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PHP-Nuke 6.6 and 6.7 CVS Packages
PHP-NukeWith the recent news of PHP-Nuke Versions 6.6 and 6.7 available to folks outside the club now, Nuke Cops will shortly be releasing the current state of CVS Nuke Cops as an Enhanced PHP-Nuke Bundle 6.5 package because we will be incorporating the upgrade path to 6.6 in the CVS, and 6.7. Once 6.6 is installed, it'll be released shortly followed by the 6.7 release. Finally, the new bbtonuke port based on a patched phpbb 2.0.5 will be released shortly for PHP-Nuke General Availability (GA). Please stay tuned for more at Beta Nuke Cops or the home site: Nuke Cops.
Posted on Tuesday, July 29 @ 14:08:51 CEST by Zhen-Xjell
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Re: PHP-Nuke 6.6 and 6.7 CVS Packages (Score: 1)
by bwcbwc on Tuesday, July 29 @ 15:22:30 CEST
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It's amazing how quickly a wish can be granted these days. I had just asked about this issue yesterday in this thread. I would've been happy with an update of FB's Club enrollment page indicating that only major releases were being released to the public. Now I'm ecstatic :D . And thanks to ZX and Raven for their (always) informative posts. In particular I capitulate before ZX endorsement of humanity over business. (Not least because I agreed with that position even before he stated it.)

I can tell that FB is having difficulty managing this hobby that has grown into a not very profitable (or even non-profitable) business. In that context, I agree with FG that it's a shame that he had to "capitulate" in regards to the interim releases. I think the Club concept is a valid marketing method. If it had been made clear in a more permanent location on, that the 30 day rule didn't apply to interim releases, I wouldn't have had any question about that policy. Despite the fact that I have my eyes open for freebies, this isn't because of a "U owe me" attitude.

Maybe FB and NC should get even closer to the mySQL marketing model: All the source code and binary releases are available, but support, training, books, consulting and customization require a support contract (Club or NC Premium membership) under a non-GPL license.

In this scenario NukeCops would probably become a mostly pay site and you guys and FB would divide the take from the club and NC premium members. Club members would get free access to NC as premium members and vice-versa.

In the current situation, I think FB was correct to release 6.6 and 6.7 to the public. This isn't a total loss to him. There are too many hacked/back-doored versions of the release going around, causing support issues for the folks here, as well as on

Finally, JG is offbase about the nature of copyright in at least one area: copyright protects a particular expression of an idea, not the idea itself. For example, a translation of a work from French into English would have a separate copyright from the original French work, even though the ideas contained in them are identical.

Re: PHP-Nuke 6.6 and 6.7 CVS Packages (Score: 1)
by MikeMiles on Tuesday, July 29 @ 18:48:06 CEST
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For example, a translation of a work from French into English would have a separate copyright from the original French work, even though the ideas contained in them are identical.

Aaah, that's totally incorrect. A translation is a derivative work. The translator would have to get the original author's permission to do this or be faced with being sued for copyright violation.

You are correct in saying an idea or concept is not copyrighted, but the completed work itself as used in your example here is owned and copyrighted by the original author. No one can take the author's words/work and create another product either in the same language or another and call it his own UNLESS he gets permission. Even if this is done, the original author still holds a copyright on the translated work. A person may though start completely from scratch and write about the same subject. In this case, he would own the copyright on whatever was created.

The only time permission is not needed is when the original author already published the material under a license specifically granting others permission to modify his work.

Re: PHP-Nuke 6.6 and 6.7 CVS Packages (Score: 1)
by Jenses on Wednesday, July 30 @ 05:45:08 CEST
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Its always nice when a new release is comming - and then comes the work.

I guess most sites have their small tweaks to make the system fit the need of each site -
so we have 2 options: keeping track of each single change we make (leaving out the bug-fixes that are included in next release)


making a delta package only containing the changed files since last release

I have a strong feeling that not all bugs found been fixed in this release (from comments seen at )

so are there anyone out there who have created a deltalist / package of the changed files??

Why did you delete my post? (Score: 1)
by Andrzej on Wednesday, July 30 @ 11:50:36 CEST
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I have posted a small comment on the decicion of FB. Not agressive or abusive.
Could you answer, why did you delete my post?

  • Sorry... by Andrzej on Wednesday, July 30 @ 11:59:24 CEST
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