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Adds-on HACKS: Advanced User Manager version 0.9.8 Final
Add OnsXyberian writes "One of weak points which plain PHP-Nuke is user manager. As an administrator, we need more flexible and functional user management options. The user manager of PHP-Nuke provides you with only three management functions: 1) modiy, 2) edit, and 3) add an user at a time.
NukeKorea Dev. Network has been trying to add more professional functionalities such as
1) Highly intergrative and easy-accessible GUIs to manage users
2) Batch pruning inactive users
3) Fully-fledged pending user management with GUIs
4) New pagination GUIs
5) delete multiples of selected users,
6) remove all users at a time,
7) more information about users, view methods, page-per views,
8) more than previous 25 options."
9) + previous features

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The advanced user manager 0.9.8 final hack developed by NukeKorea Dev. Network (C) 2003-2005 is featured by the followings:
  • Future version: 1.0.0 / 0.9.9 - 1)phpnuke front-end group control; 2) karma integration; 3) point system management; 4) Forum activity monitoring; 5) advanced user group manager by NukeKorea Dev. Network; 6) blogger manager; 7) Userlevel IP reverse tracing
    Change LOG (0.9.8 final):
  • Fully-fledged management of inactive registration users: 1) resend confirmation email; 2) resend all [ automatically ]; 3) remove pending users; 4) remove all pending users [ automatically ]; 5) manual activation of pending users [ individual user level ]; 6) batch activation of all pending users [ automatically ]; 7) Graphical indicators of pending user status; 8) new Last visit date; 9) editable last visite date with new GUIs; 10) new language packs; 11) new pagination GUIs; 12) new GUIs; 13) PM stats; 14) direct user edit & view; 15) Subscription group monitoring; 16) Advanced menus; 17)Multiple selection of users to edit, remove, and view; 18)BB2Nuke style page-per view; 19)View by six different options; 20)Sorting with various options; 21) View User information

    Public Thanks: best4service (NukeKorea ID) @ fcallez (spanish nuke) for Spanish translation

    Credit Notice: YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO REMOVE NUKEKOREA COPYRIGHT unless NukeKorea Dev. Network ⓒ 2003-2005 permits. "
  • Posted on Sunday, October 16 @ 02:30:24 CEST by VinDSL
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    Re: Adds-on HACKS: Advanced User Manager version 0.9.8 Final (Score: 1)
    by NukeEvangelist on Sunday, October 16 @ 03:51:43 CEST
    (User Info | Send a Message)
    hi there - hello Felix

    another great module! you re working without any break! - ran out of the plane and towards to the computer..... great. Your work inspires and does so each day!

    keep up your great project!

    ne (martin)

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