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PHP-Nuke DN-estable [v2.0]
PHP-NukeSpacebom writes "PHP-Nuke [DesarrolloNuke] is glad of offering them, our new distribution, PHP-Nuke 6.0 DN-estable [v2.0] realased last Friday, the 11th of June. They have been more than 9 months of work, re-adapting and depuring this version, what how best characteristics has:

  • It works with the engine of the PHP-Nuke 6.0, nevertheless doesn't have any problem of adaptability between versions, and he takes fast load pages and insured efficiency, so much PHP's engine how that of MySQL.

  • The forums have changed with regard to the previous version, already it will not use the Splatt, to work with the phpBB forums that provide a major security and functionality to him and to the system.

  • Two modules have been included , the Monitor 2.5 and the FeedBackPlus 1.0 (of Xavi) and the IP Banned (de Miguelo).

  • Also has created two new systems re-adapted of the B-Manager and of the Block +, called "Block Manager", system that allows to have a total control on the management of every block in every module, deciding which show and which isn't show. And the MDB-DN, "Multiples DiseƱos de Bloque - DN", system that allows to the admin to adapt an individual design to every block, broken the classic graphical schemes of the PHP-Nuke because these two combined systems provide a versatility to him never dresses in any distribution, add-on, or theme.

  • This distribution has been adding each and every of the official Fixes published (from the PHP-Nuke 6.0 to 7.3, and other problems that it should have). In addition, PHP-Nuke DN-estable it gets an high level of security, because it incorporated diverse systems of detection of assaults. We think that 99 % of the assaults of scriptt-kiddies are solved. Also some new systems of defense by $_REQUEST that analyzes all the information inputs by means of any entry, making more secure (but not completely secure, that's impossible...)

It there are the main characteristics, to have all the information visit the web:, the analysis of the distribution, available here, or the forums of the distribution. We want to be grateful to all our friends for the support showed during this time, to be able to realase this version that we think for his power, speed, graphical versatility and security, is going to turn into a point of reference into the whole community. Any doubt, suggestion, commentary or critique will be welcome in the forums and the environment of the page.
Atentamente, the team of (dn[arroba]desarrollonuke[punto]org)
Posted on Saturday, June 12 @ 21:53:39 CEST by Zhen-Xjell
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PHP-Nuke new development direction (part 2)

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