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Don't buy/download phpNuke 7.0 final !! |
djmaze writes "I recently payed and downloaded phpNuke 7.0 but it has a terrible and major bug.
When you set view for modules to "Registered Users Only" they won't be shown even when your logged in.
No fix, no support and no fixes on nukecops found yet.
Wait untill you've found a fix for it.
Admin Note: I'm fairly liberal in approving news articles because I like to see community response. I'm rather interested in this op-ed and membership commentary. Obviously you know how I feel about this."
Posted on Friday, December 12 @ 21:51:57 CET by Zhen-Xjell |
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Average Score: 4.58 Votes: 12

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Re: Don't buy/download phpNuke 7.0 final !! (Score: 2, Insighful) by XEULAS (MotherPlucker@KentuckyFriedChicken.com) on Friday, December 12 @ 22:30:07 CET (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.SiteLance.com | Well, while I might agree with the poster regarding the current methods used at php-nuke.org for paying for scripts ($10 a month, hoping you might get a good release?), I totally disagree about "no fix, no support and no fixes on nukecops found yet".
This subject has been discussed much, and a simple search of the forums along with a concentrated effort to actually read through posts will find the answer has been discussed and provided.
Open mainfile.php and find this line
if ($points > 0 AND $points >= $row[points] || $mod_group == 0) {
Change it to
if ($points >= 0 AND $points >= $row[points] || $mod_group == 0) {
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Re: Don't buy/download phpNuke 7.0 final !! (Score: 1) by Audioslaved on Saturday, December 13 @ 01:27:20 CET (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.audioslaved.com | I really don't think it is fair for everyone in the community that FB puts out releases such as this and expect everyone else to pick up where his lack of testing and lack of patching left off. We are the ones that enhance and produce great new code for the cms, and for the most part except for an elite few in the community, are the same ones who are ignored when it comes to the direction of the cms and what should be put out in each new distribution (Honestly who NEEDS a point system built in, Who NEEDS amazon and this other stuff built in on the default distro). I don't know many who use amazon at all, but I can attest to having seen it take quite a long time to upload via FTP, almost longer than the forums files (all those darn Amazon images)
If I was FB and had such a great group of coders such as nukecops and all these other nuke junkies, I would be more like a project manager and just oversee and distribute and let others code and produce greatness within the vision of the community. He still feels he has to have complete control of it all, the main core coding etc, and I feel he does not take suggestions to change it, enhance it, etc, to heart. If he relaxed a bit and gave more control to other developers, there would be a world of difference in this CMS, we could make this thing some stuff the world has never seen before and until certain individuals and the community step up and say, "FB, we cannot support your new version of nuke until you do these things", I see the same repetitive actions happening for each release.
This is not meant to disrespect FB for his work or anyone else. I have grown to know some brilliant people in this community and its almost a darn shame that one person "has" to have such a tight grip on every aspect when it has grown beyond him and his ability to support it. I say if nukecops is the official development team of nuke, let them take over, credits in nuke 7.0 for them should not be enough to feel proud of the new release (Nuke 7.0) when BNC 6.5 is better than the official Nuke7.0 distro. Nuke needs security built in at the distribution level and this is not happening, that is a sad sad thing, and a damn pity for Chatserv ;), also, these "undocumented changes", everything should be documented to some extent, a changelog/changefile's purpose it to show your fellow coders and community the changes they can expect, not "other undocumented changes" I now understand why there is not an official cvs for this project. I am hoping I don't get flamed too hard for my views, but that is just it, they are just my views and do not reflect anyone but mine.
I would also be more of the type to have officially supported addon's, maybe a page from postnuke, maybe a page from here at nukecops. But definitely something I would do. Why have the distribution so bulky, when the amazon associates or just the amazon images, LOL, points system, could be a seperate officially supported addon that is possibly backwards compatible. That way, those who don't want/need it, don't need to download it or install it. Why do we progressively keep making it bigger and bigger, its ridiculous people, something that nukecops can do well that jimmyjimjim once said is code good and "streamline" things, I agree with this, you guys could streamline the heck out of this, probably cut half the erroneous functions, release something that has been tested thoroughly, and most important to many is support, support, documentation, and more support. Where was the live Nuke7.0 testbed with the bug reporter and why release beta's if "all" the suggested fixes don't get applied or at least looked at, again, a case of too much on one's plate, time to spread the wealth.
This is not nuke7.0, this is Nuke 6.5.4 Just my 5.5 cents. I tried to be very respectful, please extend me the same if you feel the need to flame back, thx. |
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Re: Don't buy/download phpNuke 7.0 final !! (Score: 1) by sharlein on Saturday, December 13 @ 14:27:18 CET (User Info | Send a Message) | I wholeheartedly agree, don't buy it, don't use it. I'm fairly certain that FB will get a kickback from Amazon, that's why he included it. As for the points system, why is it there? I think most webmasters do not want to assign groups by how many times you visit. In my opinion this is just useless junk. I read the front page this morning (at NC), and I really have to wonder - I could have Amazon and points, but the security of the system is terrible, hack after hack. Perhaps FB will actually fix the problems that affect the security of Nuke in 7.1, but I doubt it. You see, if he ever comes up with a stable, secure product, it will end his $10.00 a month club. I am using 6.5 until I find something better! |
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Re: Don't buy/download phpNuke 7.0 final !! (Score: 1) by PoC2 on Tuesday, December 16 @ 08:31:06 CET (User Info | Send a Message) | Sadly, I'm starting to agree. I will not upgrade to 7 if it has lots of useless and insecure functions. Clean it, strip it, make it stable.
FB should let it go.
Otherwise I'll be looking for a new CMS, maybe PostNuke. Now I think I'm beginning to understabd why PostNuke exists and why so many of the bigger sites use it and not PHPNyuke. :(
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Re: Don't buy/download phpNuke 7.0 final !! (Score: 1) by stanishjd on Monday, January 12 @ 08:50:36 CET (User Info | Send a Message) | This bug can be fixed by editing line 294 of mainfile.php to read:
if ( ($points > 0 AND $points >= $row['points']) || $mod_group == 0) {
instead of:
if ( $points > 0 AND $points >= $row[points] || $mod_group == 0) {
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