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New website in phpnuke for Tourism in Rome, offers discounts to the webmasters o
PHP-Nukepersiko writes "The new portal for the booking of Bed & Breakfast in Rome is online:, and offers to the open source community in order to support it, a great number of discounts, for the webmasters of phpnuke sites and for their vacations in Rome.

Thanking the Italian community of the phpnuke developers, we proudly announce the birth of our site , which is entirely developed in phpnuke.
The site, which is translated in 4 languages, offers a wide choice of Bed & Breakfast and Apartments in Rome and many articles about Rome's art and culture. The properties have been indexed by slightly changing the news module, allowing therefore to search for the properties according to the zones of Rome or according to the type of lodging (Bed and Breakfast or Apartments). The site uses the googletap of nukecops, an instrument that we highly recommend to all of those people searching for a good rank position on search engines.
Many updatings related to restaurants and nightlife places in Rome will be available soon (we invite you to contact us if you want to sign up a place, we'll be glad to review it on our website).
As we said before, the site offers to the open source community in order to support it, a great number of discounts, for the webmasters of phpnuke sites and for their vacations in Rome, discounts that are also combinable with the last minutes that our site offers.
Le nouveau site en phpnuke pour Tourisme à Rome offre des escomptes aux webmaster de sites nuke!

Maintenant, le nouveau portail pour la réservation de Bed & Breakfast à Rome est active: qui offre avec esprit de soutien à la communauté open source, nombreux escomptes aux webmaster des sites en phpnuke, pour leurs vacances à Rome.

En remerciant la communauté Italien des développeurs de phpnuke, nous annonçons avec orgueil la naissance du site Entièrement développé en phpnuke.
Le site, développé en 4 langues, vous offre un vaste vue sur les Bed & Breakfast et les Appartements à Rome et une série d'articles sur l'art et la culture de Rome. Les proprietés ont été indexées en apportant des petites modifications au Module des news, en permettant donc une recherche des logements en base aux zones de Rome ou selon la catégorie d'appartenance, ou Bed and Breakfast ou Appartements, le site implémente le googletap de nukecops, un instrument que nous conseillons à tous, principalement pour ceux qui veulent avoir une bonne position dans les moteurs de recherche.
Autres renseignements seront bientôt disponibles, qui concernent les restaurants et les endroits pour sortir le soir à Rome, (nous vous invitons à nous contacter si vous voulez nous signaler un pub ou restaurant, nous serons heureux de le recenser sur le site).
Comme nous vous avons déjà écrit, le site offre avec esprit de soutien à la communauté open source, nombreux escomptes aux webmaster des sites en phpnuke, pour leurs vacances à Rome, escomptes cumulables avec les last minutes que notre site offre. Nuovo sito in phpnuke per Turismo a Roma offre sconti ai webmaster di siti nuke!
Attivo il nuovo portale per la prenotazione di bed & breakfast a Roma: offre con spirito di sostegno alla comunità open source numerosi sconti ai webmaster di siti phpnuke per le loro vacanze a Roma.
Nel ringraziare la comunità italiana degli sviluppatori di phpnuke, annuncio con una punta di orgoglio la nascita del sito Sviluppato interamente in phpnuke.

Il sito sviluppato in 5 lingue offre una panoramica sui bed & breakfast e gli appartamenti a Roma ed una serie di articoli su arte e cultura a Roma.
Le strutture sono state indicizzate apportando delle piccole modifiche al modulo delle news, permettendo quindi una ricerca degli alloggi in base alle zone di Roma o secondo categoria do appartenenza( bed and breakfast piuttosto che appartamenti), il sito implementa il googletap di nukecops, strumento che consigliamo a tutti per coloro che vogliono avere una buona posizione nei motori di ricerca.

Presto saranno inoltre disponibili aggiornamenti per quello che riguarda i ristoranti ed i locali notturni a Roma, (vi invito a contattarci se volete segnalarci un qualche locale, saremo felici di recensirlo sul sito). Come già detto il sito offre con spirito di sostegno alla comunità open source numerosi sconti ai webmaster di siti phpnuke per le loro vacanze a Roma, sconti cumulabili con i last minute che il sito offre. "
Posted on Thursday, May 13 @ 14:48:28 CEST by Zhen-Xjell
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Re: New website in phpnuke for Tourism in Rome, offers discounts to the webmasters o (Score: 1)
by NukeEvangelist on Thursday, May 13 @ 20:00:13 CEST
(User Info | Send a Message)

this is a great great idea. YEARS AGO wie talked about traveling nukers. That was a great pleasure to see Nukers from all over the globe traveling.

one more value added service to the communty.

great idea

Re: New website in phpnuke for Tourism in Rome, offers discounts to the webmasters o (Score: 1)
by DoRullings on Sunday, May 16 @ 03:50:33 CEST
(User Info | Send a Message)
What a great thing todo! Me and my girlfriend (which also speaks italian fluently and been to rome at least 30 times ;) ) are going to Rome this summer! (last visit were in mars) It's more or less a standard vacation for her, and it probably will be for me too now because I dont mind visit your beutifull city (and country) every summer too.
We will for sure check out your site when we are planning our vacation very soon, and I'm a webmaster of one php-nuke website now:, and one more to come very soon: (The new website its not published yet, but it will come in about a month June/july-2004) - It's a portal and community for methadone users and their relatives. So I guess I will get some discount too then :D
Nice and well arranged website asswell!


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