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PHP-Nuke Bundle Suite Venture: Nuke Cops
PHP-NukePHP-Nuke as we all know shattered the concept of "proprietary rules" with the notion that "free software" is competitive in its own right. This truly wonderful content-management system has empowered not only corporations but also individuals and groups like the boy scouts and church organizations to deliver quality content in a socially friendly atmosphere with ease and simplicity.

PHP-Nuke in and of itself has gathered a cult like following with dedicated supporters, developers, webmasters, and membership fans. The author, Francisco Burzi (nukelite) has stayed true to the core platform (re: while working with developers to include modules such as the phpBB2 forums port and the Journal.

We at Nuke Cops have helped the community by providing programs such as NukeSQL.php, Analyze.php, Google Tap, Idiot's Guide, Handbook, Journal, phpBB2 Forums Port, among others. Having recently received Francisco's blessing, Nuke Cops is in active development at our site ( to establish a PHP-Nuke Bundle we'll refer to as "Nuke Cops".

This bundle will include the latest modifications to the PHP-Nuke files and will make installing and running PHP-Nuke easier for folks of all levels: new to expert.

During this time of development, we'd like to accomodate as many folks as possible, so feel free to stop by here (link given) and share with us what you'd like to see included.

So far, Nuke Cops has included many forum hacks and PHP-Nuke modules. Other items on the agenda:

Ascii Artist
Nuke Cops Uploads Module
Computer Cops Top Modules
Integrated Your Account by Computer Cops and NukeScripts

Some of the forum hacks that are already included:

Forum Quick Reply with Quote
PM Quick Reply with Quote
Ignore User
Forum XL
Buddy List

Others shall include:


And of course, GoogleTap will be updated to the lastest greatest in this new bundle called: Nuke Cops.

We at Nuke Cops like to thank you for inspiring us, and Francisco for creating such a useful product -- for free, and for being our friend. Now we'd like to give back to the community on the next level: package a great bundle for free.

Stay tuned, because we are testing our modifications live at We'll also be releasing our first bundle soon.
Posted on Friday, May 16 @ 16:25:40 CEST by Zhen-Xjell
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· More about PHP-Nuke
· News by Zhen-Xjell

Most read story about PHP-Nuke:
PHP-Nuke new development direction (part 2)

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PHP-Nuke Bundle Suite Venture: Nuke Cops (Score: 1)
by Mindl3ss ( on Friday, May 16 @ 21:41:27 CEST
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will we able to transfer our site data to this?? :D

PHP-Nuke Bundle Suite Venture: Nuke Cops (Score: 1)
by clerc on Saturday, May 17 @ 01:22:14 CEST
(User Info | Send a Message)
Very good!

PHP-Nuke Bundle Suite Venture: Nuke Cops (Score: 1)
by jimmyjimjim on Saturday, May 17 @ 04:18:20 CEST
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Will nuke 6.5 final sites be easily upgraded to this new product?

PHP-Nuke Bundle Suite Venture: Nuke Cops (Score: 1)
by Zhen-Xjell on Saturday, May 17 @ 08:01:07 CEST
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There should be no DB changes to anything existing. There shall be new DB additions however. A script shall be provided (the nukesql.php).

PHP-Nuke Bundle Suite Venture: Nuke Cops (Score: 1)
by dsnail2000 on Saturday, May 17 @ 16:19:09 CEST
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The only major hurdle will be creating the cooresponding images that match the themes(ex. the ignore button). Or at least a light and dark set.

PHP-Nuke Bundle Suite Venture: Nuke Cops (Score: 1)
by dsnail2000 on Sunday, May 18 @ 14:48:05 CEST
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Will the forum RSS feed code be included? Is that what the "Forum XL" supposed to be "Forum XML"thing is?

PHP-Nuke Bundle Suite Venture: Nuke Cops (Score: 1)
by ads on Sunday, May 18 @ 15:58:04 CEST
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will NSN Your Account Tweak be included? If not I suggest it be included.

PHP-Nuke Bundle Suite Venture: Nuke Cops (Score: 1)
by bazzer on Monday, May 19 @ 04:03:25 CEST
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I'd also include the ability to turn of the security number from the admin panel (we'd like our site to be accessible by disabled users.)

PHP-Nuke Bundle Suite Venture: Nuke Cops (Score: 1)
by bazzer on Monday, May 19 @ 04:04:15 CEST
(User Info | Send a Message)
I'd also include the ability to turn of the security number from the admin panel (we'd like our site to be accessible by disabled users.)

Web site engine's code is Copyright © 2002 by PHP-Nuke. All Rights Reserved. PHP-Nuke is Free Software released under the GNU/GPL license.
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