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osc2nuke universal MODULE (free) & osc2nuke-pro (commercial)
General NewswHiTeHaT writes "The new osc2nuke universal module is now ready and tested, here is the list of changes made for this version:
  • Change code of all oscommerce blocks with a new test on the start
  • Change starting test of catalog index.php for message and block display
  • Inclusion of FCK editor inside the folder includes and not in folder modules and test to validate it before using it
  • Inclusion of dynamic_title for catalog pages
  • Change css inclusion inside osc_header
  • Add of oscommerce session cleaning
  • Improvement in function is_user to avoid problem with forum admin
  • Add fix for paypal, force the return url with addition of rm value in paypal form
  • Desactivation in login process of the osc count of login
  • Take out session id in url for oscommerce part
  • Cleaned all bakspace after last ?> in oscommerce file
PHP 5 Mysql 5 compatibility :
  • Change 4 request in index.php that generate product listing values (left join mysql 5 problem)
  • Change 1 request in advanced_search_result.php (left join mysql 5 problem)
  • Change notification code in catalog application_top.php with addition of a control on the value
  • Change of the 2 split_page_results.php class with addition of a control
  • Modification of the code of categories.php in catalog/admin with addition of a control

Fully compatible php5 mysql5, tested with phpnuke 76, 77, 78, 79 with or without security patch. I'm actually coding automatic file change by script to avoid user edition of any file and then maybe avoid error in module integration cause even if it represent 15 line, the fact that the user need to add themself those change in critical file (mainfile.php, index of your_account and index of your_account admin) have leads some user in the past to blank pages, it is also due to the number of different version in phpnuke commmunity that can be confusioning, cause during the test I have made for this module, I have seen that 2 version of phpnuke 78 and 2 version of phpnuke 79 i have download on the net did not have the same code mainfile and your_account, then i took the decision to add in the installer of osc2nuke and automatic procedure to patch all your files.
Also I'm coding the same time an importer to allow user to take data from osc2nuke 7X4, 7703 , phpnuke probably from 7.0 to 79 and from oscommerce ms22 and then populate easily their new site with osc2nuke pro or osc2nuke universal 1.1, this tools wont be an extensive tools that will take all your data, you will only have the ability to import your users, your forum,your downloads, your news, your catalog because i have seen that it is alway better to recover what is really necessary and to move on with clean file and database.

osc2nuke professional 1.00
A new generation of E-commerce system found it root and ideas back - osc2nuke presents you OSC2NUKE PROFESSIONAL V1.00. Take advantage of an extended E-Business tool with all required features. To build, run and maintain a professional shoppingcart-system.

Demonstration Site
Login: demo
Password: demo
for user and administrator account, site is reset everyhour, fell free to test everything you want.

We are happy to release osc2nuke professional 1.00, you can see the list of available module
HERE A special price of 50 € for the 50 first buyer this version is actually made, after this price will be 99 €."
Posted on Wednesday, January 18 @ 03:29:12 CET by VinDSL
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Re: osc2nuke universal MODULE (free) & osc2nuke-pro (commercial) (Score: 1)
by nuke_reporter on Wednesday, January 18 @ 08:20:19 CET
(User Info | Send a Message)
Hi WHiteHat,

whouhhh - thats an impressive long list of features: many thanks for the great news!

That is very very good news indeed! WhiteHat - your work without any break. Your work inspires me day by day. Let me take the opportunity to tell you, that i love your site and your work!
WhiteHat you provide us with many many great ideas and show the whole nuke-world what e-commerce can be:

BTW: Your work demonstrates many of the essential elements of an open source movement are present in the field of innovative development. Your osc2nuke-project site is very inspiring; i, and i am pretty sure that many many Nukers from all over the world are waiting to see, download and test the universal module of osc2nuke.



WhiteHAT keep up your great work - your site is a great & valuable asset in the Nuke-group. You make many many hundred nukers from all over the globe happy. And this is a starting point: Osc2Nuke has a very very bright history in front! I wish you manymany great years of great community-building.

let me know how i can assist you - NukeEVANGELIST. aka Nuke_reporter

Re: osc2nuke universal MODULE (free) & osc2nuke-pro (commercial) (Score: 1)
by nuke_reporter on Wednesday, January 18 @ 17:28:51 CET
(User Info | Send a Message)

well maybe i ve overseen the various Cinese sites that might run out there - but this is too improtant to leave this out; We need to organize some osc2nuke and of course phpnuke-sites and supporters in China...:

Computer use among China's vast population is projected to boom in the next few years, with an estimated 10 million computers a year being sold. great opportunities for the leading open source-cms-group: we can enlarge the bazaar of developers, users, hackers and friends now!

For osc2nuke and PHPNuke this fast-growing chinese market can be very important. being the first mover phpnuke can gain lots of new friends in china: new friends and users, coders and hackers - so for now we need some supporters who can bridge the gap. We need native chinese sites - and yes they should run on domains which are easy to remember and very generic!

enthusiats speak up now

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