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Nuke Cops - Auto update your PHP-Nuke site daily!
PHP-NukeIts an amazing time for the PHP-Nuke community. Nuke Cops, as an official member of the PHP-Nuke development team is now offering a premiere service, for free. Read on for a brief explanation...

Well for one, folks can now setup a website simply by logging into our cvs pserver anonymous and checking out the betaNC module. The whole module will download. This betaNC module can be readily seen at

After you configure your site and install the tables, you can script a cronjob to run a cvs update on the module every night using our repository. If anything changes in the file system, your site gets automatically updated.

What does this mean? No more need for human intervention on your end. Its all automated! No more integrating code manually.

In addition, any security patches we issue, your daily cronjob will update your site right away.

We bring complete automation to your nuke site. The only thing you have to do is automate the cvs connection into our betaNC repository module found at

Initial press release.
Posted on Wednesday, July 16 @ 16:26:45 CEST by Zhen-Xjell
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Re: Nuke Cops - Auto update your PHP-Nuke site daily! (Score: 1)
by sixonetonoffun ( on Wednesday, July 16 @ 16:41:00 CEST
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This sounds great for nukers. But are your pipes big enough to support the traffic? I've noticed a slow down just since the cvs site went up. Not to say it couldn't be a hop on the way thats lagging but... wow thats a lotta potential traffic! Wouldn't this have been a nice perc for premium members instead?

Re: Nuke Cops - Auto update your PHP-Nuke site daily! (Score: 1)
by copterdude on Wednesday, July 16 @ 17:56:17 CEST
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uhm... so all the sites attached would be similar right... so...

Lets say you had some mods added on that would be a change of one of the core files (well one that would get an update automatically eventually) wouldn' this cause a problem for that person with the mod, having to readd the changes every update he egts automatically?

Re: Nuke Cops - Auto update your PHP-Nuke site daily! (Score: 1)
by snarfies3 on Wednesday, July 16 @ 18:17:38 CEST
(User Info | Send a Message)
An interesting idea. Until you accidently slip in a piece of code that breaks everybody's site at once, or even just a fraction of them. It is inevitible that it will happen eventually, no matter how careful you are...

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