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SecurityDauthus writes "For some reason when I checked my email today I had about 217 emails in my inbox. All the emails were sent on 8/20/03. There are several hundred people on the list who sent me one also and I have no idea who they were.

All 217 emails had one of 8 topics. They were as follows:

Re: Approved
Your Details
Re: Thank you!
Re: That movie
Re: Your application
Thank you!
Re: My Details
Re: Wicked screensaver

All the emails contained an attachment and had the EXACT same message. “Please see the attached file for details.” I don’t want to alarm anyone, but this may be a problem. I would recommend a virus scan immediately. I am checking on what this could be, and will let you all know as soon as I find out.

If I have sent any messages to any of you with this content, DO NOT OPEN THEM! I did not send anything to you like this.

Ok this looks like some type of variant to the I-Worm.Sobig.e The worm was supposed to deactivate itself on July 13, 2003. Looks like there is a new one out there. Norton didn’t discover this one. So watch your virus software for updates. More information can be found on the below link:"
Posted on Thursday, August 21 @ 09:00:00 CEST by Zhen-Xjell
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PHP-Nuke admin.php security hole - PATCHED

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Re: VIRUS ALERT! (Score: 1)
by anthonyaykut on Thursday, August 21 @ 09:03:46 CEST
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This is the latest strain, W32.Sobig.F@mm (Sobig.F).

Re: VIRUS ALERT! (Score: 1)
by MikeMiles on Thursday, August 21 @ 09:42:02 CEST
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Dauthus, someone already posted a warning about this virus here. It's on strain F right now and it's very, very nasty. You may want to check Norton again to see if there's an update for this one. I know some of the other anti-virus s/w makers have theirs out already.

You need to brace yourself because 217 may end up being a very small number. Some folks have already gotten tens of thousands of emails.

Re: VIRUS ALERT! (Score: 1)
by Jeruvy on Thursday, August 21 @ 12:55:30 CEST
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Agreed, also a subject line like this being published via XML may indicate that there is a virus in PHP-Nuke, as opposed to you being the latest victim of spam.

Try to publish like 'SOBIG GETS BIGGER!!' or something instead of the very scary and generalistic VIRUS ALERT!. This ISN'T a virus alert web site =)

Just my thoughts to an otherwise boring someone gets a virus in a email.... _yawn_

I am really starting to realize this websites moderators wisdom to 'helpful subject lines'.


Re: VIRUS ALERT! (Score: 1)
by chris-au on Thursday, August 21 @ 22:10:36 CEST
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The best anti-virus?

Never, ever accept attachments.
Never visit sites for information don't know.
Don't download scripts from unknowns.
If using MicroSoft, install auto Window-updates.
Have a good virus-scanner.

Re: VIRUS ALERT! (Score: 1)
by mikem on Thursday, August 21 @ 22:25:25 CEST
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My email has been flooded with this Virus as well. However it only appears to be targeting my more popular email addy. Already has a fix tool for this and many of the other Viruses if anyone thinks they may have it.

Keep your Virus Definitions Updated DAILY and you will be fine. I don't care HOW good of an Antivirus program you have. It is USELESS if you do not update it regularly.
Just a tip from your Uncle Mike. :-)


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