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New law in Europe
Internetbigsi writes "A new law is due to be introduced in the European community on Thursday 11th December. Click the link below to read more, and I suggest you do.

Admin Note: Caption from the article about the law: "New European laws banning the sending of unwanted e-mails - spam - come into force on Thursday.""
Posted on Friday, December 12 @ 09:00:33 CET by Zhen-Xjell
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Re: New law in Europe (Score: 1)
by andyr6381 on Friday, December 12 @ 09:25:24 CET
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And this will have no effect on any SPAMing at all, where is the most SPAM coming from Outside the EU in the USA. O! and what do Spammers already do? use illegal measures to SPAM? so how is another silly unglobal law saying its now illegal in the EU to SPAM going to have a single effect on SPAMING .???? ITS NOT....!!!! Glad we have a bunch of twits running the internet. What a load of bull...... What a load of bull lol..

Re: New law in Europe (Score: 1)
by allevon on Friday, December 12 @ 12:55:24 CET
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Wrong. 35% comes from the US, which also JUST Arrested the 8th Largest Spammer in the world: and Bush is set to pass a law making it a FEDERAL offense. The spammers are facing 5 years per incident. About freaking time.

The bulk of the spam comes from BRAZIL and RUSSIA off of CHINESE and KOREAN servers. Less the small change ones from all other countries.

Re: New law in Europe (Score: 1)
by andyr6381 on Saturday, December 13 @ 13:58:46 CET
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Ok so if 35% comes from the us what are the break downs for the other countries? if the gov was elected on a 35% majority that would be a landslide. But those stats are wrong. according to theinquirer the breakdown from a sample of 140 emails was:

A total of 13, or 9%, came from Brazil; a further 18, or 13%, came from China; and a massive 58 or 41% of the total came from the USA

Most SPAM still comes from the USA:

And again I said spammers already use illegal measures so new laws wont change the trend, the only possible way to stop SPAM is a to have more control over email servers. this will eventually happen as you can already see the tighter controls effecting comercial sites. The fact that an email can be forged very easily suggest this system cant and wont last. Look at new viruses sent via email pretending to be from MS offering security updates. Email as we know it will be gone withing 5-10yrs.

We live in a capalist world and the net has had an easy ride sinces its birth. Its only a matter of time before further restrictions are brought into place as goverments grasp every penny from it they can.

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