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UPDATED - Quick Start Guide For PHP-Nuke

So, you already know what php-nuke is all about and you are ready to get started on your own php-nuke site.


So, you already know what php-nuke is all about and you are ready to get started on your own php-nuke site. (If you are not, then you might want to have a look here

A. First, you need the php-nuke files. There are numerous 'flavors' of php-nuke... after all, it is open source software which means anyone can work on its development. The original author has a latest version out which continues his line of work. For that, see The version I recommend is by official developers for php-nuke, NukeCops ( You will find that even the original author, mentioned previously, is using code provided by NukeCops in his updates! NukeCops have been tweaking the programs security and most everything else. They run a repository for the latest files and offer much more. See their main site at-

View the Beta website to see the current download files in actual use-

So, as I was saying, you need the php-nuke files. If you go with the nukecops enhanced version, which is still in beta but is very stable at this time, you can get it in two ways,

A1. The usual way (you download it, unzip it, configure it, then upload it to your web host after reading the documentation and making your changes). Download the latest file/snapshot here (see bottom of snapshots page)-

A2. Or, if you have shell access (if you dont know what that is, you might want to use the other method), you can set it all up pretty much automatically... even updates/patches itself nightly if you want to set up a cron job.


NOTE: You can do a complete automatic install or update of the latest version of NC php-nuke using the following steps. You must have shell access to your hosting account. Many of these instructions are done from your shell account.

Using the script.

A2a. Download the latest version of the script here-

A2b. Create a directory on your server called

A2c. Edit script with your settings (instructions are inside the script itself), and save.

NOTE: If this is a fresh/first time install, UNcomment the following lines-
cvs -d login
cvs -d checkout betaNC

A2d. Upload/FTP (in ASCII mode) the script to your server, into your host ROOT directory (see #A2h, below, on locating your root directory. Typically, when you FTP into your host, the directory you start out in is your root directory. This is not true in all cases, of course).

A2e. Make the executable, chmod it to 755.

A2f. Now create a blank/empty text file named
and upload it/FTP it (in ASCII mode) to your host ROOT directory (see #A2h, below to locate your root directory).
One of the easiest ways is to create a file called cvspass.txt, upload it, then rename it .cvspass

A2g. Now shell (SSH) into your account.

A2h. Locate your host root. To locate your host root, type
Then press enter. Then type
Then press enter.
This will tell you where your root is.
EXAMPLE: /home/yourroot

A2i. Type
NOTE: The command you use varies dependent upon your host service. Some people are able to type the following instead
Yet, other people are able to type the following instead

A2j. After pressing ENTER, you should be udating!

A2k. When it is done, exit your shell session.

A2l. YOU ARE DONE. You now have an updated NukeCops (NC) version of php-nuke in your betaNC directory. If this is a NEW installation, you will need to edit your nuke config.php as well as create a database (see below). Also, Read the PHP-NUKE docs.

NOTE: IF YOU PLAN ON USING THIS AGAIN OR PUTTING IT INTO A CRON JOB, DON'T FORGET TO re-edit your script and put the comments back in on the two lines you removed them from.
#cvs -d login
#cvs -d checkout betaNC
Then RE-Upload/FTP the script to your root directoy.


A2m1. You can set up a CRON job (if you have access to CRON) to run this automatically. That way you will always have the latest files, automatically. Set up a cron job and put

If you DON'T have access to CRON, then go here and get this script called 'fake cron'.

A2m2. Everything mentioned so far assumes that your php-nuke setup is in a FOLDER on your server named
To make the 'betaNC' point to your REAL folder (lets call it 'Nuke' for this example) do the following while in your shell:

First- Navigate to the directory that holds your php-nuke FOLDER.
EXAMPLE: If my php-nuke directory is /home/myroot/www/Nuke
Then I would navigate to the following directory- /home/myroot/www

