Javascript can be used with PHP-Nuke without problems, as long as you remember that they operate in different environments (see Frames, JavaScript, and PHP Overview):
PHP-Nuke, like PHP, is server side. Therefore, if you want to pass data from a form to PHP-Nuke, you have to submit it and load the page again. There is no getting around it.
Javascript is client side (run in the browser), and can help you with dynamic functionality. You can easily use JavaScript and PHP-Nuke together. However, just
like PHP, PHP-Nuke knows nothing about Javascript. PHP-Nuke will just echo the Javascript code to the HTML page, just as it
would echo the value of a string variable.
Thus, from the point of view of PHP and PHP-Nuke, there is no difference between
echo 'Welcome to PHP-Nuke';
echo '<script type="text/javascript">
if ( 1 ) {\'modules.php?name=News\', \'_WELCOME\',
\'HEIGHT=450, resizable=yes, WIDTH=600\');
They both echo strings, of which the first one is simply displayed in the client's browser as a welcome message, while the second one is interpreted by the client's browser and leads to the
browser sending a request for the News module, which in turn sends the usual home page of a PHP-Nuke site to be displayed on the client.
With this in mind, Javascript does not demand any special treatment when used in PHP-Nuke blocks. Just append the Javascript code to the $content variable of the
block and you are done. Of course, you have to escape double quotes - and it is a good idea to add a newline (\n) to the end of each Javascript line (see Javascript and BLOCKs).
If you use sed, the following sequence of sed commands, applied to a Javascript file, will produce the right
PHP code to include in the PHP-Nuke block:
1,$s/^/\$content \.= "/

- Escape all double quotes.

- Add the string '$content .= "' at the start of every line.

- Add the string '";' at the end of every line.

- Add a newline \n at the end of each JS line.
You can put them in a file, sedscr, and tell sed to read sedscr for commands, while editing the original Javascript file (javascript):
sed -f sedscr javascript > block-Javascript.php
Of course, you can use vi (Section 11.1) too - see Section 21.9.1 for a similar example - or just do the substitutions manually. The
examples in this section demonstrate what you have to do (see also Javascript in a PHP-Nuke block):