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Petition for Revision of International and Local Copyright Laws
General NewsTruden writes "To the Director-General of UNESCO

Revision of International and Local Copyright Laws

Dear Koichiro Matsuura,

Our Souls are getting commercialized, and are dying enslaved by our own material greed.
The International and local Copyright Laws are extinguishing cultural, intellectual and moral inheritance and values.
Hunting the profit, Copyrighted materials are not in human’s favour, but are creating dissbalance and are leading to low moral values and ignorance.

Books and materials that are claimed by their authors to be spiritual paths for the humanity are sold like meat in the butchery and protected by Copyright even harder than Microsoft products.
The human race came to the point where God’s values and human’s soul are equalized with the monetary values of the material world.

Therefore I suggest:

A Copyright for books, articles and all kind of art should be separated in two groups:

1) Normal Copyright
2) Copyright for entertaining materials.

Normal Copyright:

Normal Copyright material should be the one that will help our human society to evolve in spiritual and material way.

Owners of Normal Copyright should not be permitted to sell it.
They should have the right to sell publishing rights for number of copies but not for period of time. They should have the right to control the commercial distribution of the Copyrighted material, but should not have the right to claim any copyright over free distributed copies of the material. The more valuable is the book the greater free distribution it will have, which will lower the price and make the book more accessible for the poor people. It will also allow valuable philosophies and point of personal views to be spread easily and freely, and become widely accepted.

All authors which consider their works valuable and in favour of human evolution should claim Normal Copyright. This should be done by author’s free will.

Copyright for entertaining materials:

A Copyright for entertaining materials should be the one that is considered by the author as none valuable in any way except as an entertaining material.

This should be the Copyright that gives full exclusive Copyrights over the material, except for educational and research purposes.

Taking in account the authors will and received better payment, materials with such Copyright should not be considered valuable in any way except in the entertaining field of human life, and should not be studied in the schools and universities except in the entertaining fields of human’s culture.

In addition to the above suggestion I would like to comment the

Copyright for computer operating systems, programs and scripts.

Copyright holders for computer operating systems, programs and scripts, should have full exclusive rights. They should protect the product against unauthorized use.

Products with such Copyright should not claim copyright violation for none commercial use which violation came as a result of low protection.

Company which fails to provide good protection against unauthorized use should be considered “monopoly seeking company”, which deliberately offers low protection to get the public used to the product and accept it for use after it is widely spread. Part of the crime in the world is fault of the "righteousness", which creates the conditions for wrong deeds. Companies like Microsoft have the best specialists and money to create unbreakable protection (dongle), and failing to do so, they create subjects for crime offence, which leads to wrong social attitude and tendencies.

With the believe that the International and local Copyright Laws are the worst expression of human values I urge UNESCO to announce and recommend new Copyright low for the United Nations, which Law to be based on the suggestions from the above petition and accepted in the Local Copyright Laws of the United Nations member countries.

With All My Love,
Nikolay Sisoev - Truden

Sign the Petition"
Posted on Monday, March 13 @ 19:33:38 CET by VinDSL
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Re: Petition for Revision of International and Local Copyright Laws (Score: 1)
by Evaders99 on Monday, March 13 @ 20:10:06 CET
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Hmmm when did this site become a forum for political activism? :P

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