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Devil Modz - System Notifier v2
ModulesWhite_Devil writes "Devil Modz - System Notifier v2

This is a simple script that shows a javascript popup table over your site when it is done loading.
This notice window fallows the scroll of the page to stay in view.
Very simple to install and use.

New Features / Fixes as of V2

  1. Added link to Delete all users in the database table. Incase it gets bloated.
  2. Added Font color setting. Incase theme colors and your gackground image do not match to well.
  3. Added field so you can put in your background image path. Easier to change images.
  4. Added the option to display box to guests so many times then stop. Notice if they change there ip the counter starts back at 0
  5. Fixed an error where the box would popup as guest box when you went to the forums and was logged in.
  6. Made it so Pre nuke 7.6 could have a link in the module area incase they do not have the icon in the admin panel
  7. Added the guest text to the module index page like the member text.
  8. Links will now be the same color as the font. Sometimes didnt work right with themes.
  9. Added count down in members box.
  10. Changed placement of the box a little. More toward center now.
  11. Installer File Made

Demo Here
Download Here

Features V1
  1. Guest on/off box. with custom message. Nagging type.
  2. Member on/off box. with custom message.
  3. Can set box to stop showing to member after so many views.
  4. Language file - Currently only English (This is my first script with language files)
  5. Admin icon in the admin area (Also my first script with this option.)
  6. Data base driven settings.
  7. Module to show the member message. In case they didn't read it but want to see it later.

Bugs ....
  1. Problems with nuke evo . I dont promise it will work on that anyways. Some people have got it to work and some have not. Just retry coping files a couple times. No garantees.
  2. Flash. Some reason flash likes to sit on top of the popup box when it interlaps. I dont know why.
Legal Stuff..
I, anyone, site, host, and ISP are not responsible for anything resaulting from the use of this script. I do not garantee support but ussally help if asked in my forums for it.

This script was wrote by White_Devil
Website at
E-mail at

Thanks White_Devil
Posted on Saturday, October 21 @ 05:46:41 CEST by VinDSL
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