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port of a featurerich aws-script to PHPNuke - testrun on
Add Onsnukeevangelist writes "very good news: arnoldkrg from did a port of the Amazon web services [amazonh3.php]

see the demo of the module here at the developersite testrun it and see all the great ideas, features , options and possibilties of this handy script.

btw: probably some blocks (Centerblock, side block and so on ) will follow -

arnoldkrg writes: "I have ported the amazonh3.php script as a PHP-Nuke Module. You can test it at Ulsoft[] I have called it Amazon Search and is in the Meny for all visitors. If there is any interest, post in the Forums at that site and I will zip it up and make it available for download."

plz travel over to the demo at the developersite and add your ideas, suggestions, feedback and of course your general praise.

Well i would love to see a centerblock of this great script- With that we would have some kind of a Mallsocket.[com]-script"
Posted on Friday, May 05 @ 22:22:30 CEST by VinDSL
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Re: port of a featurerich aws-script to PHPNuke - testrun on (Score: 1)
by griffinsbridge ( on Saturday, May 06 @ 06:16:27 CEST
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People, this script is by the same guy who wrote "Approve Membership" so you know its gotta be good.

if the same attention to detail and functionality has gone into this, I expect 90% of nuke sites will have it installed one day.

I also expect Raven will create his own version that does exactly the same thing, call it ravenamazon, bundle it into his version of nuke and try n take all the credit for the idea. As if his heed isnt swelled enuf!

Just remember, arnoldkg is THE KING!
pretenders to the throne need not apply.

Re: port of a featurerich aws-script to PHPNuke - testrun on (Score: 1)
by NukeEvangelist on Saturday, May 06 @ 06:29:37 CEST
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hi there griffinsbridge,

thanks for posting - i am pretty sure that the script will be a success. Since the guy over at does not work on the amazon-module - we need to have a new one.

this work seems to be very fruitful. So we can staytuned - that this work will go more sustainable.

btw. Did not hear bout the work of raven yet: does he plan to do something similar. It would be great to share the thoughts, suggestions, ideas and plans so that we have some synergy


Re: port of a featurerich aws-script to PHPNuke - testrun on (Score: 1)
by NukeEvangelist on Saturday, May 06 @ 06:42:22 CEST
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hi all ,

again me - griffinsbridge ( has a great idea - he brought up great thougts: food for thoughts griffinsbridge you talkes bout the sites

ulsoft.scarbridge and - as for new places to concentrate the amanzon-web-services work- interesting ideas - really.

...after musing some times: i am pretty sure that the script will be a success. Since the guy over at does not work on the amazon-module - we need to have a new one.

Arnoldkrg: your work seems to be very fruitful. So we can staytuned - that this work will go more sustainable.

well one of these Raven or Arnoldkrg should take over the work of taking care for the amazon-module;

btw. Arnoldkrg and raven: what do you think - your both user-communities are by far more active and persistent. wouldnt it be a good idea to take the Amazone-Script creation to a site where it has more sustainable conditions - is a poor place - the dev does not work continously on the script and
all seems to be very very poor - we need a better place for the development.

so dear Arnoldkrg and raven Why dont take over the project of an amazon-module. - with a place like your communities we would ave a great options for a very very fruitful work - and a sustainable development .

what do you think Arnoldkrg - love to hear from you


take care


Re: port of a featurerich aws-script to PHPNuke - testrun on (Score: 1)
by NukeEvangelist on Saturday, May 06 @ 09:22:57 CEST
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hi all, just in order to share the ideas:

griffinsbridge ( on Saturday, May 06 @ 08:06:26 EDT -

"I only mentioned raven as the person who would STEAL arnoldkg's idea. AGAIN! he seems to like arnies work so much, he wants to make it his own.
I think arnold should keep his idea and be known as the creater.
This module is the first of its kind as it implements code ideas created by amazon to allow a complete search of amazon from your site. Results display with images and I bet it would increase webmasters sales 10 fold!

As far as Im aware, the old amazon module was just for displaying your links.

I really cant wait to get my hands on it arnie!" end of cit of griffinsbridge

in reply, NukeEvangelist: "griffinsbridge, agreed Arnie does a superb work - and the amanzon-script and module is a very good thing that opens up new ways for Webmasters. of course - but where does Raven want to come out with the same.

i haven ´t seen the idea at ravens site.

Besides that: - ( i am not involved in some conflicts between Arnoldkrg and Raven. Does there a conflict exist !!?

Above all: i love the module that arnoldkrg created and i think it is a very very good thing and a Must HAVE

hopefully this great mod will get a centerblock and some additional features very soon.


Re: port of a featurerich aws-script to PHPNuke - testrun on (Score: 1)
by NukeEvangelist on Saturday, May 06 @ 11:13:07 CEST
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just to share the latest news on the thing:

I have made some progress on the center block. I have managed to make the lite version into a working center block. I will use the knowledge I gained from this and the Module to try to get a heavy version working. I have had enough for today so will work on the heavy version tomorrow.

just travel over to the site:

and yes: stay tuned - the centerblock is on its way. Let us celebrate the good news. the nuke_network is one of the greatest experience i ever made


Re: port of a featurerich aws-script to PHPNuke - testrun on (Score: 1)
by arnoldkrg on Wednesday, May 10 @ 03:25:52 CEST
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I have never suggested or even thought that Raven has "stolen" any of my work. To be honest, if someone as capable as Raven DID "borrow" code from me, I would be extremely flattered.

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