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Upstate Templates Switching to Postnuke
PHP-NukeCJmac writes "After 8 months with my current host, I have been informed by the administrators that phpnuke violates thier new AUP and I have decided to switch over to Postnuke rather than go through the trouble of transfering my domain and propogating again just to stick with this portal system. They, like many, cite security and inefficient resource usuage as the reason.

As my content and offerings are Dynamic Swish and Flash, the switch will unaffect me internally other than to force me to update some backsides.
I have been given the ultimatum less than 15 minutes ago and I will begin the postnuke install IMMEDIATELY.

I want to thank all the phpnuke servers who supported me and I want to wish all my members good luck in the future.

Posted on Saturday, August 07 @ 03:25:49 CEST by VinDSL
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Re: Upstate Templates Switching to Postnuke (Score: 1)
by kbgus on Saturday, August 07 @ 08:25:24 CEST
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I'm curious as to the language of this new AUP that invalidates phpNuke. Could you post it here (please remove any identifying text like the host's name)?

It seems nonsensical for a host to force you to consider moving an existing site to another host, regardless of whether or not you actually decide to do so.

Re: Upstate Templates Switching to Postnuke (Score: 1)
by nuke-lux ( on Saturday, August 07 @ 13:38:54 CEST
(User Info | Send a Message) says:
Currently phpNuke has a bad drain on server resources and therefore is banned from our servers until further notice. We recommend its counterpart, PostNuke (also available from our control panel). says:
You may not install and run PHP-Nuke because of it's security bugs and it's inefficient use of system resources.

The big advantage of opensource is that every time a new bug is found you only have to wait one or two hours and already somebody tells us in a forum how to fix it. This big advantage is killed by FB because chatserv brings out new fixes very fast, and FB sells them to users and he always waits two or three weeks before he includes the fix, FB is really slow and kills all the advantages an opensource software gives us. It's why php-nuke has so much clones, but it's sad most of the clones have a small team of programmers and all of them make great tweaks but it would be even better if all this clones would try to get a similar developement timeline and if the would use common components like the sql layer, the user an admin checks and other parts of code ... so that every time a group brings out something usefull you can include it without having to chack if it's also compatible with your clone.

As i said, php-nuke is a great piece of opensource software but unlike for example linux, it will never be used be firms because there is that stupid copyright code, it's not secure, and slow. But with only a few changes we could create together a clone that's is easy to use (webinstaller), secure (chatserv fixes), has great modules and that is fast (less db queries as did) or add great tweaks from ravenscripts, matyscripts, nukescripts .... Together we could create a strong core, and every one of us could create his customized pack with more or less modules, blocks, supported languages and themes, on his own site. Add some code to your mainfile and check the spead of php-nuke and look at the queries, you will notice that if we remove some buggy sql queries and add some cache features to others we can increase it's speed by 50-80% :), another thing we could fix, ther are hundreds of queries because nuke always checks "is_user" and "is_admin" ... this slows php-nuke but we just need to check this once and remeber it, but nuke would be less secure because a hacker could find out where this information is saved and use it withour having to pass the check but i'm sure chatserv will find a secure way to do this. The modules block also slows php-nuke, as well as the search module which is really a pack of shity buggy scripts.

Another problem is FB doesn't listen to what the community asks. One big feature asked by the community is to create a comments module, the comments are part of the nuke news system, but if we create a comments module, the admin could set up that the comments are under pictures in image gallerie, under polls, in the content module ... it would be great if the moderator functions would work. more features for backend.php, a better your account module and news module with more features, a wysiwyg module for textareas, url rewrite addon, security features, and lots more ... []

Re: Upstate Templates Switching to Postnuke (Score: 1)
by VinDSL on Saturday, August 07 @ 19:26:12 CEST
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LoL! Bull pucky!

I know I'm preaching to the choir on this, but my site is on a shared server. It's not the busiest site in the world. I've had about 6,000 page views today, so far. There are 21 ppl on my site right now. Here's the server load...

$ uptime
6:17pm up 37 days, 16:44, 3 users, load average: 0.37, 0.55, 0.48

Mind you, this is on a SHARED server. There's probably 200 other sites on the same machine - some of them running Nuke too. Doesn't look like it's chewing up resources to me...

Re: Upstate Templates Switching to Postnuke (Score: 1)
by chatserv on Monday, August 09 @ 00:49:03 CEST
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I've noticed two similar articles with the small variant of the CMS they switched to, i take it for what it is, the usual putdown of PHP-Nuke to promote any other fork, but hey i would have switched too, the hosting company that is.

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