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gui-client frontend for the management of PHPNuke
PHP-Nukenukeevangelist writes "GUI client frontend for the managment of phpNuke web portals - first screenshots

Allan Warren announced in a recent article the WarHead - a GUI client frontend for the managment: :: screenshots of the tool
:: with SourceForge-projectsite - a very versatile Workflow-Tool to manage PHPNuke- and osc2Nuke-portals

see bunch of additional infos: :: Feedback via contactmailer - head over and leave feedback - to support the further development!
:: screenshots of the tool

BTW - anyone knows more about the status of the project - any one wants to maintain this!?

Allan Warren: "WarHead is a GUI client frontend for the managment of phpNuke web portals. Written in C++ in KDevelop and QTDesigner it allows the client to manage the content of a phpNuke site in a dialog based frontend running on a X Windows based enviornment. Currently in the Alpha Stage and searching for ideas to include in the development and design. Please travel over to the SourceForge-projectsite for more infos about the brandnew and exiting project: contact: majorbytes at
main goal is to allow a user to manage multiple phpNuke sites through a GUI and to and speed up the work flow a bit. I have been using phpNuke for awhile now and I manage quite a few sites. With all of the page refreshes that is being done with the current browser based admin it takes a lot of the fun away. If anyone is interested in doing a Windows port it should be easy because I am using QT for the libraries."

The system that I am currently developing on is running Redhat Linux 9 with KDE 3.1-10, KDevelop 3.0.0b1, QT Designer 3.1.1 and QT 3.1.1.
The server that I have setup is running Redhat Linux 9.0 and MySQL 3.23.54. You will have to have the QT MySQL driver for QT Designer and the MySQL Development libraries loaded up to make the aplication work properly. You do not have to install theMySQL server files on your client machine.
My main goal is to allow a user to manage multiple phpNuke sites through a GUI and to and speed up the work flow a bit. I have been using phpNuke for awhile now and I manage quite a few sites. With all of the page refreshes that is being done with the current browser based admin it takes a lot of the fun away.

If anyone is interested in doing a Windows port it should be easy because I am using QT for the libraries."

Posted on Thursday, May 26 @ 18:34:27 CEST by VinDSL
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