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SEO Tools for Nuke and PHPBB Topics
Internetlink writes " has free tools for PHP-Nuke users. Supe up your site and phpbb forum with these seo tools. Great to use in combination with Google Tap and simlar modifications. Keyword Rocket can create excelent keyword topics for post in your forum. You can create Robots.txt with our Robots.txt tool, as well as Valid Meta Tags with our Meta Tag generator. Really great utilities for the CMS webmaster at both beginer and advanced levels. Thanks
Mike Koenig"
Posted by VinDSL on Saturday, August 16 @ 08:17:06 CEST (6984 reads)
(comments? | Score: 0) - Find and download files with Google!
Internetkenetix writes " is a service that allows you to search for almost any file type and download them using various search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Check it out here at:"
Posted by VinDSL on Thursday, March 27 @ 20:09:49 CET (7029 reads)
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New PHP Web Site Release!!
Internetdavid4ie writes "

has been released and is offering 500 banner immpressions for any body who submits content."
Posted by VinDSL on Sunday, October 01 @ 23:51:22 CEST (8075 reads)
(Read More... | 6 comments | Score: 0) Launches Private DNS Cluster Packages
InternetResellersPanel writes " (, the well-known British web host, announces that it has launched two Private DNS Cluster packages – Private DNS 1 and Private DNS 2, as a part of its Free Reseller Hosting Program. Instead of ResellersPanel’s default DNS, the resellers can now use their own private DNS for the domains of their clients of the following kind: ns1/ & dns1/ – something, which will contribute to the uniqueness of their web hosting business and its brand awareness. All resellers’ clients, regardless of the server they are hosted on, can now use the resellers’ private DNS to resolve their domains, i.e. it won’t be necessary that each server has a dedicated DNS (private or predefined by ResellersPanel) even if the resellers’ clients are hosted on different servers. By using their own DNS, the resellers will be able to sustain their anonymity as well, since the contact information displayed in a Whois search is entirely under their control.

Each DNS cluster package comes with a free E-mail Cluster, giving resellers’ clients the possibility to use in their default POP3/IMAP/SMTP mail server settings, which too creates a remarkable brand popularity and recognition, since it would be much easier to remember a single line than having numerous server names. The difference between the two packages consists mainly in the additional dedicated IP address that comes with the Private DNS 2 package, which uses two entirely dedicated IPs for both name servers. The benefits of the second dedicated IP address are related to possible security issues that may arise if an unfriendly person tries to attack a given website or the name server itself causing an extended downtime or DDoS (distributed denial of service). Having two dedicated IPs will improve the security of the entire DNS cluster, making clients’ websites almost 100% protected.

Nick Blaskov, CFO of, said that since the Free Reseller Hosting Program was launched has received numerous requests from its resellers about the possibility to create their own private DNS that can be used by their clients in their domain name settings, that the Private DNS Cluster service gives the resellers a unique opportunity to use their own brand names and create brand awareness and recognition with just a few mouse clicks, that the DNS Cluster service develops the idea of the Private Label Reseller model to the fullest, and that by adding a Private DNS the resellers will complete the process of creating their own web hosting companies."
Posted by VinDSL on Monday, June 19 @ 14:02:29 CEST (7685 reads)
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Free Hosting For Registered Members
Internetchexm8 writes "Free hosting and website is available for registered members of Twin Hosting. Create unlimited web pages and choose between themes to customize your site. Your username will be part of your web address(e.g."
Posted by VinDSL on Thursday, May 18 @ 20:14:44 CEST (8914 reads)
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Nuke-Grid-Computing: let us make the global infrastructure a reality now
Internetnukeevangelist writes "let us celebrate the new Nuke-network infrastructure - the global grid-for you: we work 24 hours and seven days - for you!

we are the idea-network that makes distributed nuke module development possible: sites like,,, and many many others build the base of a strong network of innovation.

Sharing: Its what drew the developers, users, hackers and everyone else together... To share the challenge and the possibilities of new innovations - that belief is shared by the large Nuke group. At the global nuke-group we believe sharing is the way to create
better ideas - ideas that can move the community, the code, and the world [all toghether]forward.

the Nuke-network is one of the most pervasive networked groups under the sun [ besides the internet itself ;->] and is generally one of the best things ever.

The ideas are the inspiration - share your thoughts - share your ideas - here on this site. Within a culture of idea-sharing and generalized social exchange, knowledge as the main resource of the community is multiplied by giving it away freely to others and thus, fosters contribution behavior. Friendship, peer reputation and external feed-back provided by the global Nuke community combined with individual gain of knowledge, constitutes the self-sustaining system
of exchange in the global nuke group.

celebrate the network of innovation now! Nuke-Grid-Computing: let us make the global infrastructure a reality"
Posted by VinDSL on Thursday, May 04 @ 17:29:18 CEST (7853 reads)
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Theaf In The PHP-Nuke World
InternetComp-Killaz writes "X9 From Likes To Steal Peoples Flash Blocks. If You Go To That Site And The First 2 Blocks In The Middle That You See.... The Yellow And Black Block Called "Access Over 600 Themes" Is Mine And He Ripped It Off My Site. I Have The .fla To Prove It!

Also A New PHP-Nuke Site Was Born This Week... Is Up And Running And Its Going To Have 1000+ Downloads Soon So Come Check it Out!"
Posted by VinDSL on Sunday, April 30 @ 17:45:32 CEST (7975 reads)
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Pimp Wars - A new game on
Internetdannic writes "Online Role Playing Games has added a new Game called Pimp Wars. Come play it for free.

Online Role Playing Games is a PhpNuke community specializing in online gaming news, downloads, weblinks, tutorials and more."
Posted by VinDSL on Saturday, April 01 @ 19:11:04 CEST (10155 reads)
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So, just what is the best web portal ever?
Internetandywill71 writes "Hi guys,

we are holding the following question session over at

Please get involved and do your bit for the "Portal Virgins" out there ...

I know that many of you readers will know what phrases like portal and CMS refer to - so I won’t test your intelligence.

There is one question, however, that has always divided users of these systems:

Which one is actually the best? "
Posted by VinDSL on Wednesday, March 15 @ 00:46:18 CET (12049 reads)
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Internetscribby writes "Want to have a signature image that displays..
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Nuke Sig comes with 4 different designs to chose from!

Demo Here
Download Here"
Posted by VinDSL on Monday, December 12 @ 14:29:07 CET (9011 reads)
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[ NukeCops ]
Should phpNuke continue to support other databases besides MySQL?

Does anyone care?


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