Aiming at making PHP-Nuke compatible with more databases, the SQL syntax has been transformed to functions, in order to achieve a standard syntax that is
independent of the database used. For convenience, let us recall the file sql_layer.php in a somewhat cleaned-up version:
sql_connect($host, $user, $password, $db)
sql_query($query, $id)
sql_fetch_row(&$res, $nr)
sql_fetch_array(&$res, $nr)
sql_fetch_object(&$res, $nr)

- Log into the DB.

- Disconnect from the DB.

- Query.

- Number of Rows.

- Fetch Rows.

- Fetch Array.

- Fetch Object.

- Free Result.
With this syntax you will be able to render all the modifications, blocks or modules you create compatible to all the databases supported by PHP-Nuke, which are:
From version 6.5 and up, PHP-Nuke users the same abstraction layer of phpBB for compatibility reasons. It's very easy and highly tested. Normaly you make a query
on MySQL like this:
$sql = "SELECT uid, uname FROM nuke_users";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
list($uid, $uname) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
With the SQL abstraction layer on PHP-Nuke, you would declare $db as a global variable and then write:
$sql = "SELECT uid, uname FROM nuke_users";
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
This will return the array $row[] with the results. If you want to work with more friendly names you should do this:
$uid = $row[uid];
$uname = $row[uname];
But it is much faster for you (and for the system) to use just the array values directly, ie:
echo "Hello $row[uname], Welcome to my site!";
Note that there isn't any "sql_fetch_array", the sql_fetch_row automaticaly will create the array with the results of your query.
The old method using the file sql_layer.php and the variable $dbi is now deprecated. It works for compatibility reasons, but we strongly suggest to any developer making new modules or modifying a
module to start using the new method. See also the ADDONS-MODULES file that came with your PHP-Nuke package.