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The facts and fiction on Search Engines Part 1
PHP-Nuketag writes "If you are a web master you want everyone to know your web site exists, whether it is a personal, support site or commercial site. I am sure you have tried to get in a search engine, and after that you got flooded with offers to get you on all the search engines for just the right "£" or "$", usually more expensive than most of us can afford, especially for personal web sites.

The Only advantage to this I suppose is faster placement in the engine. But they do not guarantee that. You might ask ok you snotty little kid, how do we get on Search engines? Well actually it is pretty easy - and you heard it here! You have been to Google and Alta-Vista, Yahoo and maybe some others. Maybe you got listed and maybe you didn't and some of you paid for it.
Being a kid I don't have money to pay for that stuff. So how do the sites I build, get decent links in the search engines... well okay its not as easy as that, but it is easy.
First you have to pick a Theme, well yes a color theme for your site, but right now I'm talking about the kind of site you are going to have. Ok a personal site... but what is the theme, what are you trying to get across to everyone.. That is your theme.
Themes and starting

Themes can be books, games, religion, or thousands of other things.. Hopefully all legal, but now that you have a theme what can you do with it? You build it up, this may take sometime, web sites are not easy to deal with. Then after you decide that you get your domain name. After you have that we get you listed, that will give you a few weeks to start building your site. This may sound stupid, but here is how I set up a site. In the header I use awesome meta tags, but not all search engines use them - so right under the body tag I will put the title and the description and the keywords again each line starting with
Links and such

What else should I look for.. Why links of course. Here is a hint, they will not index your pages if you to not have a link to the page - and back to the home page, and you want those listed as well - that is where your content is. Now lets look at the footer... nothing much there and it is something that we usually over look. Two Examples: 1. For instance you are selling stuff and have an affiliate program (if you don't you better get one!) Link your affiliate program to those affiliate generating sites... even before you submit to the search engines yourself. 2. If you are not familiar with RSS news feeds and you write a lot of content - you will want to get your site listed with RSS sites, and by the way, Php-Nuke comes with that news feed already built in. Put all these return links in the bottom of your footer, using font size=1, those places are already listed on all the sites, within a couple of days you will be also The link back is how they grade you and where they place you - if you can, put a graphic up for them - but that is not necessary. and DMOZ.ORG

Now you have to do some work on this on your own, just like I had to. Don't worry about the pay sites no matter what. Search Google "Submit URL" give them just your main page, no more no less. Then go to and request them to look at your site. Now it could be weeks, or days before these two get to you - but if you did what I said to do with links, then it will be a matter of days before you are listed on many engines, it may take a couple of months for all the biggies to get to you - but they will do it as well.
Follow Up

I didn't talk about meta tags and search words, that is another article. But with these little things you are on the search engines quickly and painlessly.. And if you are using analysis software, then you can actually see them come to your site and look. There are public domain programs for this and php-nuke programs for it. See MS Analysis on this site.

The author is 14 year old Tag Craig


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Posted on Tuesday, July 06 @ 18:08:37 CEST by VinDSL
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