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AmaZense - Combining the Power of The Adsense and Amazon
PHP-NukeRiva writes "This script is incredible!

The most popular two money maker for webmasters are the Adsense and the Amazon. How about combining these two sources into one-for-all-solution, so they can work together and draw the money for you?

We've done it. We combined them into one package which is possibly become a powerful and amazing performer for your site. Both of them are content targeted! Call it the AmaZense.

The package consist of a usual block, a sideblock for the articles, and function script written by Daniel Filzhut.

They loads the ads one after another at a random order in just a single block. Adsense, Amazon, Amazon, Adsense, Amazon, Adsense, Adsense, Adsense, Amazon and so forth.

In the normal block, the Adsense works as usual. The Amazon is content targeted by the keyword of your choice. You can choose any category that exist at the Amazon. Books, DVDs, Music, ASIN, ISBN, Author, Publisher, Movies, Toys, Electronics, Computers, any keyword etc.

In the article block (the side block of the page that comes up when you click Read more...) the Adsense works as usual. Here, the Amazon become more contextual to your content since the keyword here is being represented by a variable. The variable itself is any topic you has on your site. So, any article you has there is a member of a topic. Your Amazon ads will match to your topic and your article's content.

Thanks to Daniel Filzhut for his functions. Remember, he has something to say if you wanted to use his script. Check it out at his site, he propose an agreement that if you reach more than $50/quarter from the Amazon, he ask you to pay a one time charge. If get the revenue under $50/quarter, you are freed to use his script.

Edit the amazon_functions file and you should at least change all the "DEVTOKEN" and the "ASSOCIATESID" codes into your own or it won't work.

Edit the file block-AmaZense and change the "google_ad_client" code into your own, the "amazon_search_keyword" values into the pairs of keyword and category of your choice, and the "amazon_create_teaserlist" values to your preference.

Edit the file article which is should reside in the directory "modules/News" and do the same changes. The keyword in this file is already adjusted to your topics. You will get content-match Amazon's ads.

Please consider to reorganize and simplified your topics name (a one word topics should do it). The search capability of Amazon is still simple, it can handle just one or two keyword at a time.

You do not have to change any html included in these file. They'll follow your themes.

And ofcourse, backup your files!

Try the demo and get the AmaZense for your site. You can see the random order by refresing the page."
Posted on Tuesday, January 06 @ 10:20:30 CET by Zhen-Xjell
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Re: AmaZense - Combining the Power of The Adsense and Amazon (Score: 1)
by XEULAS ( on Tuesday, January 06 @ 11:26:09 CET
(User Info | Send a Message)
This is very cool! Nice work.

A reminder: It is against adsense TOS to have more than one instance of adsense running on your site, so dont forget to disable any other adsense blocks.

Re: AmaZense - Combining the Power of The Adsense and Amazon (Score: 1)
by tour93 on Tuesday, January 06 @ 13:04:22 CET
(User Info | Send a Message)
Where can we get the "token" number? I used to have one the first time I register with amazon and use the module from but after an update from this website, we didn't need it anymore.

Re: AmaZense - Combining the Power of The Adsense and Amazon (Score: 1)
by batmon on Friday, January 09 @ 02:47:24 CET
(User Info | Send a Message)
Is it possible to let users get Nuke Points when click on this ad block?

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