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Tweaks: Optimized mod-rewrite rules for PHP-NUKE 6.5
PHP-NukeImago writes "Googlifier 2.2 has been released today with optimized rewrite rules for saving SE-generated traffic and money of all those who pay for traffic. The number of the SE-indexed pages has been dramatically reduced (up to 10 times) while preserving the integrity of the content indexed.

Forum Search has been "revamped". Highlight=keywords are now integrated in the post or the topic address (works with Roman letters). Added new robots.txt rules to avoid double, triple and even "decimal" or "twentiple" indexing of one and the same page with different addresses.

Version 2.1
Applied totally new approach to Surveys section. Added rewrite rules for the article comments. An attempt has been made to hide away the appended &mode=&order=&thold= for registered users when viewing the articles (news).

Version 2.02
Fixed addcomments and delete link in the Reviews section. Added rewrite rules for search topic from the article page (name=Search&topic=Number) so that now it returns articles, not only the search form.

Version 2.0
Updated to work with the RC2. RC3 and Nuke 6.5 Final. Added rewrite rules for the pagination of all articles, categories, and topics, as well as for the categories in the Archive. Requires Page Numbers for PHP-Nuke 6.5 by scottr (included in the pack).

Version 1.95
Links for sort reviews by letters fixed, viewforum rewrite rule rewritten. All printer-friendly links leading to the AvantGo section googlified.

Version 1.92
allarticles.html rewrite rule added for Stories_Archive where categories links have also been googlified.

Version 1.91
PHP-Nuke FAQ fixed and working in ANY language.

Version 1.9
Members_List rewritten along with all mode information form Forums concerning the author's profile and publications. Now search agents have direct access to almost all individual sutraXXXX.html. Articles are being fully indexed through News, Topics, Categories, and Archives (Cycle I), and posts are close to being fully indexed through forums, topics, userinfo, and Members List (Cycle II). The next move requires change in the phpBB2 code.


Posted on Wednesday, April 23 @ 15:56:51 CEST by [RETIRED]chatserv
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PHP-Nuke new development direction (part 2)

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Re: v. 2.25 is out (Score: 1)
by Imago on Sunday, April 27 @ 01:08:24 CEST
(User Info | Send a Message)
Meanwhile, Sections have been googlified.

And a plea:
Please, do not forget to change the error page to your own, I don't want "erratic" visitors, and

Manage your list of banned IPs very carefully in the .htaccess.

Alternative download address for WM from Brazil:

Thank you.

Re: Jokes added (Score: 1)
by Imago on Tuesday, April 29 @ 05:39:28 CEST
(User Info | Send a Message)
April 29, 2003

NukeJokes are now throroughly tested with Nuke 6.5, slightly modified, and Jokes rewrite rules added to the 6.5 pack.

The Googlifier version has correspondigly changed to v.2.3

Re: Optimized mod-rewrite rules for PHP-NUKE 6.5 (Score: 1)
by Mesum on Friday, May 02 @ 21:48:08 CEST
(User Info | Send a Message)
Would it work with 6.0 as usual or it's worthless for me to try?

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