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HTML-Module v 0. 1 went public - more ways to tailor Nuke to your needs!
Add Onsnukeevangelist writes "the ever evolving network brought up the HTML-Module v 0. 1 good news - more ways to tailor, customize PHPNuke to your very own needs:

now we have HTML-Module v 0. 1

Version: 0.1
filesize : 635.32 Kb
created: 29 Sep 2005 17:20:16
downloaded: 45

the developer; "Hello.. He module HTML it is an addon that allows to visualize your pages .html or .htm directly to their phpnuke from a directory determined in the index.php of the module html.
Download Module Html It doesn't modify their database, neither he needs to add him extra code to their phpnuke, the only thing is that it will activate it in the admin."

get your copy of HTML-Module v 0. 1 today :: as usual - leave feedback - the more the better to make the good module even better. "
Posted on Monday, October 03 @ 17:50:04 CEST by VinDSL
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Re: HTML-Module v 0. 1 went public - more ways to tailor Nuke to your needs! (Score: 1)
by Randomizer on Tuesday, October 04 @ 09:05:15 CEST
(User Info | Send a Message)
The module doesn't appear in my module list.
Anyone else has this problem?

Re: HTML-Module v 0. 1 went public - more ways to tailor Nuke to your needs! (Score: 1)
by Animal1313 on Wednesday, October 05 @ 22:49:41 CEST
(User Info | Send a Message)
I installed it perfectly and enabled it in Admin (for admins only at this point.), but I can't make heads nor tails out of what it supposed to do. I thought that it was something which would take my dynamic pages and turn them into static html which would be better for search engines.

I think the problem here is that I don't speak/read Spanish and the author doesn't speak/write English. I would very, very much appreciate a bilingual person setting me straight on what this module is supposed to do and how to configure it.

contact me at my site [] so I don't lose your response. Thanks.

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