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Boost your PHP Page Generation Times with Zend
Off-TopicA friend of mine recently installed Zend Optimizer 2.1.0 as we have here at Nuke Cops. Both sites are high traffic (50,000+ page hits daily) and pound the web server. Zend Optimizer 2.1.0 increases page generation times at least 50%. To provide a baseline example, lets set the base at 250 pages viewed at any given past 5 minutes. [This is from a Nuke Cops perspective, mind you, Computer Cops was also seeing roughly the same during test times since both share the same server.]

Prior to having ZO installed our PHP generation times were anywhere from 2 to 4 seconds consistent. Once ZO was installed and set to default configuration out of the box, generation times dropped down to roughly 1.1 seconds. Default config had an optimization configuration set to "15". Server load times actually decreased as well from a 1.x-2.x down to a 0.5-1.x.

Do you support Zend Optimizer on your server? Run a phpinfo(); script and look for the "Zend Optimizer" block. There are five optimization passes, and a loader. By default the first three are enabled, as the next two are disabled, and finally the loader is enabled:

Optimization Pass 1 enabled
Optimization Pass 2 enabled
Optimization Pass 3 enabled
Optimization Pass 9 disabled
Optimization Pass 10 disabled
Zend Loader enabled

The loader is only used for encoded PHP files. If you do not use encoded files, disabling this one will boost performance slightly.

So how to increase it even more? Enable optimization passes 9 and 10. Its not very well documented, however change the setting in your php.ini from "15" to "1023" for optimization passes. With this new setting, Nuke Cops noticed an increased page generation time at 0.5-0.7 seconds on average. Another boost in performance. However doing this increases serverload on average from 3.x-5.x. This is not always consistent, but be aware.

ZO is a free application from Ensure you already have the base Zend Engine installed:

This program makes use of the Zend Scripting Language Engine:
Zend Engine v1.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Zend Technologies

The installation documentation points this out.

Admin Note: Mileage does vary, but over the long haul, its a positive increase.
Posted on Sunday, September 14 @ 21:50:35 CEST by Zhen-Xjell
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Re: Boost your PHP Page Generation Times with Zend (Score: 1)
by Peejay on Sunday, September 14 @ 22:03:23 CEST
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I used to use that program but found that it just was not working well enough. There is a much better, although more difficult to install program called Turck MMCache. The link for it is:

Software dependencies for TurckMM Cache (Score: 1)
by Peejay on Monday, September 15 @ 21:47:00 CEST
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There are a number of bit of software that you need to have installed in order to get TurckMM cache to work, the main one being this software here:

Optimizers alone are a bad idea (Score: 1)
by mlemos on Tuesday, June 21 @ 21:05:26 CEST
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If you just use an optimizer extension that is a very bad idea because it makes every PHP script take longer to compile.

It gets worse when you use more optimization passes because these make compilation stage take even more time and much more memory. Using just the optimizer is pure poison to your servers.

You need to use also a cache extension to make PHP reuse a previously compiled script stored in the shared memory.

The only cache extensions that reuse PHP compiled scripts optimized with Zend optimizer are the Zend cache extensions that are not free. So, it is not hard to understand why Zend gives the optimizer for free.

There is also the problem that some optimizers still have bugs that make your scripts run erroneously due to wrong assumptions in the optimization phase.

Personally I do not use any optimizer because they are not worth the headaches that they introduce, often for a doubtful benefit.

However, I strongly encourage you to use a cache extension. I use Turck MMCache [] despite the original developer is working now for Zend and is not doing any work in MMCache.

MMCache development seems to be continued by the eAccelerator [] team.

I suppose other caching extensions maybe ok, although I have not tried them.

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