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Devil Modz - Sexy or Not Module V4 |
White_Devil writes "Introduction
What is all this about you ask? Well quite simply is is a module
kind of like Hot or Not for PHP-Nuke. People can upload there pictures add a
comment to it and get it rated on a scale of 1-10 by everyone else. I have tried
other modules for PHP-Nuke and could never get them to work. Someone finally
asked my to try to install one of the others on there site and could not get it
to work. So Sexy or Not module was born. I decided instead of messing around
with a lot of code that I could not understand, I would make one from scratch.
Some of the looks are based off the others since I am not a good designer but
all the code is originally mine and from the ground up. There are many features
in this module. It even comes with 4 blocks. Please forgive me, I am not good at
writing these kind of Readme's and what not's. If someone wants to make one
better please do and send it my way.
- New Stuff or Changes as of Version 4.0 Below
- Language File Support. PLEASE send me your language files you make. So i
can include em in a download
- Fixed missing footer on multi complete page.
- Added .jpeg to the list of allowed upload. So now it is .jpeg .jpg .gif
- Fixed the security comment on big page for guests. Was showing old
system. Now shows the new one
- Fixed Body Code in one of the emails send out.
- Fixed a small bug. Cant remember what it was now. lol Sorry all.
- Fixed a bug with the big.php and working with Nukeevo1 and 2.
- Tested and ran fine on Nuke-Plat, Nuke-Evo1 and Nuke-Evo2
- New ratings anti-cheat vote system. Will now keep track of individual
users voting on individual pics. Settable time in config now also.
Get full features list at my site.
Download at Click here
Demo at http://www.devil-nuke-mods.be
- New Stuff or Changes as of Version 3.0 Below
- Added the approve image links in the big page.
- Added Email Admin on new upload. On/Off settable admin email.
- Added Email user a thanks/approved for upload On/Off
- Added Email user notice that image has to be approved. On/Off
- Added a Multi Upload System for admin area.
- Fixed a minor bug in a block and on the index page.
- Added Report Image System. With option to delete report or image.
- Changed ratings table to 100 height instead of 150. Looks better.
- Fixed a
- Replaced File Comment with Image Comment. More appropriate
- Fixed a bug where guest can vote on the index page. Thanks Infinity for
the bug report.
- Logo is now in .gif format. Better for all.
- New logo made by gazj. Find him on my site.
- New admin panel icon made by gazj find him on my site.
- Any pages that show images now show IP Addresses of uploaders to admin's
- Fixed a bug with admin approve list.
- Admin approve list now shows the ipaddress of uploader.
- Added Field to put in who the image was uploaded by in admin upload.
- Fixed Center scroll Box so images are about the same height.
- Removed Underscore between vote images on the blocks (only noticable on
some themes.
- Security code system changed. No longer uses an image. Uses a new system
I made.
- Added a recursive progress bar on user upload page. Give the user
something to look at.
- Added a recursive progress bar on admin upload area. Give the admin
something to look at.
- Added a recursive progress bar on page loads.
- Fixed and include problem with the module files. Changed all include()
to include_once()
- Anti-Hotlinking System. Read Notes in the Config page mouse over before
- Added admin icon in the admin.php page now.
- Added a truetype font watermarking system. READ Specialfeatures.txt FILE
before use.
- New Stuff or Changes as of Version 2.0 Below
- Cleaned up the Category list box at the top of the index and catview
pages. Now it will select the category you are in and display it. No need
for a open button no more. When you select a category from the drop down box
it will auto goto.
- Member select box for users now at the top.
- Admin approval notice at the top of the pages now.
- Tells how many pictures in each category at the top of the page now
during browsing.
- Fixed Security image problems with different version of php.
- Fixed Division Errors on index/big/catview pages.
- Added upload Icon.
- Now shows category description on individual category listing pages.
catview page.
- Now category name and description can be changed.