Second- Type in
So. Using the previous example, I would type in ln -s Nuke betaNC
This will create a symbolic link from betaNC to Nuke, so that they both end up pointing to the same place. You can check your results by opening your browser and going to the betaNC directory ( You should end up on your nuke site.
Of course, you could always reverse the folders if you want by changing the folder names in the example, above. (For instance, making your NUKE folder point to your betaNC folder instead of the other way around.)
To REMOVE that symbolic link, shell back into your account and navigate to the same directory where you created it, and type
ln -i betaNC

(Note: Some of the information below has been adapated from the PHP-Nuke Manual at

The permissions to give are the following (for the base permissions, see the PHP-Nuke MANUAL Section called The permissions on the folders and files in Chapter 10 regarding security):
Files: 666
Directories: 777



PHPMyAdmin is an visual system for the management of a MySQL database. It is written in PHP and serves to display the contents of the databases on the server (or client) on which MySQL is installed. Through this interface you can create new databases, modify existing ones and modify the contents of single fields.

How to install the DB of PHP-Nuke with PHPMyadmin
Start PHPMyAdmin
On the left bar you will see a list menu coming up, showing the databases available.
At the bottom, click on QUERY.
In the window that pops up, click on IMPORT
Click on "browse" and go search for the .sql file that contains the instructions that build the structure of the PHP-Nuke database (typically nuke.sql).
Once found, click on "Go" and the database will be installed. Of course, if there are errors, they will be reported at the end of the
installation procedure. The same holds for the message "operation succeeded".


Ok, the last thing that remains to do before starting with the management of your site, is to configure the file config.php (in your nuke root folder). This is important because it sets up a connection between the PHP files of PHP-Nuke and the MySQL database that manages it.
There are only a few parameters to configure. When you open the file "config.php" you will see the following near the top:
# Database & System Config
# dbhost: SQL Database Hostname
# dbuname: SQL Username
# dbpass: SQL Password
# dbname: SQL Database Name
# $prefix: Your Database table's prefix
# $user_prefix: Your Users' Database table's prefix (To share it)
# $dbtype: Your Database Server type. Supported servers are:
# MySQL, mysql4, postgres, mssql, oracle, msaccess,
# db2 and mssql-odbc
# Be sure to write it exactly as above, case SeNsItIvE!
# $sitekey: Security Key. CHANGE it to whatever you want, as long
# as you want. Just don't use quotes.
# $gfx_chk: Set the graphic security code on every login screen,
# You need to have GD extension installed:
# 0: No check
# 1: Administrators login only
# 2: Users login only
# 3: New users registration only
# 4: Both, users login and new users registration only
# 5: Administrators and users login only
# 6: Administrators and new users registration only
# 7: Everywhere on all login options (Admins and Users)
# NOTE: If you aren't sure set this value to 0
$dbhost = "localhost";
$dbuname = "root";
$dbpass = "";
$dbname = "nuke";
$prefix = "nuke";
$user_prefix = "nuke";
$dbtype = "MySQL";
$sitekey = "SdFk*fa28367-dm56w69.3a2fDS+e9";
$gfx_chk = 7;

$dbhost = "localhost"; // In place of "localhost" you MAY have to put the host/server Name/IP that the database is installed on.
$dbuname = "joe"; // In place of "joe" you must put your username.
$dbpass = "schmo"; // In place of "schmo" you must put your username.
$dbname = "mynukedb"; // In place of "mynukedb" you will have to insert the name of your database here.
$prefix = "nuke"; // It is recommended to leave this setting at the default value, "nuke". It is the prefix that goes in front of the name of every database table.
$user_prefix = "nuke"; // It is recommended to leave this setting at the default value, "nuke".
$dbtype = "MySQL"; // Database type- see note, above, regarding supported databases.
$sitekey = "j8npoai7pRpOiPOas987YLJl"; // Security Key. CHANGE it to whatever you want, as long as you want. Just don't use quotes.
$gfx_chk = 7; // This sets the graphic security code (see note, above, regarding Graphic Security Code).

NOTE: On Linux systems, if you write a user name or a password without taking care of letter case, the system will not allow you to log in since it is Case Sensitive!
OK YOU ARE DONE! The only thing that remains to do is to enter the administration section ( The very first time you will log in using “God” as username and “Password” as password. I recommend you to change these as soon as possible.

based on Deb's (sysmom at
"What To Do Now that You've Installed it Successfully!"

