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Nukestyles Enhanced Downloads Module V2.0 Released!
Add Onsintel352 writes "The release of the EDL V2.0 has finally arrived. You can view a Admin Demo Here, (Name: admin & Pass: admin), and find out how to get your hands on this module by Clicking Here.

This module has countless new additions. Read more to find out some major additions:

Uploading Files & Description Images
Image Enhancement with NetPBM or GB Libraries
Image and File Management for Viewing, Editing, or Deleting
Ability to Disable Downloads without deleting
Custom Table creation with Design Forms or HTML
Ability to Disable Fields for the module (Hits, Rating, Homepage, ect.)
Featured Download Links shown on Index
Main Downloads & Category Notes
Customized Images for Featured, Cats, Sub-Cats, & Links
Forced Registration & Auto-Validation of Downloads
Admin can set the Default Sort Order for categories
Now supports Menu Images along with Footer Images
And Much Much More!

To view the test site, and see how it's set up, please Click Here.

Thanks for everyone's patience and support.

Shawn (article submitted for shawn, by intel352)"
Posted on Wednesday, September 10 @ 23:11:00 CEST by [RETIRED]chatserv
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Re: Nukestyles Enhanced Downloads Module V2.0 Released! (Score: 1)
by MikeMiles on Thursday, September 11 @ 04:52:27 CEST
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If you used the current download module as your base for building this enhanced one, you must release the script under GPL or a compatible license unless you get specific permission from the originators to release this under a more restrictive one. That means FB plus anyone else who contributed to Nuke's download module.

How about using some wording a little more professional than this:
Again, once your payment is received, and verified, I will email you the module. If you don't receive the module immediatly, remember... I have a Job & Family also. I can't be at the PC 24hrs a day. If you don't get the module within 24 hours of purchase, then please email me at: support (at), and I will see what the problem is. My account at paypal is brand new, and in the process of being verified. Don't be alarmed, as I'm waiting for the deposits paypal sends, to finish the verification process.[

To put it bluntly, no one cares if you have a family or another job. No one cares that you just opened a paypal account. No one cares about your pleading not to redistribute it.

Once you start charging for work, you're obligated to fullfill the order or you're committing fraud. If your paypal account is still in flux, you should wait until it isn't before offering this. Better wording to use: The script will be emailed to you within 24 hours of payment verification. If you do not receive it, then please contact me at xxxxx. If this was created from scratch or you obtained permission to use a more restrictive license if it wasn't, then I recommend you post a link to the terms of the license and include a copy in the package. Licenses hold a legal obligation. Pleadings don't.

Re: Nukestyles Enhanced Downloads Module V2.0 Released! (Score: 1)
by tompet on Thursday, September 11 @ 18:53:46 CEST
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I can't see why I should pay for and use this download module instead of the original download module. The demo is horrible and I can't se the difference from the original module.

Re: Nukestyles Enhanced Downloads Module V2.0 Released! (Score: 1)
by maciekp on Friday, September 12 @ 08:18:07 CEST
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Is it based on the original module or does it include any part of php-nuke? If yes, I'd like to see the source code.

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