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PHP-NukeJean-Claude writes "I want here to explain my deception
I read a news on PHP Nuke Central about a "brand new script " for Downloads
This script is simple but it s MINE
And this guy have just rename the copy
I work with Shawn Archer (Nukestyles) for a full integrated of my script in edl 2.0 and i found this news on PHP Nuke Central ....
Where is the justice in this community ?

Jean Claude

Admin Note: I would suggest contacting the author of the script in question."
Posted on Thursday, July 31 @ 20:55:11 CEST by [RETIRED]chatserv
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Re: SCRIPT AND COPY (Score: 1)
by intel352 on Thursday, July 31 @ 23:37:54 CEST
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shawn told me the same thing, that's annoying as heck to see someone branding a script as his own

how did he get your script? i know shawn's EDL 2.0 is in beta right now, so did someone get a copy of the EDL 2.0, or did he get a copy of your work somehow?

Re: SCRIPT AND COPY (Score: 1)
by Jean-Claude on Friday, August 01 @ 09:49:43 CEST
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Chatserv, scincerly do you think a man can download a script, rename copy and propose in his downloads and a news on PHP Nuke Central and after that reconize he is a bad guy to do that ?

I don t think , i don t want again glory about this small hack but i don t in the community people like him

Re: SCRIPT AND COPY (Score: 1)
by MikeMiles on Friday, August 01 @ 20:29:58 CEST
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Welcome to the world of GPL Jean_Claude. That is exactly how it works. Someone can indeed legally take GPL code, rename it, and redistribute it. Like it or not, that particular license gives other people the freedom to do this without ever asking. However, they must keep all previous copyright notices inside the source code. If the notices are removed, then they violate the license as well as the authors' copyright.

Does it suck? Yes. This is why I don't particularly like GPL. Someone can take all yours or anyone else's GPL scripts rename them and sell them for a nice fee -- all perfectly legal -- as long as the copyright notice remains in the source code.

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