My Nuke Works! Now what?
E1. First thing, if you haven't already, do what the message tells you. Establish your Admin name and account.

E2. Then log in as an admin. Voila! The power of Php-Nuke is at your fingertips now from this page.

E3. Second, edit the opening message that told you to create an Admin account. That's done with the Messages link. Click it, then choose Edit. Erase what is already there and add your own welcome. These messages, you can have more than one, are called Admin Messages, and they will always appear at the top center of your home page.

E4. Now, give some thought first to what you want to use the site for, and how visitors will interact with it. Will it be primarily news stories? Content articles? Links? Downloads? Some of everything?

E5. Deactivate the modules you won't be using next. You can do this on the Admin page, by clicking Modules. There will be a list of them. You can deactivate the things you won't be needing here. Don't delete them, you might need them again sometime! Just deactivate.

E6. You can rename any of the default modules so they appear with the name you choose. This will be the name they use on the Modules/Main Menu navigation area (see blocks on left side). If you do want to rename them, you can do that by first going to your main Admin screen, then clicking on modules, and selecting edit at the end of the rows of the items you want to rename. Fill in your new name in the Custom Module Name box, and Save Changes.

E7. You can further tailor the looks of your site by enabling or disabling the various BLOCKS on your home page. This is done at the BLOCKS link from your Admin Menu.
Activate or deactivate the ones you want to use.
Place them where you want them on the page; left, center, or right
Move them up and down in their column on the page with the little up and down arrows in the 4th column of the row they are in.
Select EDIT if you want to give them a new block title or change who can see them
See the help file about adding new blocks if you need to ADD a new block.
Stand back and admire your handiwork

E8. Add a Test/First News story from either the Admin screen, Add Story, or from the Submit link on the navigation menu. The Submit link will not sense you are the Admin, and you will see exactly what a user would see -- then it goes into the 'holding' area for you to approve. See the Admin block at the end of the left column? Under Waiting Content, you'd see Submissions: 1
If you add the story from the Admin panel, it becomes live as soon as you press save.

E9. Now that you have a working grip on your new Nuke, it is time to go Theme Shopping! You can change the look of the site by simply specifying a new theme. Several came with your download, start with one of them first.
In the Admin panel, select Preferences. This is your Web Site Configuration. Edit very carefully here. This is the same information that came from your config file. So my recommendation is that when you make a change to this screen, and you're happy with it, download the config.php from the server so you've always got a backup if you need it.
Your URL in preferences should be set to the FOLDER of your nuke site, for example or (no trailing slash).

You will also see an option that says: Default Theme for your site. All the installed themes are listed in the pull down box next to that. Change it, save the setting out with the button at the bottom, and then look at the home page again. It looks all different now, doesn't it? That's the magic of themes.
More themes can be found at: Nuke-Themes.
Please note: There are tons of themes out there, not all work with all versions of Nuke. Not all are perfect.

E10. From here, you're ready to start adding content! Have fun, and don't forget, when in doubt RTFM (Read The Freakin Manual).


You can find a growing, detailed manual for php-nuke here-




Admin Note: Most excellent article!"
Posted on Wednesday, December 10 @ 22:00:00 CET by Zhen-Xjell
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Most read story about PHP-Nuke:
PHP-Nuke new development direction (part 2)

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Re: UPDATED - Quick Start Guide For PHP-Nuke (Score: 1)
by chris-au on Thursday, December 11 @ 00:50:22 CET
(User Info | Send a Message)
Maybe you can change:

$dbpass = "schmo"; // In place of "schmo" you must put your username.


$dbpass = "schmo"; // In place of "schmo" you must put password.

Re: UPDATED - Quick Start Guide For PHP-Nuke (Score: 1)
by XEULAS ( on Saturday, December 13 @ 01:55:24 CET
(User Info | Send a Message)
NOTE: This guide has been updated, please go to the forums for the latest version!

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