- Sort by Rating, Total Votes, By member and by Newest Added
- Fixed some database errors.
- Added option for user to remove there own files. Admin on/off settable
- On member view page if a user is logged in and uploaded those files the
user will see a overall total rating on all files.
- Added a Config Script. Still need the configfile.php but no need to edit
it. It is database driven settings now.
- Fixed Imagedestory errors on upload.
- Fixed a error when image resize in big page.
- Fixed an error with php making sessions in other areas
- Removed underlines between vote number images. Some themes was showing
- Made it so the index page goes to another random image when user votes
instead of popup. Popup still effective on all other voting area's.
- Added a popup tooltip box when you mouseover some areas. Admin on/off
- In Version 1.0
- Auto Thumbnail Generation on Upload
- Watermarking (On/Off) with Settable Text
- Uploads (On/Off) settable as member only or all.
- Security Code (On/Off) on Upload for members
- Admin Upload approval system (On/Off)
- Anti refresh/repost system on uploads. Help from reposting same image by
- Random Image Block
- Voting Settable for members or all
- Voting Anti refresh/repost to help keep from multi clicking fraud.
- Category View or Member View or All for picture pages.
- Activate/Deactivate Categories So admin can hide a category for just
- Admins can Create/Delete/Activate-Deactivate a Category Easily. On
delete gives and option to keep files on the server.
- Every picture listing in the module has a delete option for admins.
- Every picture listing in the module has a Activate Picture is requires
- Click on a picture to go to a bigger image of it with comments.
- Comments are settable to members or all.
- Comments have a Security Code option (On/Off)
- Anti repost/refresh system to keep from reposting same comments by
- Settable images per page with dynamic page creation
- A rating scale table shows how many voted what number ect.
- Users can add there comment to picture at the time of upload.
- Any area where there is text entering there is a html removal system in
- Admin Approval page. Generates a small image with activate/delete link
of every image waiting to be approved
- All images are currently sorted by order of upload. (I will be adding
sort by in next version)
- Php-Nuke 7.6 - 7.9 - 7.8 - 7.9 Possible Pre 7.6
- Possible Nuke Evo 1 and 2. Tested Fine
- Possible Nuke Platinum. Tested Fine
- Client side Java
- Php-Nuke must be using MySQL Database power.
- GD Library on PHP. Most servers have this now days.
- Linux or Win Server. I have tested on both windows and Linux apache
Installing Information
Upload and replace all the files in your site. Except the Pictures folder.
Run the
http://nukesite.com/SoN-Database-installer.php to upgrade the database.
- Edit the TOS.html File to your own Terms of Service agreement on the
upload page.
- Upload the folders to there respective places in the nuke folder.
- CHMOD 777 on "uploadprocess.php", "admin_upload.php", "admin_create_cat.php"
pictures folder and images folder and contents.
- Run the
http://nukesite.com/SoN-Database-installer.php to install the database.
- Activate the module and or block if you want to use the block.
- Login as admin and on the module pages you will see an admin link at the
top below the banner or on the admin.php area.
- If you want a different banner replace the /modules/Sexy_or_Not/images/logo.gif
with a different one. There is no size restrictions.
SPECIAL NOTE!!!!! If you change the folder of the module name... You
will need to change a line in the configfile.php and the blocks. Just look for
the lines that say need to edit.
Know Problems
Does not work right if Donations block is on the right side. Not sure why? If
someone can figure it out please let me know. Thanks
Final Notes/Comments
Thank you for trying out the Sexy or Not Module. If you like it please drop
me a email or something at my main site at
http://devil-nuke-mods.be/ You can see this script working at
http://devil-nuke-mods.be/ in the Demos and at
My other rating site. If you find any bugs please let me know. Comments and
other stuff are welcomed at my site or via Email. My email is
If you use the script please let me know where so I can check it out.
Posted on Sunday, November 05 @ 20:49:41 CET by VinDSL |
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