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KB Arcade Module - IMPORTANT UPDATE!!!
ModulesDarkTempest writes "The second beta version of KB Arcade has been released. It is recommended that ALL webmasters currently running KB Arcade to upgrade to the new version. The upgrade is a simple file replacement of all three files used by the module.

After visiting several sites which had installed KB Arcade, I noticed a re-occuring problem, with the initial display of the main menu. Somehow an alpha version file ended up in the distribution package. Using the original version of the module would cause a PHP error to display, but would clear as soon as the user clicked on the link to go to the main menu. As the error reveals server path information, this can create a potential security risk, therefore please update your copy of KB Arcade as soon as possible to correct the problem.

Please send me any feedback on the performance of the module, regardless of what version of it you are running. I will continue the development of it, based on the feedback I recieve. Also, feedback allows me to fix similar errors much quicker then this bug was found and fixed. Also, if you are currently using any of my modules, blocks, or other PHP Nuke work, would you please submit your link to my links area? I would like to help showcase sites which are using my scripts, coding and such.

The second version KB Arcade module for PHP Nuke is now availible for download. It features 25 flash games at present, with more in the works, as well as a forth comming administration section as time allows.

To preview it: Go Here, it is under "Arcade". [No Registration Required]

To download it: Go Here, [Registration Required].

Feedback is greatly welcomed. Support requests and feedback should be posted at the KB Arcade Forum on Tempest Gate."
Posted on Tuesday, November 04 @ 17:49:40 CET by Zhen-Xjell
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Re: KB Arcade Module - IMPORTANT UPDATE!!! (Score: 1)
by Namsul on Tuesday, November 04 @ 20:16:05 CET
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