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Nuke Cops Google Tap Beta 0.6.0 Release
DownloadsGoogle Tap is the revolutionary system that replaces the dynamic PHP-Nuke "modules.php?name=" structure with static shorter ".html" links that are so loved by Google and other search engines.

More code in this release allows for forums mark topics read, search, new posts, highlight=. In addition Sections are activated, more web links like popular, new, toprated, and random. Old stories block addition. Tested on Nuke 5.x and 6.x.

For full exposure on either Nuke 5.x or 6.x please visit Computer Cops or Nuke Cops respectively.

Requirements: Apache, PHP, PHP-Nuke, mod_rewrite, .htacess.

View Download.
Posted on Thursday, February 13 @ 04:08:32 CET by Zhen-Xjell
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Re: Nuke Cops Google Tap Beta 0.6.0 Release (Score: 1)
by ItsGinn on Thursday, February 13 @ 04:46:28 CET
(User Info | Send a Message)
Looks like there is an error in the Old Articles block on line 58 in the 6.x code

I am running 6.0

Re: Nuke Cops Google Tap Beta 0.6.0 Release (Score: 1)
by Zhen-Xjell on Thursday, February 13 @ 04:50:20 CET
(User Info | Send a Message)

Because of that observation there is an alternate solution to the old articles. Open up your existing old articles block and change the news article links such that they match the ones in the goole tap's release. This means that some of the [b]&[/b] symbols are actually replaced with [b]&[/b].

No big deal if you don't fix this for now, I'll revise it for the next goole tap release.

Re: Nuke Cops Google Tap Beta 0.6.0 Release (Score: 1)
by Zhen-Xjell on Thursday, February 13 @ 04:53:38 CET
(User Info | Send a Message)
On second thought, you told me the problem was $db instead of #dbi. In that case, try using the old stories block from the Nuke5.x folder for Nuke 6.0.

That should work... ok, sleep time.

Re: Nuke Cops Google Tap Beta 0.6.0 Release (Score: 1)
by ItsGinn on Thursday, February 13 @ 05:04:43 CET
(User Info | Send a Message)
No idea why you rewrote that whole thing like you did when you could just change the links accordingly ;) maybe im missing something.

  • Re: by ItsGinn on Thursday, February 13 @ 05:24:20 CET
    • Re: by Zhen-Xjell on Thursday, February 13 @ 10:48:05 CET
      • Re: by ItsGinn on Thursday, February 13 @ 14:20:08 CET

Re: Nuke Cops Google Tap Beta 0.6.0 Release (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Thursday, February 13 @ 15:33:49 CET
What is the rewrite code for the Content module in the main modules block? You can click on the Dynamic link and it takes you to the static content. Why was the main menu option left out of the rewrite?

Great rewrite though. Best one by far that has worked with any theme. Keep up the good work.


Jase ;-)

  • Re: by Zhen-Xjell on Thursday, February 13 @ 16:00:49 CET
    • Re: by Anonymous on Thursday, February 13 @ 17:02:28 CET
    • Re: by Anonymous on Thursday, February 13 @ 17:02:55 CET
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