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phpBB Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability
Securitysnake13 writes "For those people operating phpBB with HTML enabled we have been notified by Marvin Massih of a possible cross site scripting issue. It will affect primarily those who have enabled the (anchor tag) but it may impact certain other tags too depending on what functionality they offer.

The problem occurs because users may enter "javascript:" within a given url ... which can of course be used to grab local cookie (for example) information from the client.

At this time we advise everyone with HTML enabled to remove the a tag from the list of allowed tags (Admin Panel -> General -> Configuration -> Allowed tags). There really is no reason to allow the anchor tag anyway, BBCode provides appropriate functionality for linking."
Posted on Wednesday, August 20 @ 10:00:00 CEST by Zhen-Xjell
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Re: phpBB Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability (Score: 1)
by intel352 on Wednesday, August 20 @ 10:01:06 CEST
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lol, i just submitted the same news a few days ago :-X

tho i just gave the link to the article

Word to the wise... (Score: 1)
by VinDSL on Wednesday, August 20 @ 19:34:52 CEST
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And I can confirm this. I was able to perform CGI XSS with phpBB 2.0.6 using Javascript coded in hex. If nothing else, make sure the anchor tag is disabled in phpBB.

Re: phpBB Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability (Score: 1)
by Jeruvy on Thursday, August 21 @ 09:05:24 CEST
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Here is the exploit as posted on Bugtraq by
Hi, I have found a dangerous vunlerability in phpBB. I've verified that versions 2.0.5 and 2.0.4 (AFAIK the two latest versions) are affected, but probably more versions are vulnerable. If HTML is enabled for postings, a user can post a link like this: Click me, I'm innocent If a user clicks it, his cookie will be sent to the attacker, which he can use to log on as the user if autologon is enabled. I reported this vulnerability to the phpBB developers (which wasn't that easy as they had trouble with their mail server), that was about three weeks ago. However, the developers don't want to fix it: "The main developer decided that this isn't a security issue, because it is not able to re-parse every single allowed html tag. The bbcode tag [url] is absolutely suitable for displaying urls, therefore allowing the a html tag is a risk the Administrator has to take." Again, I asked them to fix it, I couldn't believe they were serious. This time I told them they should do something soon - or at least tell me that they're working on it - , otherwise I'd finally publish the information. The response was: "Actually, after second thoughts I don't see this issue as a security flaw on our side, enabling unchecked HTML is taking the same risk as allowing users to use tags. I'm in favor of putting a notice warning the admin of the potential security risk when enabling given tags but trying to fix that on our side will cause more problems that it will solve." So, I'm publishing this information now, hoping that this will help. AFAIK a new version, 2.0.6 is out now, but as they refused fixing this issue I don't know if there is any difference. Regards, Marvin

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