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AutoTheme - Block Title Letters Extra!
Add Onsabracadaver writes "Great new AutoTheme Extra!
Do you want to automatically use some great fonts or graphically rich letters in your block title? If so, this new AutoTheme Extra is just for you. The new Extra, Block Title Letters goes beyond the current Block Titles Extra that automatically include images to use as block titles and allows you to use language defines as titles for blocks. This new Extra automatically uses an image for each letter in your block title!

Get it at Spidean - Home of the AutoTheme HTML Theme System!

Download here!

Block Title Letters
This Extra when enabled, will automatically include images to use as each letter in your block titles.

If a gif, jpg or png image exists for each letter in the block title then it will be used. This is straight forward for all alphanumeric characters, so if you had L.gif, o.gif, g.gif, i.gif and n.gif in your images/ directory then they would be used for the title of the Login block. This operation is case sensitive, so for Login you would need L.gif and not l.gif.

For non-alphanumeric characters you just use the 3 digit decimal ASCII code of that character. For example a space would be 032.gif and a colon : would be 072.gif. These are easily found on the web by searching for "ascii table" or "ascii codes".

AutoTheme looks for the images in "themes/YOURTHEME/images/CURRENTLANG/" first and then if not found it looks in "themes/YOURTHEME/images/".

Posted on Friday, May 05 @ 16:19:15 CEST by VinDSL
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Re: AutoTheme - Block Title Letters Extra! - mille grazie !! (Score: 1)
by NukeEvangelist on Friday, May 05 @ 17:19:27 CEST
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hi there Abracadaver,

many thanks for the work on these things. Also a big big thanks for the work on the great AutoTheme and your Wrapper-module.

- The continued work on these great things is helping many many nukers from all over the globe.

one word - could you open up a forum category for PHPNuke-feature whishlist;

It would be very very helpful to collect some kind of feedback and ideas and suggestions regarding the AutoTheme-System and the Wrapper-Module.

with this you would raise new ideas, and ways of getting insights into the user-wishlist and would open up a new way of sustainable development of your great AutoTheme and Wrapper module.

Above all - the PHPNuke user from all over the globe love your creations allready. They run it and love it. Abracadaver - Keep up your great work


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