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PHP-Nuke: An Apology to FB
PHP-NukeHi all.

After all the recent events that appear to have been caused by a news post (that people only read the first bit of) on NukeCops by me, I'd like to offer an official and public apology to FB

This whole situation has gotten out of hand, and I'd like to explain a few things. More follows.....

1. There was a misunderstanding by me of the GNU/GPL which does say that you can't charge for the software, but you can charge for the delivery medium which doesn't, it appears, disclude downloads, so FB is within his right to restrict Nuke 6.6 to the club members only.

2. NukeCops decision to not support Nuke 6.6 was a result of a decision made by the majority of staff at NukeCops as a result of a collection of things. Not just the GNU/GPL issue, and may be withdrawn in the near future.

3. PHP-Nuke is still the best CMS in existance. I've tried most of them, so I know. FB has shown real tallent by creating such a system, and even though competition is improving, it's still not up to PHP-Nuke's standards.

Again, I apologise to FB on behalf of myself and NukeCops, and I hope all can become well in the nuke community again.


Admin Note: This same apology has been submitted to
Posted on Wednesday, May 28 @ 06:33:40 CEST by ArtificialIntel
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Re: An Apology to FB (Score: 1)
by NovemberRain on Wednesday, May 28 @ 07:45:32 CEST
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now what?
no freenuke?

Re: An Apology to FB (Score: 1)
by RikMerle on Wednesday, May 28 @ 08:05:41 CEST
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Good Work AI always stay honest and friendly, well spoken.

Re: An Apology to FB (Score: 1)
by Mithoron on Wednesday, May 28 @ 08:25:56 CEST
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I like a group that can offer that it made mistakes.

That being said, with the removal of the only means of support on FB's site (removal of the forums) I believe FB is shooting himself in the foot and I fear for PHP-Nuke's future.

Such a complicated scripting system HAS to have support. Even if it was strictly user support and he never posted once in the site or delegated to other individuals, cancelling all of it is an extreme that I hope he realizes is not the correct move.

Kudos to you for admiting your mistakes is that type of honesty that I appreciate on this site...

Re: An Apology to FB (Score: 1)
by Birba on Wednesday, May 28 @ 10:01:06 CEST
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You may apology FB, but I think that FB too should apology because he deleted the forums with all questions and answers about Php-nuke. There were solutions for some nuke problems.
I think that's enough: it's not possible to manage a nuke-site with the continue incertitude about future developments. Life is uncertain, but nuke is exagerately uncertain. The way FB deals with problems it's hugely troubled. Near every month he says he doesn't know if he wants to continue developing nuke.
This time I would have payed for the new release, but 6.6 hasn't corrected even the most known bugs!
Perhaps fb is a php genius, but his work is also based on the work of other peoples and he never takes this in the right consideration; time passes and the best intelligences go away from nuke.
We all loose in this way.
I use nuke since two years, and till now i've been faithful, and didn't go with forks or other CMS, but if you start freenuke I'll be with you. If you need it, I could make the italian translation.

Re: An Apology to FB (Score: 1)
by sixonetonoffun ( on Wednesday, May 28 @ 10:41:26 CEST
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WTF I thought I replied to Ravens comment and now they are both MIA?

Anyway AI we all knew who was the bigger man from the start. Glad to know you've made an effort to assist the community in the healing process.
That said I for one am converting to postnuke-phoenix- in the mean time as a statement of goodbye PHPNuke. Not that I am thrilled with the overkill in the PN core but... its a small beginning. While waiting for further developements to begin.

Have a nice nuke day ;o)

Re: An Apology to FB (Score: 1)
by mikem on Wednesday, May 28 @ 11:17:03 CEST
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Mighty big of you AI. Sometimes it only takes one person to start the healing process. I have pretty much kept out of the loop on this whole ordeal. I've chosen NOT to voice my opinion on ANY of the recent events, simpluy because I believe there is no need for one more opinion to fuel the fire.
I'm sure everything will work out for the best for everyone. If it doesn't, then oh well, it's not the end of the world as we know it. Besides, many of us have Family and friends. What's more important when it boils down to it? Some silly computer program or FAMILY?
No one likes "bad-blood" between one another. And if they do, then they should really re-think their priorities.
Everything's gonna be just fine :-)


Re: An Apology to FB (Score: 1)
by foxyfemfem on Wednesday, May 28 @ 12:16:19 CEST
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Hello AI,

I admire a person that can admit when they're wrong and apologize for their mistakes. That show you're a bigger person than most.

