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Advertising V0.5 - Ready!
Modulesseventhseal writes "Overview Forget everything you've learned or done with the original Advertising Module V0.3 - V0.5 takes advertising on your site to a whole new level! First off, the banners interface that comes with PHPnuke has been re-written and in most cases replaced. Why? Well, I wanted to have more control, and give my clients more flexibility in using the banner advertising. I also wanted something that "felt" native to PHPNuke. I believe this is a step in the right direction, and I hope you agree.

Paths to Success
  • First thing - back up the following files, you may need them!
    • Admin
      1. case.banners.php
      2. links.banners.php
      3. admin/modules/banners.php
    • From the main directory of Nuke - banners.php
    • modules
      1. nothing to speak of!
  • Un-package the advertising zip to a temporary directory.
  • Copy the files included to their correct locations.
    • Note, I included images and everything from the original banners distribution. Again, the only files you need to worry about backing up were mentioned above!
  • That's it!
Administration - Next Steps!
  • If you don't already have a PayPal or other credit card processing account, you need to get one!
  • Log into your site as admin.
  • Select the banners link from the admin c-panel
  • Everything looks the same - except, scroll to the bottom. You will find 2 new sections
    1. Current Plans Available
    2. Add Advertising Plan
    This is where you will create your plan offerings to your clients.
  • What the fields mean
    • Plan Name - give it a name that means something to your users
    • Advertising Rate - How much you are charging
    • Number of Impressions - that's what you are offering for the price
    • PayPal HTML - this is where you will paste the HTML PayPal provides for creating a link for instant payment.
  • That's it - pretty simple!
  • Note, as you create plans, you will be able to edit and delete from the admin banners panel.
What's not here? There are a couple of things I still want to do with this add-on.
  1. FLASH support - right now, it's pretty much coded for images only. I was going to add that suppor tnow, but I really wanted to get this version out. So, next release!
  2. More options for payment, maybe manual ordering.
Do you guys have any requests? Bug Reports The best place to report bugs/features/problems is IBDeeming! forums. You will get answers, you will typically get them fast, and there are plenty of other folks who ahve great experience with my add-ons! So, don't be shy!

Thanks for using this mod, hope it works out for you!

Seventhseal Get your copy HERE!"
Posted on Sunday, March 14 @ 06:40:52 CET by Daniel-cmw
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Re: Advertising V0.5 - Ready! (Score: 1)
by MadHatter on Sunday, March 14 @ 13:48:18 CET
(User Info | Send a Message)
will installation of this module break the existing ad setup we have or are they compatable?

I have a lot of customers running ads on my site, and I want to make sure this will not break existing campaigns before I install it.


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