessageLabs. The variant is likely to be one of the more successful versions of a very successful virus strain, he said.

The Blaster worm is still at large. It uses a published flaw in Microsoft's Windows operating systems to spread via network connections, without using e-mail. Gee how thoughtful.

Now instad of all of us progressing and making the net a better place day-to-day most of you have spent it combating this pile of protoplasmic braincelled garbage right? Had nothing better to do right? You were bored and felt like combat right?

Should be called "so freaking stupid". These little retards are now officially destroying the internet, because thousands of hours of peoples time now has to be dedicated to combating this stupid B.S. Every damn week now. Not just once a year. Now its every F****** week.For what? Because its soooo cool?? Cool for who? Their little computer buddies in their own little dream world where they are actually NOBODYS? So they wreck the net, lots of people lose jobs, the net disappears and they need to get real jobs instead of P/T Burger King because mom lost the house from all the lawsuits.

Yep there is legislation to sue parents. Bet you didnt know that? Not passed yet, but can become retroactive in extreme cases. It will also be enforced globally through Interpol type agencies. I don't know all the details, but I know it's all on the table. Once they get done destroying those other civilian killing chicken wimp morons you know where.

Whats the incentive for anyone to use the internet anymore? Heres the breakdown:

  • You can't get all of your email anymore because it gets filtered up the wazoo
  • You can't send email anymore, because almost no one gets it because of filters
  • You can't access anything without worrying about Datanatory type B.S. screwing your PC up
  • You can't download anything anymore because it might have a virus
  • You can't install hardware without worrying where it came from and it might have viruses
  • You can't complain about it anymore, because no one listens or cares or even gives a rats pimpled butt

So I ask you, what the hell is the incentive to use it? Headaches? Added stress? Lost revenue?

Can Anyone answer me that? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Posted on Wednesday, August 20 @ 10:10:00 CEST by Zhen-Xjell
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Re: Should be called SOSTUPID (Score: 1)
by gab on Wednesday, August 20 @ 10:26:40 CEST
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Shure the end of the internet. But I also like this version:

A New Computer Virus Clogs E-Mail Inboxes. Yes, these gay retards have now turned the internet into a total piece of shit. Why should anyone use it anymore? To be all screwed up by an idiot fag who cant find a girlfriend? So since not even their dog has sex with them anymore, they turn to creating viruses like SOSTUPID. Read on for the story and details.


Personal Note: Should be called "so fucking stupid". These gay little sexless fags are now officially destroying the internet, because thousands of hours of peoples time now has to be dedicated to combating this stupid bullshit. Every fucking week now. Not just once a year. Now its every fucking week. Whats the incentive for anyone to use the internet anymore? Heres the breakdown:

Re: Should be called SOSTUPID (Score: 1)
by erbuc on Wednesday, August 20 @ 10:27:23 CEST
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In the beginning, life was simple. We had nothing. Then the telephone. And as a result, the telemarketing phone call that irritated the ever living s*&t out of you when they called right in the middle of your favorite television show.

Now, here we are several decades later.

I'm thinking, this isn't at all how I pictured the future. In the future, people worked together to get things acomplished. They did things that were productive for society and helped mankind. Then I realised ... "what movie was that again".

I must agree ZX ... I am ashamed to be a part of the IT community because of the mess IT Hacker Kiddies are making of this society. I felt the brunt of it when I posted a cry for help on July 4th, and now I sense that same cry for help from you.

About the only thing that can be done is to create something so intelligent, so powerful and intrusive, that no one would dare to try and impose there feeble attempts on it. I have no idea what that would be ... but I'm sure that this is something that may exist in the near future to basically cut the gnads off of these little 13 year old script kiddies.

just my 2 cents worth.


Re: Should be called SOSTUPID (Score: 1)
by chrisg on Wednesday, August 20 @ 11:10:16 CEST
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I found a way out of the cycle, stopped using windows. Maybe not so convienent but the time I save not fighting this crud....

Re: Should be called SOSTUPID (Score: 1)
by moogles on Wednesday, August 20 @ 11:46:44 CEST
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If people used some common sense and didn't click on every single thing to see what "it might do" or "could be" then we wouldn't have such a big problem.

The problem mainly comes from people to lazy to update, or read/click on and run things strangers they've never see or heard of.

I've yet to get a virus from all that I do. I don't even use a virus scanner, and yes I use windows.

Seen friends get viruses n things easily.. like on irc the "Get Matrix reloaded dvd for free at this url".. virus definantly, of files like Nudegirls.jpg.pif some won't even see that pif extension sicne its default hidden by all windows OS or .lnk
or allowing IE "Auto desktop installer" or "activeX installer" with those stealth downloads.

Re: Should be called SOSTUPID (Score: 1)
by MikeMiles on Wednesday, August 20 @ 14:05:50 CEST
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I don't think the internet is destroyed nor is this the end. Significant changes usually require a significant impetus which this particular virus may or may not do. I've read posts from folks who are getting 1,000+ emails per hour. One guy said he has almost 20,000 so far in less than 24 hours. I kinda feel guilty since I haven't received any yet. Like allevon, I'm running an older OS. I don't know if that is the reason or my ISP is actively filtering them all out.

Perhaps this incident though will finally cause enough people to reach their boiling points where they start pounding regularly on their elected officials as well as the IT industry to come up with a fix through both improved technology as well as legislation. When this strain becomes inactive on Sep 9th, if there isn't a ground swell of anger by then the moment will have been lost, and everyone will go back to their previous passive acceptance of this trash.

Like MessageLabs indicated this is really only one of many viruses/worms/etc that are active on the net around the world every single day. This one is getting a lot of attention because it's flooding people with so much garbage mail far worse than any spammer. Look how the industry has us all trained to accept this stuff as just one of those things that we have to deal with. Until large numbers of people say enough is enough, we and the net won't be ready to move on to the next stage.

Has anyone else ever wondered if the anti-virus software companies create or fuel this garbage?

Re: Should be called SOSTUPID (Score: 1)
by snarfies3 on Wednesday, August 20 @ 21:05:07 CEST
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No matter how many worms and virii are spinning around out there, you cannot deny that the internet is still the greatest source of pr0n on the planet. ^_^

Re: Should be called SOSTUPID (Score: 1)
by TheGhost on Thursday, August 21 @ 03:26:08 CEST
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1st off you must not have done much research before you spouted off at the mouth. Secondly the author of this web site should consider removing this thread before someone in the und3rgr0und becomes offended.

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