After reading several of the feedback on I truly feel many owe FB an apology but apparently they can not admit they were wrong.

I'm a very compassionate person, I put myself in FB's shoes and I can only imagine how he felt from all the flaming, bashing, etc. It hurt me to read it therefore, I can assume it hurt him as well. For every action there is a reaction. Some over-react but thats human nature.

I dont want to see phpnuke come to an end and I definitely dont want nukecops to stop supporting phpnuke because it is a good CMS.

I will continue to pray for the nuke community to reach an agreement where everyone would be happy. I admire this website and I truly appreciate all the wonderful support that is offered here.

I will end this by saying: Let the community come together and reason.

Re: An Apology to FB (Score: 1)
by jbsarma on Wednesday, May 28 @ 13:27:39 CEST
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This is childish. No professionalism at all - neither from FB nor from anybody else involved. And we all the mere mortals, the users, are taken for granted. If you, the mighty programmers including FB, do something that involves thousands of others, then please hehave in a professional manner. Your individual emotions are not for public display. I can sympathise with many of you at a individual level, given that many of you are sincere and working hard for the community, but that is besides the point. Please donot take people for granted and donot behave the way you are at present i.e., jumping into conclusion without thinking and then apologising to the very person you are angry with just a moment before. Please think before you act as your action affects us, the users.

Re: An Apology to FB (Score: 1)
by Atoum on Wednesday, May 28 @ 14:54:49 CEST
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I think it's always nice to be respectful towards others. It is also important to apologise when necessary. However, I don' really see what was so "offending" about your FreeNuke related news.
It was simply expressing clearly and without being insultant to anyone what many in the community think. If some comments posted after the new were insultant, it's not you who has to apologize but the one who posted it. Or is the simple mention of ending support insultant? Are you granted? Are we?

I don't really care about the end of the forums, there are plenty other sites like this one or mine for the french community that can handle the support just fine.

What concerns me is the new FB released a couple of months ago about the posible use of ZEND encoder for the next versions. The idea is simply SCARRY, and my view is that FB should seriously clarify his position on this matter if he doesn't want to see some new forking. If you don't do it, others will. I personnally started making researches to write a migration from PHP-Nuke to Postnuke tutorial. I hope PHP-Nuke never leaves open source and GNU, so I'll never have to publish it. But right now I freak, because just like you I LOVE this CMS, but wouldn't be able to cope with the idea of paying for's just not my vision of the community.

To resume: it was nice of you to excuse yourself (even though I still don't get what for), now it's to FB to clarify his position on futur releases. And if he sticks to the last expressed one, I would really be happy if you went on with FreeNuke (else I'd be FORCED to pass to Postnuke and advise my members to do so as well, I'm for open source so have to stick to my personal choices), and would be delighted to do the french translation if needed. This is said with no will to offend anyone, and with respect to FB who created this CMS I am worried about :(

ArtificialIntel and all the Nuke Cops folks.... (Score: 1)
by spapoops on Wednesday, May 28 @ 16:18:56 CEST
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You are a class act.

Re: An Apology to FB (Score: 1)
by Hajduk on Wednesday, May 28 @ 16:41:30 CEST
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I was very concerned for some weeks when reading the comments on PHP Nuke and the GPL issues. Most people don't have a understanding about what they are talking, and just want things for free. For nothing the sun goes up. PHP Nuke is a good system, and there is no other system that offers the same.

People should understand that there are people working on PHP Nuke like FB and others. They spend a lot of time and hard work on it, and the succes of a Open Source script lies in the fact that there are some refenues for the creators of scripts like these. Forcing FB e.g. to take away the footer notice, the club issue etc. are destroying the Open Source idea and the possibility for people that create these scripts to innovate and support themselves will destroy the Open Source society. There is no other script like this one that receives that much wide and free support, most of the rethoric posted on the PHP Nuke site and the Nuke Cops site was destructive and not constructive. People I fear are lazy nowadays and just want to take take take, without giving something instead.

Lets face it, if PHP Nuke isn't supported like it is now it will die and no other CMS will take its position. There is already a ongoing discusion in the US/EU on government levell to pull the plug on Open Source means on the internet. This can be done, and just in case people will start replying this is not possible, I say it is! I know what I am talking about since I work for a Think Tank that makes analysis about issues like this. The free internet world is under attack and if people don't stick together it will die for sure. Pulling the plug on a Open Source idea is very easy trust me.

I like this message above and I hope that people will help people like FB to go on with this project and make it last. I already talked with FB about some idea's and I will post more of them soon on the website. As for the Club I can say this. I am a member. I live in Europe, Serbia. My income is lower then most of yours but still I see something that is good and worthwhile paying a crappy couple of dollars a month. I would spend more on condoms in one week ;-))so I dont see what the problem and the fuzz is. As for the copyright footer, it is valid and legal. I also believe a lot of people don't run Company sites, most of them are personal hobby sites, I never understood why people want to remove this footer, since it was this footer that introduced me to PHP Nuke. You can't take credit for it just because you use it.

Basicly my message is to FB and the guys from NukeCops. Glad you kissed and made up. Stick together! As for those who only complain and wish to have things for free. JEBI SE!!!( if you wish to get this translated email me he he he )

Re: An Apology to FB (Score: 1)
by Master-V on Wednesday, May 28 @ 23:07:24 CEST
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I do not think you needed to apologize. I think it is rediculous to apologize to someone that would delete the forums at PHP-Nuke and charge others for bug/security fixes. Admitting your wrong is one thing, but groveling and saying you might start supporting 6.6 etc. and then going on to say PHP-Nuke is the best CMS, seems strange to me. If I had lost respect, for FB, I have now lost respect for this site. Furthermore, as I posted earlier I was considering some options to help/reward (and this included $ donations, and I see you just posted news about needing them) towards the development of FreeNuke etc. but that is probably not going to happen now. Instead, I am considering starting my own nuke, free to all, and free from sucking up to FB.


Re: An Apology to FB (Score: 1)
by Q on Thursday, May 29 @ 18:21:24 CEST
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I think FB is taking a disturbing path. First he stops releasing bug and security fixes to the public and then he gets rid of the forums and comments. He has basically silenced any criticism or feedback mechinism we had in the future developement. He calls is a community but a comunity comunicats, shares, and helps each other out, he has sent us scattering like bunch of bugs without a home...

Re: An Apology to FB (Score: 1)
by Raven on Thursday, May 29 @ 22:44:44 CEST
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I do not believe that AI owed an apolgy to FB other than for the misunderstanding of the GPL. However, that was his call and I respect him for it. However, FB owes the entire Nuke Community an apology. Don't hold your breath.

Re: An Apology to FB (Score: 1)
by KingRichard on Friday, May 30 @ 09:40:15 CEST
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I have one word for u... History repeat it self so many times. FB again made some wrong movement and try to do everything his way. AI, you have a big heart so dont blame yourself. FB need to grow up! else he kill PHP NUKE itseft.

Other CMS is now in the horizon u all could always choose between them without even bothering PHP Nuke. PostNuke, EnVolution, Xoops, and the latest one which have a very bright future XARAYA.


Re: An Apology to FB (Score: 1)
by Wizard9 on Friday, June 06 @ 01:53:51 CEST
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Strange... He apologises and then leaves Nukecops?
It makes me remember of my old IRC times... Everytime an IRCop had a problem with the "owners of the network" he was forced to do the same. Beg forgiveness and pretend the "owners" where perfect.

Re: An Apology to FB (Score: 1)
by FreeBeerIsCool on Saturday, June 07 @ 12:48:32 CEST
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Download PHP-Nuke 6.7 here as is allowed under the GPL:

Requires BitTorrent to download.

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